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It just incenses me Cologne.
It's one thing to have respect for the right of countries to self determination over their own laws but this gender apartheid should be something the world should act on.
Pre 9/11 I spent several afternoons demonstrating about the conditions that women in Afghanistan were being subjected to.
Not many people seemed to care that much
I've watched this piece of news with tears in my eyes. Mahmoud Ahmadinejad went to the UN and was allowed to spout his nonsense. I don't know what can be done if there are people who are actually willing to throw stones at this woman buried half way in the ground. She says she's not guilty (in the Iranian view), but she had 90 lashes 5 years ago and then they decided to impose the death penalty withouth another proper trial. I just can't comprehend this.
cologne 1
Sad, really sad Always the fault of women!
I know this is controversial, but that is the reason I am suspicious of muslim religion. Not per se, please understand, but what comes across is the persecusion of women. I'd love to see an uprising of the real muslim religion and tell the once who misinterpret the Quoran where they get it wrong.
cologne 1
I know this is controversial, but that is the reason I am suspicious of muslim religion. Not per se, please understand, but what comes across is the persecusion of women. I'd love to see an uprising of the real muslim religion and tell the once who misinterpret the Quoran where they get it wrong.
All partiarchal religions have or are still persecuting women need to pick on just muslims.  Do you think Christianity is free from it?  From witch burnings up to the Magdalen laundries, the allowing of institutional rape within marriage, control over their reproduction, forced adoptions from single women parents  etc etc...  

just because we don't have anything as drastic as stoning in this country now, don't think for a minute that women's second class role in society  has not been totally down to our Christian heritage...and if we did not keep the Christian voice down here, who knows what crap you and me would have to endure. 

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