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Just realised I didn't even attempt to answer any of your questions

I'm new to it all aswell, so others on here may know more, but when I was looking for home study and the subject(s) I was interested in,  I found the OU website the easiest to navigate and get the info I want in the first instance.

I then called them up and they were great They explained everything in detail. You can apply for funding/part funding if you have certain circumstances (like you are on benefits or have a low income) - the guys at the end of the phone will be able to tell you more.

Regarding how long it takes, it depends on what you want to study and what qualification you want to achieve at the end of it (or maybe you just want to do it for leisure reasons?) Once I decided on the course I wanted to take they reserved my place on it there and then which made sure it was secure but also meant I could sort out funding and other stuff in the meantime.

I don't know really DiD... I would imagine you don't need any money to enroll when you go, you will be able to pay that later. Maybe you would need some ID? Does the college have a contact person for the course you're interested in? You could call up before you went to see what sort of thing you would need to take

What are you thinking of doing?
My advice would be to check with the college! I did a one year GSCE in Maths last year, as I needed it for the teaching course I'm about to start. Usually you have to register, bringing along proof of ID and address, Fees will vary according to the course. Mine was free, but I understand that they are charging this year!
Is it at a 'proper college' where you'll be attending lessons or is it one of these home learning courses?

I've just enrolled for a home learning Latin course but it's sponsored by Cambridge University.  Very bliddy expensive and I'm on benefits and I have to pay for it myself - no concessions.   I wanted to do some A levels but having seen some of the reviews for the home learning colleges I'm afraid to spend my money on them as the reviews were awful   Doing it the way I'll be doing will be 3 years to get me to GCSE standard then another two years for the A Levels.  Although this course is twice as expensive as the home learning ones, the advantage is that you get E-tutoring so I have a lesson online which is perfect for me   I'm then going to do an MA in Classics with the OU.  Nothing like having a plan for the rest of your life    I'm also going to supplement my study with a basic course at my local language college which will only be a tenner so I hope to be speaking Latin fluently very soon 

Most colleges will allow you to pay by instalments  if you are a low wage earner  just be careful you don't end up spending twice as much!   Good luck and I hope you enjoy it 
Is it at a 'proper college' where you'll be attending lessons or is it one of these home learning courses?
Hi Pengy Yes, it's a proper College here in Bolton. I didn't fancy the Home Learning as the fella who came to see me was VERY pushy and I just didn't like him....

I'll just have to go along this afternoon and see what they say, I'm not afraid to ask questions so I'll be fine, it's just daunting as I've never enrolled before...1st time for everything I guess.

Blimey, good for you, Latin! I imagine it a hard language to get the hang of, but I'm sure you'll be fine...I'm rubbish at languages...better at figures TBH and I do some of the accounts at work, i just want to know the ins and outs and WHY I am doing these things.

As I already do some accounts, I guess I'll just have to clear my mind to what I already do and am starting the course from scratch, even though the Tutor fella i saw at college back in February said I could maybe start on a higher level....fingers crossed
The Devil In Diamante
As I already do some accounts, I guess I'll just have to clear my mind to what I already do and am starting the course from scratch, even though the Tutor fella i saw at college back in February said I could maybe start on a higher level....fingers crossed
If you like accountancy then you're taking a step in the right direction   I have a few friends who've done AAT followed by CIMA.  They were lucky as their work place sponsored them.  Can your work place not do that?

I hate figures - maths and adding and subtraction are swear words to me  

I think it will definitely help you to progress up the career ladder.  It will be hard but worth it in the end I promise - pinky promise
I'll just have to go along this afternoon and see what they say, I'm not afraid to ask questions so I'll be fine, it's just daunting as I've never enrolled before...1st time for everything I guess.
Sounds like the best idea

I'd be proper rubbish at a home learning thing.... I'm far too lazy and lack any sort of self motivation
Now that's not the proper atitude for a student diamante!
Of course! Doh! Drinking lots of dirty beer is even more acceptable now

Don't forget to join the student union to get some discount on books and stuff   you can do it online  awwww our Devil is going to big school
Ooooo, I never knew about the Student Union thing...i wonder if I can get student discount in places

It'll be like the first day at the 'big School' all over again!!!!!! oh my!
The Devil In Diamante

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