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Well done to those who got their A level results today - I remember this day last year only too well, and the help and support I got from others on here when things didn't go to plan with my oldest son - is that REALLY a year ago?
mad innit!!!

And here I am ...   a year later...   starting to feel all the same screwed up emotions cos she is gonna be leaving me again in a few weeks

Well done on your boys AS results Moomin (an easier year for you this year)....

If I knew my bloody daughters results I might not be feeling so sentimental towards her...   I might actually be getting her packed & ready to go back to school and hit the books with a dirty great rocket up her rear end!
I'm sure Ickle must have done ok - she did really well last year, didn't she?
yeah.... her GCSE's were outstanding.

She did really well with her first results at xmas too!    It was the following ones (they may have been mocks) that nose dived.    It has been a mixed blessing her getting that scholarship...   she initially discovered having a social life.... and her academics went to pot!

The crappy results (first time ever for her)... really shook her up though...  so hopefully (fingers crossed) todays results (whenever I get them)..   will be better.

I know she started to get back into a better studying regime during her last term.
ditty xx soopes xx........she's been trying to look at uni's reasonably close to home......(keeps the old cost down!)......she did look at b'mth uni which would be ideal as its about 10 mins away from our house.......but i don't think they do the course she wants

ditty how weird would it be if our daughters ended up at southampton?.....they'd be like 'my mum goes on this weird bb forum'.....'oh god! mine too!'.......
Well done to all the Gaga offspring   

I can't imagine the stress and nerves in the A2 year!   Reading about all the A2 results is making me all nervous about next year already!!

My son got his AS results today (A, B, D). He was very happy, and a bit shocked because the B and D were the opposite way round to what he had expected

Spongey, my son is looking at uni's close by too. Only the closest isn't really that close. We're not sure whether staying at home will offset the travel costs to make it worth while yet.

To be honest, as painful as it would be, I would prefer him to move away and get the "full" uni experience, but he doesn't seem to care about that and would rather stay at home. Shouldn't it be the other way around?
I may not put Blizz Junior's in here, now!
please do!!

Ickle's grades are what they should bloody well be...   its expected of her... she is on a ÂĢ60k scholarship!  

Put it this way, as proud as I am of her...   I am even more impressed with Ducky's boy getting his B in Statistics...  cos I know how much he was struggling earlier this year.   Its all relative n all that!

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