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Party Night

The row about whether or not housemates should have nominated continued into the evening.

While David and Lisa were at the bus stop and Charlie and Rodrigo were in the pool, they debated over whether nominating was β€˜fair'. David and Lisa said that they simply played by the Big Brother rules.

Sophie was called to the Diary Room and Big Brother asked her about the earlier argument and why it had happened. She talked about the divide in the House, saying she really liked Lisa and had no problems with David. Strange. Thought she called Lisa a β€˜little *****' earlier in the day?

Sophie also said that David followed Lisa around all the time and when he first came in to the House he was nice, and independent. But all they did now was drink tea and smoke and they didn't interact with the rest of the housemates.

Later Sophie and Rodrigo had a chat. Rodrigo said the day's arguments had helped him as he had been upset about leaving the House but now he wanted to go. Sophie admitted she was counting down the days but told Rodrigo to try and enjoy himself nevertheless.

Just before 9pm the housemates were treated to a party with food and booze, and they quickly glugged down the champagne. At first David and Lisa didn't dance but after one song they joined in.

But the party mood was dampened as paranoia set in, with all the housemates deciding that the reason for the party was so that Big Brother could stage a surprise Eviction there and then.

Retreating to the Bus Stop from the party an hour later, Lisa told David that she was happy to leave the House as long as she knew she had been an entertaining housemate.

Siavash went to the Diary Room saying that he thought it was funny that Charlie, Sophie and Rodrigo are excluding Lisa and David when last week they excluded him for doing what they had done earlier in the day - not nominating. He said that his opinion of David and Lisa hadn't changed but they shouldn't be excluded from the group for sticking to the rules.

Back in the Party Room, Rodrigo laughed that David and Lisa were boring. Charlie joined in saying that if it was just them who remained in the House, it would be very dull.

"Such a *****, Charlie.' Lisa responded, leading Charlie to argue that at least he was entertaining.

Shortly before 11pm Lisa and David left the party and sat in the Garden. Lisa was angry with Charlie for joking that she and David weren't entertaining housemates. She labeled Charlie false and fake, saying, "**** with me, play with me and I'll give it back worse."

At 12.40am, with the housemates in bed, Charlie got out of bed and banged a spoon against the metal tray and gongs near Lisa and David. He then jumped back into bed.

"You're an idiot, Charlie" spat Lisa, clearly angry.

"I know." Charlie replied.

Just after 1am Lisa and David decided to go for a ciggie. On the way out Lisa shouted "BOO ******* idiot" in Charlie's ear. Charlie told her he was already awake, and Rodrigo laughed.

House divide? Only the size of the Grand Canyon...

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Siavash went to the Diary Room saying that he thought it was funny that Charlie, Sophie and Rodrigo are excluding Lisa and David when last week they excluded him for doing what they had done earlier in the day - not nominating

I think Siavash is being a bit unfair towards Sophie here. She also didn't nominate last week - and from the footage that i have seen, certainly didn't exclude him.
Cold Sweat
Originally posted by Cold Sweat:
Siavash went to the Diary Room saying that he thought it was funny that Charlie, Sophie and Rodrigo are excluding Lisa and David when last week they excluded him for doing what they had done earlier in the day - not nominating

I think Siavash is being a bit unfair towards Sophie here. She also didn't nominate last week - and from the footage that i have seen, certainly didn't exclude him.
She was the only one who stood by him why is he saying she excluded him he is a fair weathered friend indeed.
Originally posted by Marguerita:
Originally posted by Cold Sweat:
Siavash went to the Diary Room saying that he thought it was funny that Charlie, Sophie and Rodrigo are excluding Lisa and David when last week they excluded him for doing what they had done earlier in the day - not nominating

I think Siavash is being a bit unfair towards Sophie here. She also didn't nominate last week - and from the footage that i have seen, certainly didn't exclude him.
She was the only one who stood by him why is he saying she excluded him he is a fair weathered friend indeed.

Morning Marge, I think he said that they are excluding Lisa and David, not him. That kind of ganging up has always been a bone of contension with him, hence the erratic nominating pattern. Hug
cologne 1
Originally posted by cologne1:
Originally posted by Marguerita:
Originally posted by Cold Sweat:
Siavash went to the Diary Room saying that he thought it was funny that Charlie, Sophie and Rodrigo are excluding Lisa and David when last week they excluded him for doing what they had done earlier in the day - not nominating

I think Siavash is being a bit unfair towards Sophie here. She also didn't nominate last week - and from the footage that i have seen, certainly didn't exclude him.
She was the only one who stood by him why is he saying she excluded him he is a fair weathered friend indeed.

Morning Marge, I think he said that they are excluding Lisa and David, not him. That kind of ganging up has always been a bone of contension with him, hence the erratic nominating pattern. Hug
Hi cologne he said Rodrigo Charlie and Sophie excluded him last week thats how I read it Confused he could have said with the exception of Sophie sorry but I dont trust the guy Hug
Originally posted by Marguerita:
Originally posted by cologne1:
Originally posted by Marguerita:
Originally posted by Cold Sweat:
Siavash went to the Diary Room saying that he thought it was funny that Charlie, Sophie and Rodrigo are excluding Lisa and David when last week they excluded him for doing what they had done earlier in the day - not nominating

I think Siavash is being a bit unfair towards Sophie here. She also didn't nominate last week - and from the footage that i have seen, certainly didn't exclude him.
She was the only one who stood by him why is he saying she excluded him he is a fair weathered friend indeed.

Morning Marge, I think he said that they are excluding Lisa and David, not him. That kind of ganging up has always been a bone of contension with him, hence the erratic nominating pattern. Hug
Hi cologne he said Rodrigo Charlie and Sophie excluded him last week thats how I read it Confused he could have said with the exception of Sophie sorry but I dont trust the guy Hug

Yes, sorry, I missed that bit. I think he just finds it hypocritical that they moaned about him last week for not nominating (not Sophie), but this week they are moaning about Lisa and David for nominating. Smiler
cologne 1
Originally posted by Jenny:
Originally posted by Mollie:
Poor ol Siavash hates when people are excluded even when he is not crazy about them... shows the measure of who he is... such a decent nice genuine guy!! He totally deserves to win!!!

More like "look at me Mr Nice Guy. I stand up for all the poor unfortunates". He doesn't fool me.

Thta's why he stuck by Freddie when he was excluded, it's a good job Freddie had Marcus and Siavash or he had no one. I don't think including people is trying to fool anyone, I would have thought whatever your thoughts on people it would be the decent thing to do in the cicumstances.
Originally posted by Dame_Ann_Average:
Originally posted by Jenny:
Originally posted by Mollie:
Poor ol Siavash hates when people are excluded even when he is not crazy about them... shows the measure of who he is... such a decent nice genuine guy!! He totally deserves to win!!!

More like "look at me Mr Nice Guy. I stand up for all the poor unfortunates". He doesn't fool me.

Thta's why he stuck by Freddie when he was excluded, it's a good job Freddie had Marcus and Siavash or he had no one. I don't think including people is trying to fool anyone, I would have thought whatever your thoughts on people it would be the decent thing to do in the cicumstances.

Correct. I really don't think he's set out to fool anybody. It's been a thankless task for him to stick to his guns and the only time he might have had confirmation that he was doing the right thing came last Friday.
cologne 1
Originally posted by Mollie:
Honestly I think charlie has to go on tues.. cat among the pigeons springs to mind...

Poor ol Siavash hates when people are excluded even when he is not crazy about them... shows the measure of who he is... such a decent nice genuine guy!! He totally deserves to win!!!

I can't get the headline 'Conman SeeTheCash Impresses Infatuated Followers With His Bottom Bile!' out of my mind!

..or 'SeeTheCash Really Can Talk Out Of Every Orifice! Laugh

As for Charlie, good for him telling Lisa what he really thinks of her. I remember when he was chatting to Freddie and Lisa Kris and Karly marched over waving fingers, his face was one of shock and disappointment. But let's be clear here, before the masses curse the lad, had it have been wimpvash, rods or marcus, they would have been elevated to 'they stood by him in the face of adversity' mode!

First DR rant was Charlie, now the Conman 'pops' Sophie... oh deary me

trust me people Crazy
Siavash is laughing at the hypocracy of people ganging up on ppl for their actions, and then doing the same actions themselves.
In this instance imo fm's are jumping on a particular unspecific word, namely 'they'. siavash uses the word they, it doesn't necessarily refer to the whole list of hm's including Sophie, I think he has more insight than that. But hey ho, if we're clutching straws just don't suck too hard.

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