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The Task is done, and David and Bea are starting to fall out.

As the housemates rehearsed for The Entertainers Task, Bea went into the Diary Room and told Big Brother she didn't have a talent and didn't know what to perform. In the end she opted to perform a presentation of fashion do's and don'ts.

The Task began but was abruptly halted when Charlie, who was performing as a clown, set off the fire extinguisher as part of his performance. Halfwit went outside because he didn't like the fumes and later went to the Diary Room and told Big Brother he was annoyed by Charlie setting it off. Quite right, that was an extremely naughty thing to do.

After the Task resumed, the rest of the housemates performed. Big Brother then asked for the most judgemental housemate to come to the Diary Room. David went in and was asked to judge the most and least entertaining housemate. He choose Hira as the most entertaining and Dogface as the least entertaining.

Later in the evening Marcus, Bea and Halfwit were in the Kitchen griping about David, who they suspect to be a ‘food bandit'. They think David has been stealing people's food and helping himself to extra portions at meal times. Bea added that she disliked David as he constantly interrupts conversations.

David said to Lisa later that he knew Bea had been bitching about him.

Siavash went to the Diary Room and revealed his cryptic plan which is not to nominate again in the hope that he will put up for Eviction.

Meanwhile, in bed, Lisa and David bitched about Bea. What goes around, comes around.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Bea and Davids arguement

It hasn't taken Bea long to find someone else to rumble with (now Kenneth, Noirin and Isaac are no longer with us). Today, her ire is focused on David. And boy did he get it.

Making breakfast, David brought up that last night Bea had accused him of stealing butter. Yeah, a little thing, but one of those things in the Big Brother House that grows mountainous. So we've got a Big Brother butter mountain, if you like.

"You were pinpointing me for taking something that wasn't mine," he told her, clearly a bit upset. "You were having little digs about it. I'm not a thief and i'd rather starve than take anyone's butter."

"I didn't say you were a thief," she said.

"That's how it came across," she snapped. "But if we're getting things out in the open, I've felt you've been snappy with me."

"Oh Bea, I don't want to talk about it," said David, making his cereal.

"Why have you been snappy with me? Other people have said it," she said.

"Like who?" asked David, surprised.

"I'm not gonna name names, you'll just have a go at them," said Bea.

"I don't snap at anyone Bea," said David. But Bea wasn't having it, telling him she was always asking him what was wrong.

"Believe me if there was something, you'd be the last person I'd tell," he said.

Suddenly Bea's face broke into acute hurt, as if someone had just run over her favourite kitten.

"Why are you being so horrible to me?" she demanded.

"I genuinely don't know what you're talking about," he said, shaking his head. "How have I been horrible?"

"I'm really shocked now and I'm really upset," she said, bottom lip quivering. "There's no need to be mean."

Bea stormed out of the Kitchen leaving David wondering what had caused that tsunami of emotion. Lisa looked on, hiding a cheeky smirk at what she'd just witnessed.

"Have I been mean?" asked David.

"No," said Lisa, not adding anymore.

Don't think this is the end of it...
Lets see who can predict what she does when she walks out of the kitchen.

I think she will find the room with the most hm's in it and start crying 'David is being so nasty to me, I don't know why. He just came in the kitchen and started shouting at me. I don't understand, I have done nothing wrong to him, I have been nothing but supportive of him and he is nasty to me like this'.

All in time for noms tomorrow. So David is one of the hms up for eviction. Who else?
Originally posted by shar69:
Lets see who can predict what she does when she walks out of the kitchen.

I think she will find the room with the most hm's in it and start crying 'David is being so nasty to me, I don't know why. He just came in the kitchen and started shouting at me. I don't understand, I have done nothing wrong to him, I have been nothing but supportive of him and he is nasty to me like this'.

All in time for noms tomorrow. So David is one of the hms up for eviction. Who else?

yep agree, Bea dont get upset she usually finds it all funny, so actress mode in full effect.
Originally posted by Justafriend:
is she hoping Lisa will get involved maybe thats the plan.

Ah good thinking. I am sure that when she is relaying her story to the rest of the hm's, Lisa will have done something, maybe she will change it to Lisa and David have just been really nasty to me... ooooooo the plot thickens, well it does in my head anyway. Big Grin
Originally posted by Justafriend:

...Suddenly Bea's face broke into acute hurt, as if someone had just run over her favourite kitten.

"Why are you being so horrible to me?" she demanded....

Laugh Laugh Laugh

Cannot stand the lanky po-faced mare. But, maaaaaan! She's GOOD! Nod Laugh
Originally posted by Mollie:
Bea and marcus are working the hm's ... David will be up for sure.,... hmm wonder who else they will pin point... probably Lisa!

Really hope Marcus or bea is up!!

Glad you can see Mollie what stirring manipulative git Marcus is, and now Bea seems to be his next assistant since Noirin left. What annoys me is that HM's are either too scared of him, or haven't sussed him. The only one I think would expose his nasty ways is Rodrigo.
Senora Reyes
Originally posted by Justafriend:
Bea and Davids arguement

It hasn't taken Bea long to find someone else to rumble with (now Kenneth, Noirin and Isaac are no longer with us). Today, her ire is focused on David. And boy did he get it.

Making breakfast, David brought up that last night Bea had accused him of stealing butter. Yeah, a little thing, but one of those things in the Big Brother House that grows mountainous. So we've got a Big Brother butter mountain, if you like.

"You were pinpointing me for taking something that wasn't mine," he told her, clearly a bit upset. "You were having little digs about it. I'm not a thief and i'd rather starve than take anyone's butter."

"I didn't say you were a thief," she said.

"That's how it came across," she snapped. "But if we're getting things out in the open, I've felt you've been snappy with me."

"Oh Bea, I don't want to talk about it," said David, making his cereal.

"Why have you been snappy with me? Other people have said it," she said.

"Like who?" asked David, surprised.

"I'm not gonna name names, you'll just have a go at them," said Bea.

"I don't snap at anyone Bea," said David. But Bea wasn't having it, telling him she was always asking him what was wrong.

"Believe me if there was something, you'd be the last person I'd tell," he said.

Suddenly Bea's face broke into acute hurt, as if someone had just run over her favourite kitten.

"Why are you being so horrible to me?" she demanded.

"I genuinely don't know what you're talking about," he said, shaking his head. "How have I been horrible?"

"I'm really shocked now and I'm really upset," she said, bottom lip quivering. "There's no need to be mean."

Bea stormed out of the Kitchen leaving David wondering what had caused that tsunami of emotion. Lisa looked on, hiding a cheeky smirk at what she'd just witnessed.

"Have I been mean?" asked David.

"No," said Lisa, not adding anymore.

Don't think this is the end of it...

David brought up that last night Bea had accused him of stealing butter.

"Oh Bea, I don't want to talk about it," said David, making his cereal.

So why bring it up in the first place, David? Smiler
Cold Sweat
Great! Bea's after Lisa and David.

My 2 most disliked hm's, after Charlie.

Hira won most entertaining hm? Eeker

Although i do love the 'just out of the main shot' clips, on the highlights shows, of her feeble exercise routines Laugh
The Guru
Originally posted by Senora Reyes:
Originally posted by Mollie:
Bea and marcus are working the hm's ... David will be up for sure.,... hmm wonder who else they will pin point... probably Lisa!

Really hope Marcus or bea is up!!

Glad you can see Mollie what stirring manipulative git Marcus is, and now Bea seems to be his next assistant since Noirin left. What annoys me is that HM's are either too scared of him, or haven't sussed him. The only one I think would expose his nasty ways is Rodrigo.

Is it me or are the things that Marcus is telling people that Noirin said about them actually mostly the things he was saying about them to Noirin. Rodrigo has said in the diary room that Noirin said he would step over anyone to win the show. I am sure Marcus said that to Noirin a few weeks ago. What I am not sure of is did Noirin say this to him or has Marcus told him this is what Noirin has said?
Originally posted by shar69:
Originally posted by Senora Reyes:
Originally posted by Mollie:
Bea and marcus are working the hm's ... David will be up for sure.,... hmm wonder who else they will pin point... probably Lisa!

Really hope Marcus or bea is up!!

Glad you can see Mollie what stirring manipulative git Marcus is, and now Bea seems to be his next assistant since Noirin left. What annoys me is that HM's are either too scared of him, or haven't sussed him. The only one I think would expose his nasty ways is Rodrigo.

Is it me or are the things that Marcus is telling people that Noirin said about them actually mostly the things he was saying about them to Noirin. Rodrigo has said in the diary room that Noirin said he would step over anyone to win the show. I am sure Marcus said that to Noirin a few weeks ago. What I am not sure of is did Noirin say this to him or has Marcus told him this is what Noirin has said?

i never know when to believe Marcus.
it continues

And still the Bea/David row rages on.

David is mortally upset now about being accused of being a bully, while Bea has sought solace in the manly armpit of Marcus. And really, once presented with that welcoming, gaping, hairy expanse, who wouldn't?

"He flew completely off the handle," she told Marcus, cuddling in. "Oh Marcus, he's horrible! Who the hell does he think he is?!"

"I don't think it's entirely him organising that," said Marcus.

Bea went on at Marcus, having found a sympathetic ear. Although Marcus was convinced it was Lisa pulling the strings.

"She mentioned the butter," he told Bea.

"He's not stupid. No-one can be that stupid," said Bea, a bit confusingly.

"She can't argue," began Marcus. "So she has to get other people to do it for her. She's like a dog with no teeth. You're the top woman at this end of the room and she's the top woman at that end, so you're a threat."

"I find David fake," said Bea. "Really fake!"

But Marcus was off on one now. "You're the biggest threat in the House to her."

Then Halfwit entered the Bedroom and told Bea that David was upset at being called a bully.

"He's not a bully," she said. "It was just heat of the moment. He's too stupid to be a bully."

Bea and Marcus carried on their discussion, with Marcus visibly becoming more and more angry. "I'll have a word with him. If he gets lairy I'll shout at him and make him turn white."

Yeah, that'll definitely calm things down.

Marcus stormed off to the Kitchen to have a go at David, but David listened and shrugged, dousing Marcus' flames.

David went back into the Bedroom and started talking to Bea again.

"I don't think you're a bully," she told him. "I just think you're mean."

"I think bully is a very harsh word," he replied.

"I think you've bullied me," she said. Make your mind up, love.

"How?" I wasn't in your face. I was calm," stressed David.

"You don't need to be threatening to be a bully," she whined.

"You should keep your distance if that's what you think," he told her. "I'm past caring."

"I think you are mean and unpleasant," said Bea, going at him again.

Talk about a dog with a bone...
Originally posted by longcat:
Bea doesn't like many people. She is far nastier than Lisa ever was but she seems to get away with it more because its entertaining. Or is it because she is prettier and speaks nicely?

No, she is cleverer than Lisa and that's the long and short of it. Bea wraps her venom up in a neat sweet little parcel, ties a ribbon on it, and then she goes for the killer punch straight to the jugular.
Twee Surgeon
Originally posted by Kaytee:
Originally posted by Justafriend:
another update......
davids crying in the garden with lisa.

Oh Gawd!...Charlie will be blubbing soon for the attention.
While capering round dressed a clown and telling everyone "I'm daft as a brush, me". That's about the extent of his act.
captain marbles
Originally posted by darloboy07:
Beas dishing out her venom Mad, but tbf Lisa and David were bitching in the bedroom yesterday so they are both as bad as each other but Bea is more clever and sly.

I'd say Bea is being very blatant, rather than sly.

Sly is David and Lisa bitching under the duvets last night or David bringing up the butter argument one minute and the next saying he doesn't want to talk about it as he's not bothered.
The Guru
Originally posted by The Guru:
Originally posted by darloboy07:
Beas dishing out her venom Mad, but tbf Lisa and David were bitching in the bedroom yesterday so they are both as bad as each other but Bea is more clever and sly.

I'd say Bea is being very blatant, rather than sly.

Sly is David and Lisa bitching under the duvets last night or David bringing up the butter argument one minute and the next saying he doesn't want to talk about it as he's not bothered.

You`ve got a good point there.

I think David has made a big mistake palling up with Lisa.
She`s very good at getting others to do her dirty work for her!
Originally posted by captain marbles:
Bea's pretty damn keen about seeing David nommed this week. I thought she'd be concentrating on Lisa.

I am pretty sure she will be nominating Lisa and Dave this week and they will be returning the favour!
David was lying (supported by Lisa.)
David had been a "food bandit".
David is a two-faced bad man (and annoying at the same time.)
If Bea can show he (and perhaps Lisa) have been duplicitous, then good for her I say.

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