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I purchased (using my Mastercard) an integrated fridge freezer from the internet (a company named 'Jual') which arrived yesterday morning - after opening it it had a a huge moulding dent on the ceiling of the fridge a few 'pot hole dents on the back wall of the fridge section too and the seals on both the fridge and freezers were either not stuck in places or were 'squashed at the corners, the leak-out pipe at the back of the fridge isn't connected and a joint by the control panel isn't clicked into place (I'm not pushing it incase it breaks/won't fit). I phoned the compay immediately who told me to get in touch with the manufacturers however, they then decided as they didb't have the maufacturers number on their site listing that I should e-mail photos of the problems to them - my hubby did this last night, so I'm going to have to ring the company soon. Where do I stand? I really want a refund to my mastercard and them to pick up the freezer - I don't want an exchange as I don't like the quality of the product from what I've seen. I'd rather go to Boots or currys/comet now. This company ios in Yorkshire, I l,ive in South Wales. Do I have to accept an exchange of product or am I entitled to the money being refunded to my card?
I'm thick with consumer rights, any one know about these things?

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Well I've just spoken to them and they have tried their best to get me to 'exchange' the FF but I just said " No, sorry the product was badly made and full of defects that I'm not taking a chance with another one'. They offered another FF but I said no,  I'll shop else where (which is true).Apparently she's getting back to me after 2pm - I did request a refund of delivery charges but I'm not sure if they're going to do this as yet - I'll know more this afternoon hopefully. They can't pick the FF up until next week so they obviously won't refund my credit card until then - hopefully I won't get the bill before they do this as I always pay my cards off in full as not to pay interest and UI need to order another FF using this card - well I could use another card (they don't know this).
If they quibble just quote this at them.

Under Distance selling regulations, you have seven working days to cancel after receiving the goods or if it's a service you have seven working days to cancel the contract, which actually means you have more rights when you buy stuff on the web (or mail order) than you do for buying in a shop.
Under Distance selling regulations, you have seven working days to cancel after receiving the goods or if it's a service you have seven working days to cancel the contract, which actually means you have more rights when you buy stuff on the web (or mail order) than you do for buying in a shop.
Will do croc - I might have an MA in English but I'm crap at dealing with this sort of thing so your help is so appreciated - I did read that I have more 'rights' but I need to phrase it correctly to sound as if I know what I'm talking about!
Something like that its best to buy as you say in a recognised retailer...or find what you want and see if you can get the same make and model online
Yes, so true - 'once bitten ....' as they say, never again! Although I did see the free standing version in Currys but this integrated version was another thing altogther, really strange!
To let you know, they didn't phone back @ 2pm - so I rang them at my expense again at 2.30pm - they cannot give me a date for pick up - only it'll be within 28 days - to which I informed them I let them know within half an hour of any defaults/pics within 12 hours and e-mailed forward - their request was to be within 24 hrs.
I also informed them that I will be away from the 11th October for 3-4 weeks - thus I would have paid any outstanding bill off in full prior to departure - but being they've delivered faulty goods they are sticking to a 28 day notice - I've phoned M&S' Mastercard and they can only say I/we should let them know if they haven't agreed a time by the time the bill is due and would incur charges. a case of sweet comfort imo.

Hubby phoned , suddenly the girl answering the phone is the 'director' of the company! she didn't say that when I phoned her this morning - she had to speak to him/her/it.

the leagal term is "it is not fit ofr purpose and i reject it".. tell them to get their finger out pronto, refund all changres emdeicately or you will report them.. there has ben a lot on BBC Internet news on this subject, plis i did a course years back  called "Rights and responsibilties"..which covered all this..  manufactures and retailers all know this so don'tlet them pretend otherwise. It is not right and it is not LEGAL to sell shoddy goods any more, advise them also you will get legal advise or and report to suitable goverment dept...bastwards!!
GMA for future reference if it cost more than ÂĢ100 and you used a credit card you are also able to get your money back from the credit card company.

Hope it works out for you. As long as they are a trader the Sale of Goods Act applies. Goods have to be of reasonable quality (that depends on what the goods are...) and fit for the purpose. If not you are entitled to a full refund from the retailer - that's who you have your contract with - not the manufacturer.

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