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Ok I'm going to make this as easy for you to understand as possible - believe me its a long story !

My friend (we'll call her H) and her fella (call him W) split up over a year ago, he found a new gf (before they split up) and within 2 weeks she was pregnant with his child.

H & W were together for 5 years and obviously have the same friends, there was a period of bad atmosphere for a while but eventually they both got over it and got on fine.

Now F (the new gf) wants to start coming out with all of us (who are all friends, good friends with H) and basically a huge row has erupted and i have been involved in it somehow - i called W a chinless cnut and took take is no mark family aay from me after he said i was a sh1tsirring irish bint and a freak of nature.

(incase you are all wondering, we are all late 20's here, i am 30)

I then get a message from F (who i barely know) saying the following : -

why dont you fcuk off back to ireland and grow some potatoes you fat cow, maybe then you will lose some of that excess weight you like to carry around with you! you insult my bf i insult you got it??? now you have something else to bitch about over a box of chocolates

To which i sent a condescending message back to her showing her up for the child she is ... anyways she's now apologised for what she said but said that it was my own fault as i had said that about 'her family'... what do i do?? can anyone help??

Sorry this is so long ... xx

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Originally posted by Mummy Maz:
thanks JAF!

They are on facebook (no good can come of that thing!!) - i've blocked her and she's sent her apology through her BF's account .. My friends have all said that she is out of order and they couldnt let it go if it were them but they are all still friends with her BF...

grrrrr at facebook thats why i closed mine to much hassle when you fall out with partners etc
their family friends drive ya mad.

id have a good chat with your close friends and hopefully he will say sorry for talking like that about you after being friends with him for so many years.
wish ya all the best hun.
Originally posted by Suzi-Q:
Refuse the invitation to go on Jeremy Kyle! Sorry to be so flippant, but that's what she reminds me of - those people who air their dirty linen on telly.

You can't blame her for wanting to share part of her BF's life, but you don't have to be part of it. Just tell them both no thanks and be done with it.

Suzi I'm disappointed in you! Shake Head
Not even a bit of hair pulling? Ninja
Did H mind if F started coming out with you. Maybe W thought that as he and his ex were getting on alright it wouldn't be a problem. On her part not a good idea to start alienating his group of friends but if she has apologised maybe you could take it on face value and see how it goes.

Errm thats a whole other story! As H and W were still together when F came along - she's not really that willing to be 'friends' with her but has said she'll tolerate her somewhat
Originally posted by Trollop:
Originally posted by Kaytee:
Originally posted by Trollop:
I would have a good bitch over another box of chocolates Angel

Me too Trollop Angel Angel

YAY!! Shall we drink wine and get pissed at the same time? Its only right! Rip 'em to shreds and fall asleep in a drunken stupor with chocolate all around our mouths Angel

*gets diary out* I'm free! Laugh
Originally posted by Mummy Maz:
Did H mind if F started coming out with you. Maybe W thought that as he and his ex were getting on alright it wouldn't be a problem. On her part not a good idea to start alienating his group of friends but if she has apologised maybe you could take it on face value and see how it goes.

Errm thats a whole other story! As H and W were still together when F came along - she's not really that willing to be 'friends' with her but has said she'll tolerate her somewhat
If your friend is willing to tolerate perhaps you should to. Its not like you have to be good friends. Just head nodding will suffice.
Originally posted by Trollop:
Originally posted by Suzi-Q:
Refuse the invitation to go on Jeremy Kyle! Sorry to be so flippant, but that's what she reminds me of - those people who air their dirty linen on telly.

You can't blame her for wanting to share part of her BF's life, but you don't have to be part of it. Just tell them both no thanks and be done with it.

Suzi I'm disappointed in you! Shake Head
Not even a bit of hair pulling? Ninja

Nah, I don't have the energy anymore. I couldn't stand the negativity!

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