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I remember when i was at Uni and was making a documentary about the 'paranormal' and how people react to it. (FYI I do not believe in it).


Anyway, I made a mock Ouija Board as was going to use it on some people in my doc. I put a glass on it, asked if 'anyone was there'. The glass didn't move but the door, upstairs in my student house, slammed shut (i was home alone).  So i legged it down the pub.


I feel I have to give a warning on here because I know how people can be deceived, so I will just quote this (which gives a warning of how these 'messages from beyond the grave' can be used to deceive and harm.


Several years ago, my wife and I met with one of my former co-workers after she (the co-worker) told me her deceased father had been appearing to her.  She was awake during these apparitions and was having conversations with the spirit. She said that her father had died about a year earlier.  When he started appearing to her about a year later, she said she was certain it really was him because he told her things that only the two of them knew about.  We asked her if she was familiar with what the Bible had to say about talking with the dead?  Predictably, she said she was not.

We explained to her that in spite of how much comfort this spirit was bringing her, that unfortunately it was not really her father.  God tells us very clearly that the dead are not able to communicate with us.  We also cannot communicate with them.  However, God does warn us to avoid these kinds of contacts because Satan and other demons can use them to deceive us. 

We explained to her that the reason this spirit knew about this secret information is because her father and her were really not alone when they shared this information with each other while he was still alive.  Their actions and words had been witnessed by one or more demons who were then able to repeat these details to her later during these apparitions. 
The secret [things belong] unto the LORD our God: but those [things which are] revealed [belong] unto us and to our children for ever, that [we] may do all the words of this law.
Deuteronomy 29:29

"Secret knowledge" that God has not revealed to us about the universe, the future, etc. is sometimes given to people by demons. It sometimes contains some accurate information, but also is often wrong and intentionally misleading.  Modern examples of misleading information revealed by demons include the Urantia book, the Marian apparitions, and TV shows about communicating with the dead like Beyond, and Crossing Over. 


And Summer I definitely do believe you but would just, in love, warn you to be so careful.


Spiritualist churches are not Christian churches sad to say.   I am sure they mean well, but stay well clear.  God is real but so is Satan and he will use anything he can to fool people.  I don't warn people lightly but this really IS  a matter of life and death.  I can only say what I believe and of course everyone has to make up their own mind but I couldn't live with myself if I didn't speak out.  You know how much I care about you Summer


Do not turn to mediums or spiritists; do not seek them out to be defiled by them. I am the LORD your God. 
Leviticus 19:31 (NAV)


For such [are] false apostles, deceitful workers, transforming themselves into the apostles of Christ. And no marvel; for Satan himself is transformed into an angel of light.  
2 Corinthians 11:13-14 (KJV)

During the late 19th century, planchettes were widely sold as a novelty. The businessmen Elijah Bond and Charles Kennard had the idea to patent a planchette sold with a board on which the alphabet was printed. The patentees filed on May 28, 1890 for patent protection and thus had invented the first Ouija board. Issue date on the patent was February 10, 1891. They received U.S. Patent 446,054. Bond was an attorney and was an inventor of other objects in addition to this device. An employee of Kennard, William Fuld took over the talking board production and in 1901, he started production of his own boards under the name "Ouija".[12] Kennard claimed he learned the name "Ouija" from using the board and that it was an ancient Egyptian word meaning "good luck." When Fuld took over production of the boards, he popularized the more widely accepted etymology, that the name came from a combination of the French and German words for "yes".[13] The Fuld name would become synonymous with the Ouija board, as Fuld reinvented its history, claiming that he himself had invented it. The strange talk about the boards from Fuld's competitors flooded the market and all these boards enjoyed a heyday from the 1920s through the 1960s. Fuld sued many companies over the "Ouija" name and concept right up until his death in 1927. In 1966, Fuld's estate sold the entire business to Parker Brothers, who continues to hold all trademarks and patents. About ten brands of talking boards are sold today under various names.[12]


Originally Posted by Blizz'ard:
Originally Posted by Avalon:

Weren't Ouija boards banned from sale in shops in Britain some time ago?  I seem to recall someone telling me that you used to be able to buy them in toy shops etc until the late sixties

It was invented as a toy and the patent is owned by Hasbro, I think.  

Ensign Muf

For those who believe, no explanation is necessary.

For those who do not believe, no explanation is possible.

Sweet Summer I loved your post and can only say I've had a multitude of similar things happen to me over the years.  Some very very recent after the death of my brother (who was a devout disbeliever).  I don't think he is now tho.

Originally Posted by Aquarius:

For those who believe, no explanation is necessary.

For those who do not believe, no explanation is possible.

Sweet Summer I loved your post and can only say I've had a multitude of similar things happen to me over the years.  Some very very recent after the death of my brother (who was a devout disbeliever).  I don't think he is now tho.


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