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So I'm allowed to claim for travel expenses as a disabled student.  Anyhoo, I've got the form from the OU to fill in and they want the VAT numbers of the taxi firms I used.  I have to say I've never had to get VAT numbers before because it's always been accepted that as long as the receipts have pick up, drop off, time, date and the address of the firm plus drivers signature or call sign, that's been OK.


Flipping OU have to be different with everything.  How would I obtain these numbers because I've asked them and they won't give it to me and I won't get paid without it   I have to pay first then claim back and I can't afford to lose over ÂĢ100 

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Are they asking for the individual drivers VAT numbers though? If so I would imagine that many of them aren't VAT registered (claiming they're under the limit_ theoretically I suppose if they cannot supply a VAT number they should deduct 20% from the bill shouldn't they? If they're not registered they shouldn't be adding VAT to their charges.

Soozy Woo
Ah! Success! I couldn't post before. Often when you claim expenses the firm concerned make assumptions that everyone is paying VAT. The OU worry that they will be 20% down as without a VAT receipt they can't claim the money back from HMG. In your situation I think you have to suggest that your very small taxi firm are not registered. If in fact all taxi firms have to be registered then you will need to appeal to a different OU Dept.
Garage Joe
Originally Posted by Garage Joe:
Ah! Success! I couldn't post before. Often when you claim expenses the firm concerned make assumptions that everyone is paying VAT. The OU worry that they will be 20% down as without a VAT receipt they can't claim the money back from HMG. In your situation I think you have to suggest that your very small taxi firm are not registered. If in fact all taxi firms have to be registered then you will need to appeal to a different OU Dept.

thanks for that Joe - I think it's a bit bad that they are asking for this information - if they want it, they've got the contact details so why not go and ask them themselves 

Originally Posted by Soozy Woo:

Are they asking for the individual drivers VAT numbers though? If so I would imagine that many of them aren't VAT registered (claiming they're under the limit_ theoretically I suppose if they cannot supply a VAT number they should deduct 20% from the bill shouldn't they? If they're not registered they shouldn't be adding VAT to their charges.

no Soozy just the VAT numbers of the taxi firms themselves - how the hell would I as a customer know if VAT is being charged to the amount they charge me??? 


Pengy, unfortunately I think you may have lost out. When you pay for a taxi in future remember to ask the taxi driver for a VAT invoice. If the taxi business, for which the driver is working, is registered for VAT (and it probably is), they have to issue you with a VAT invoice if you request one. That VAT invoice will have to show the VAT registration number on it. The number would probably have 3 digits followed by 4 digits followed by 2 so something like 123 4567 89.


El Loro
Originally Posted by El Loro:

Pengy, unfortunately I think you may have lost out. When you pay for a taxi in future remember to ask the taxi driver for a VAT invoice. If the taxi business, for which the driver is working, is registered for VAT (and it probably is), they have to issue you with a VAT invoice if you request one. That VAT invoice will have to show the VAT registration number on it. The number would probably have 3 digits followed by 4 digits followed by 2 so something like 123 4567 89.


I never knew I had to ask for a VAT invoice for these journeys El Loro - they've told me now after the fact which I feel is unfair 


Pengy, it is unfair. I only know because I'm an accountant and when I do someone's VAT return for them I have to go through their bills to get the amount of VAT we can claim back. Sometimes they have forgotten to get a VAT invoice so I can't reclaim the VAT unless they go back to the supplier and get one. Obviously a lot harder to go back to a taxi driver and get one afterwards.


El Loro
Originally Posted by El Loro:

Pengy, it is unfair. I only know because I'm an accountant and when I do someone's VAT return for them I have to go through their bills to get the amount of VAT we can claim back. Sometimes they have forgotten to get a VAT invoice so I can't reclaim the VAT unless they go back to the supplier and get one. Obviously a lot harder to go back to a taxi driver and get one afterwards.


I've never had to get a VAT invoice though El Loro - they just told me to get a receipt which is what I've done - how many taxi drivers carry VAT receipts????  I've never known them to.


I shall write to both cab firms and ask them for their VAT number and an invoice for the receipts I have - if they refuse I'll tell them the OU will have to contact HRMC  to confirm they aren't VAT registered and see if that produces it.  From what I understand, it's an offence to not provide it and could elicit a fraud investigation which is not what I want - just their flipping number if they have one 


Pengy the problem with Taxis is that most are self employed and pay a central firm a fee to work for them.  


Always ask for a receipt of your cab driver, that will have the central firms details on, plus the drivers taxi number.  Unless a receipt has a VAT number on it, VAT cannot be reclaimed.


But it is a genuine expense which the OU should recognise.

Originally Posted by Cinds:
Originally Posted by Xochiquetzal:

If the cab firm was VAT registered wouldn't their details automatically show at Companies House? 


Slim! Haven't seen you about these parts for ages! All well? 

I'm not a 100% but I think its only Limited and PLC's that need to register with companies house.

Yeah. You're probably right there. 

Originally Posted by Cinds:

Pengy the problem with Taxis is that most are self employed and pay a central firm a fee to work for them.  


Always ask for a receipt of your cab driver, that will have the central firms details on, plus the drivers taxi number.  Unless a receipt has a VAT number on it, VAT cannot be reclaimed.


But it is a genuine expense which the OU should recognise.

I have receipts and they are signed and dated with the cab driver's signature and call number, where they picked me up and set down.  They have the address and telephone number and one has a registered number which I assume is what they are registered under companies house under.  However, neither firm has a VAT number on them!


To be honest I found it a strange request as the last university and college I did a course at only required the receipt not a VAT number.


So if there is no VAT number on it, VAT can't be claimed by the university???

Originally Posted by Cinds:

Just rereading your OP, if it is a big company, they will have a VAT number, so ring the main office and ask them for it.  It might not mean that you have to supply the VAT number with every receipt, just the number of the main hub company.

I have and they wouldn't give it to me - probably because they thought I was dodgy which I why I think I'll back my call up with a letter recorded.

Originally Posted by Xochiquetzal:
Originally Posted by Cinds:
Originally Posted by Xochiquetzal:

If the cab firm was VAT registered wouldn't their details automatically show at Companies House? 


Slim! Haven't seen you about these parts for ages! All well? 

I'm not a 100% but I think its only Limited and PLC's that need to register with companies house.

Yeah. You're probably right there. 

I have checked both companies and they are registered with companies house sorry for being ignorant here but the number they are registered under won't have anything to do with the VAT number though will it?

Originally Posted by Pengy:
Originally Posted by Xochiquetzal:
Originally Posted by Cinds:
Originally Posted by Xochiquetzal:

If the cab firm was VAT registered wouldn't their details automatically show at Companies House? 


Slim! Haven't seen you about these parts for ages! All well? 

I'm not a 100% but I think its only Limited and PLC's that need to register with companies house.

Yeah. You're probably right there. 

I have checked both companies and they are registered with companies house sorry for being ignorant here but the number they are registered under won't have anything to do with the VAT number though will it?

Yes it should.

Originally Posted by Cinds:
Originally Posted by Pengy:
Originally Posted by Xochiquetzal:
Originally Posted by Cinds:
Originally Posted by Xochiquetzal:

If the cab firm was VAT registered wouldn't their details automatically show at Companies House? 


Slim! Haven't seen you about these parts for ages! All well? 

I'm not a 100% but I think its only Limited and PLC's that need to register with companies house.

Yeah. You're probably right there. 

I have checked both companies and they are registered with companies house sorry for being ignorant here but the number they are registered under won't have anything to do with the VAT number though will it?

Yes it should.

ahh!  it's only an 8 figure number though and I go the impression from El Loro (unless I read their post wrong) that a VAT number should be longer 


Perhaps I'll just play dumb and supply that

Originally Posted by Cinds:

Pengs I know the palaver.  


I do all of our accounts and because I'm not an accountant we have to pay for someone to sign them off and even then I have to explain a lot of our stuff.  Like why some stuff we only charge at 5% VAT, how our settlement discounts don't get VAT added. ETC ETC


it's numbers and numbers scare me 


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