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I've just checked with my friend that her daughter is on this tomorrow. Anyway Katie got the part (she had to audition) but our local council had no one available to sign the licence they need!! Can you believe it?! The lady was on holiday and there was no one else City of Westminster Council (where the school is) are very good as they know the school and are used to issuing licences at short notice but you have to get the licence where you live. Huff! The BBC won't let you on without the licence - what a shame However Katie has just got a part in Matilda at the RSC in Stratford!
what a shame However Katie has just got a part in Matilda at the RSC in Stratford!
Oh that really is a shame liver, how ridiculous that there isn't someone who can cover the licensing officers work when she is on leave. Surely she has a line manager who could do it in her absence...Anyway, good news re her other part,  best make sure that she applies for a licence in plenty of time!
Apparently they need them at short notice all the time - in doesn't cover say, a year,but you have to get one for every production you do! I know it does seem ridiculous! That's why the City of Westminster council are so good as they know the stage school and how it all works.
Thanks Supes, they hope it might transfer to London.
I don't mind who wins, as long as it isn't Lauren.
 Same here
Bookies definitely think Lauren will go first, then likely Danielle to win and Sophie to come second. I really don't mind which of those two win, (voted for both of them last week.) Danielle has probably been the best overall, but then I think Sophie has really come on and did really well last week.

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