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I need advice from you lovely people as you're very good at making sense.

I have on a few occasions received recorded delivery letters to my home address for two people who I've never heard of.  Each time I've refused to sign for them as I don't know this person.  I've always been told this is the best policy as the onus would then be on me to prove that these people didn't live at this address if I did sign.  Today the postman tried to get me to sign for another letter for them and again I refused.  He then mentioned that it was from the Immigration and Asylum in Croydon and went on his  merry way.  I'm not sure if it's to do with them making a claim for asylum or benefits.

My dilemma is this, whilst I accept that it could be nothing more than a mistake with the number of my house or the road I live on, I can't help thinking that also someone could be using my address fraudulently especially as I live in Birmingham and have no connections whatsoever with Croydon.  I haven't received any other letters for these people so it's not like they've attempted to get loans or credit cards but it's niggling me. I also would have thought that as I've refused to sign for these letters on a number of occasions, surely the office in Croydon should have guessed there was something wrong if their letters are being returned?  Then I wonder if the post office are actually returning them!

As you've probably gathered I'm a worrier  should I contact Croydon and ask them if they've made a mistake?  The problem with this is that I didn't get a full look at the names other than they were both foreign and both started with a Z (I know about as much use as a chocolate teapot ).  The alternative is to wait and see if they send another letter to me and act if and when that one arrives but as I said earlier it's niggling me and with identity theft and such like on the increase I'm concerned 

What would some of you lovely people advise?

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I think it would concern me too, but then I am a bit of a worrier. If you can't remember the names I doubt there is much you can do at this point. If you get another, still refuse, but make a note of the name and the sender, and get in touch then.

I don't know.... would a credit report check of your name and address show up anything untoward? Although, if they haven't actually used your address for credit, then quite possibly not.

Not much help, am I? Sorry.

I would contact via email (so you have proof) the department (if you can find contact details) and voice your concerns. If they don't give a satisfactory response I would then be on the phone to ask why people might do this - what are the common reasons people might use your address? Then I would email them again relating the details of the phone call ie "In relation to my phone call of x date, x time to Mr/s x" so you have some proof the conversation took place.

I would also email the Post Office to say you are concerned at all these recorded deliveries. You could request that the PO stop delivering this type of mail and then maybe their own internal investigation would sort it out although I wouldn't bet on them bothering after seeing a recent Dispatches on Ch4!!

I would also seek advice from anyone you contact on the future action you should take if these letters continue. The fact that they are recorded indicates that the sender regards the contents as important enough and/or someone wants proof that this person lives there.

Then if anything does happen you can prove that you took steps to stop it/ investigate it etc. Not that anything will happen, but just in case!

Mind you, I am a bit paranoid about stuff like this so maybe all this is overkill!!

I wouldn't worry though - you're nothing to do with this and if there is some scam going on it must happen all the time and the interested parties (Asylum and Immigration Department etc) are aware of the scam.

If all else fails maybe CAB could advise.
Baby Bunny
Croydon doesn't just deal with Immigration as I discovered when my new passport arrived postmarked there. This could be something as simple as a wrongly filled in passport application or one for a work permit etc and nothing sinister at all. Maybe Croydon wants these people to come for an interview and simply have the wrong address...
However, if you're concerned try and E Mail Croydon...the website is a bit useless at giving contact details I have to say, although the people at the main London office in Victoria are quite good, but you have to phone not E Mail them. Your local sorting office should be able to help...but I wouldn't hold your breath

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