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Apprently theres a hostage situation....couple of car loads of blokes were round earlier and put through the windows of one of the local scumbags....someone that lives nearer sadi gunshots were heard (not by me though).

But this is the same bloke who nicked my husbands knowledge bike years ago and got away with it cos the police didn;t have enough reason to go knocking at his house and look for it....

Oh apart from several neighbours who saw him wheeling it though his garden gate!

Karmas great innit?
and she got scared and hid... Behind the net curtain!!

It'd be better if it was winter cos theres too many leaves on the trees blocking the view

What's happening now?

BTW that's awful about the bike!

Maybe you could ask the police to have a look for it now, whilst they're there? Legit excuse to get closer to the action......
Baby Bunny
Dunno if he's been nicked but I think he's got some front wanting protection from the old bill after all the aggro he causes, he been done for all sorts. The dad is in prison, the mothers been done for dealing, and he got taught red handed hurtling someone house a couple of years back...and itsonly 21....even when the kids were younger they knew to avoid him cos he was known To carry a knife. Most of the familis round here are good as gold but there's about 3 dodgy families...theirs is one of them
Well the 11 between husband and kids I now have the full facts.

Its seems that said scrote down the road and his mate (who are living in the house cos I think both parents are banged up) had grabbed some kid of 13/14 and had him held hostage in the house and were torturing him (guns and staffs were used)...

So the boys/blokes that all came of whom is a slightly older playmate of my 11 year old...were friends of the kid that was a hostage....they smashed all the windows and broke the door down to get their mate out...they then went off but when they went in the other two fired at them and went out the back of the house through the garden across the field at the back and scarpered...they've not been seen since....

It was next door that had called the police...the police are still at the house now...possibly waiting to see if the scrote puts in an appearance or tries to sneak back to get some of his stuff

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