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Even worse when it's the mother of said nutter who totally ignores their child's issues and lays blame at everyone else's door. Supports said nutter by putting up 5 grand bail surety to let them roam the streets again and cause even more misery to their victim/s. Oh and then mother claims no responsibility whatsoever for why their child is the way they are
And the dad was... where?
With Freud, it all boils down to his "penis envy" rubbish. I don't think he ever asked a woman if she wished she had one, or if he did, he misinterpreted the answer!
as they say, why would a woman have penis envy?   when they have a minge they can get as many penises as they want

Would have made more sense if he'd have concentrated on womb envy, and why some men might be jealous of a woman's ability to produce new life, and how this might lead to their perverse need to destroy people out of spite
Would have made more sense if he'd have concentrated on womb envy, and why some men might be jealous of a woman's ability to produce new life, and how this might lead to their perverse need to destroy people out of spite
I caused uproar among a group of old chauvinists in my office saying something similar. It started with a discussion about a local flasher who'd been in the news, and me asserting it was only blokes who felt so inadequate about their bits, they needed to wave them about
I am surprised that anyone would wish to spend too much time rehashing and reflecting on such miserable times.
If you mean specifically Sam Stobbard, I don't know mentally where she's at with all this but I think she should have maybe waited a bit longer, had some help to process and understand what went on and how she ended up with such an arsehole in the first place. I think the media have offered a bundle of cash, have caught her while she's vulnerable (they're not gonna want to report her smiling and strong a few months on - they want the tears) and are taking advantage. But she's her own person and if she wants to talk, it's totally up to her. We're all different, but how do any of us really know how we'd react if we were in her situation? I hope the police take the FB stuff seriously and offer her and the child some kind of protection (I'd imagine there will be an enquiry into what happened and she may have to give evidence so hopefully she will get witness protection which can be excellent).

If you mean in general Cosmo, then when you go through therapy you do have to revisit your experiences and relive them, not nice but is necessary if you want to be free from the crap that can prevent you from progressing. Also helps you to identify why you were attracted to violent men, where it all started, recognise patterns etc. The same counselling/therapy doesn't work for everyone, it's finding what works best for the individual.

Personally I think  it's too soon for Sam Stobbard to be talking so publicly about it, cos on top of what happened to her she had to witness someone she loved die before her eyes in horrific circumstances, her head must be an absolute mess, but it's her choice. *shrugs*
Nah, apparently it's normal, same as winky willies. Sometimes it just happens. That lemon party pic was similar to one that came up as top pic a while back for 'spongebob squarepants'. Caused a bit of a media storm. People were looking for cartoon pics for their kids and instead got a snap of three old greyers sucking and blowing

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