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I can't believe that anyone would suggest that she started it
neither can I .... no one asks for what happened to her no matter what they may have done ..... He was a thug who had, to put it mildly, an uncontrolable temper. The whole thing is a sorry mess, but lets not forget, she's probably been hounded for an inside story from the media ... I doubt she's been ringing them herself to see who would cough up the most.
I think no matter who she had said her new BF was he would have still gone on a rampage. In his mind she belonged to him so he was going to make her suffer. Don't even get me started on the Facebook nutters or the people who are laying flowers for him and calling him a hero. I wonder how many of them have ever laid flowers at a Cenotaph.
Aimee offline 10580 Forum Posts Yesterday at 10:32 PM Just seen on the news that she has sold her story to TNOW for a six figure sum JIMO i think she started most of this, Moat was the offender but she started the turn of events
All she did was to fall out of love with the bloke and find someone else.  She had been trying to leave him for a while after suffering years of abuse, so not sure why it is her fault.

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