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A couple of days ago, I posted a poll to ask people to vote on what name they liked for our new 9 month old cat that we got from cats protection, and the most votes came up for Misty ... (Pebbles was second, and Coco was third....)

Last night I posted a thread to say that Misty was the winner and this was the name we were going with, but this morning, our daughter spoke to a pal who said THEIR new kitten they had 2 weeks ago was called Misty; and now she has a bee in her bonnet about the girl saying 'are you copying me?! Kids eh?? And THEN her pal said her OTHER cat was called Pebbles. Gets better doesn't it? Laugh

So, we are changing it to COCO. Sorry for the mesing about folks and thanks to EVERYONE who voted and those who put forward suggestions of their own too. And also, thank you for the nice comments and kind compliments about her.

SO we chose COCO! Smiler And it will NOT be changing. I told our daughter that I don't care if someone else has a cat with the same name; we can't keep changing it! Once is enough...


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