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Originally posted by sweet_tooth:
Not really. We were talking about it in the staff room today- although you HAVE to keep cool, it must be hard to go to work and get taunted every single day... Nobody was shocked as such, just felt really sorry for the teacher. too much pressure on teachers. Parents moan that they have to look after their kids for the 6 weeks hols, we have them for 39! And on a ratio of 1:30!

Gobsmacked by this! Eeker I am very glad my child does not go to the school that you work at. And this suggestion that 'the parents have it soooooo much easier than teachers, and don't know what it's like to 'have to deal with the kids - as they hardly have them compared to the teachers?!!' Confused Good grief, I can't believe someone has said that!

I have only read the first 2 or 3 pages of this thread, but I can't believe that a few posters are saying that the child 'pushed' the teacher too far, and may have deserved what happened to him, and that the teacher just 'flipped' and was suffering 'stress,' so it's 'understandable' that he did what he did.

The mind boggles that anyone would defend this man. Many many people are wound up and upset in the workplace by people, not just teachers! Many people work in the public sector and have day to day contact with the public; some very aggressive and nasty, but they don't try and smash their head in with large heavy objects.

Moreover, the vast majority of people don't get an insane amount of holidays like teachers either. Do teachers think they have the hardest and most stressful job in the world with the most difficult people to deal with? Wrong!

How would the people DEFENDING this man feel if it were THEIR child who had been attacked and was lying in intensive care. I am really shocked at some responses I have heard Frowner If this man cannot cope with stress, then he should not be in that job, or ANY job for that matter. His behaviour is disgraceful and I hope he is locked up.

Finaly, I pray that this lad is OK. Frowner
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no kid, whatever sort of scroat he is or isn't, deserves to have his head caved in by anyone.
good teachers, i mean really good teachers, can and do keep calm and pleasant clasrooms.
teaching is and undervalued profession, not just monetarily, but in status also. society and govt. do not value it.that is where the general lack of respect comes from.
and then there are the parents....
thats usually cos they have jobs of their own to do i know what you mean. i have to say i am grateful for the 3 hours a day (he only goes till lunchtime cos he is such a handful) i have peace from the eldest Laugh plus he is learning...mostly. some people do seem to hate spending time with their kids though. as soon as they come home...they shove them out the door to 'play' then toddle them off to bed and thats it Disappointed...weekends are usually much the same.

i just wish they wouldn't send them to RIGHT OUTSIDE my house...on baby's bedroom side...they dont bugger off till 10ish! Mad
Originally posted by JacksonB:
cheeky? you ask most parents to have their own kids for 7 hours a day, 5 days a week and most of them would go,screaming to the nearest funny farm.

Do me a favour, MANY parents have their children for much longer hours than any teacher. That comment made me laugh! Laugh Teachers are the worst whingers in our society; always demanding pay rises (as if they don't get paid enough!) and God knows they have enough flippin' holidays. I don't know any one profession that houses as many moaners as teaching.

I know 'some kids aren't easy work - but as Cheeky pixie said, many many jobs have stressful situations and unpleasant and difficult people to deal with; not just teachers. People who are making excuses for this man are delusional - seriously. He is a danger to himself and others and should be taken into phychiatric care. And are people so badly educated and ignorant, that they think that parents couldn't cope with their OWN children if they had them with them each day? Many parents love being with their kids and miss them when they're not there.

Some teachers - don't even have kids, and if this idiot that caved that lad's head in is anything to go by, some of them should never HAVE children.

Can't believe ANYONE would defend a man who did this to a boy. Using 'the kid pushed him as he was cheeky and mouthy' as an excuse is pathetic IMO. How dare teachers assume that they have the most stressful job in the country and that parents couldn't cope if the kids were with them all the time? THEY are the ones who can't cope, from what I can see.
lts of parents i know, absolutely dread the school holidays, because they have to have their kids at home.
lots of teachers work far longer than the school hours and do preparation work during the holidays.
parents who don't support teachers are a huge influence on the lack of respect in schools.
teaching is in the top 5 most stressful jobs, but i do think it can also be one of the most rewarding.
Originally posted by The Secretary:
Originally posted by electric6:
Some of you proper terrify me.

Me an all Disappointed

See you couldn't stay away Sec Wink I've just read through the whole thing since last here and just can't believe some of what I'm reading-are people actually remembering that this guy has actually smashed this kids head in with a 2kg weight Confused
Just wondering if this was say, a nurse in a Care Home who had reacted like this to an agressive elderly patient or a police officer towards a drunk coming home from the rugby/football who was giving them a load of lip, that we would be seeing the same reaction? Somehow I think not.
Originally posted by Supercalifragilistic:
Originally posted by The Secretary:
Originally posted by electric6:
Some of you proper terrify me.

Me an all Disappointed

See you couldn't stay away Sec Wink I've just read through the whole thing since last here and just can't believe some of what I'm reading-are people actually remembering that this guy has actually smashed this kids head in with a 2kg weight Confused
Just wondering if this was say, a nurse in a Care Home who had reacted like this to an agressive elderly patient or a police officer towards a drunk coming home from the rugby/football who was giving them a load of lip, that we would be seeing the same reaction? Somehow I think not.

exactly my thoughts on the matter. yes kids can be gobby little plops and teachers DO have a stressful job. not denying that. but as you say..a nurse doing it to a mouthy/violent patient..or a police officer doing it as a way to control riots (remember the thread on that riot recently!)..would not be acceptable so why does it seem 'acceptable' for a teacher to hit a kid in the head with a 2kg weight...almost killing him.
Originally posted by Darthhoob

See you couldn't stay away Sec Wink I've just read through the whole thing since last here and just can't believe some of what I'm reading-are people actually remembering that this guy has actually smashed this kids head in with a 2kg weight Confused
Just wondering if this was say, a nurse in a Care Home who had reacted like this to an agressive elderly patient or a police officer towards a drunk coming home from the rugby/football who was giving them a load of lip, that we would be seeing the same reaction? Somehow I think not.

exactly my thoughts on the matter. yes kids can be gobby little plops and teachers DO have a stressful job. not denying that. but as you say..a nurse doing it to a mouthy/violent patient..or a police officer doing it as a way to control riots (remember the thread on that riot recently!)..would not be acceptable so why does it seem 'acceptable' for a teacher to hit a kid in the head with a 2kg weight...almost killing him.[/QUOTE]

Thumbs Up think we're in a minority Darthoob! Just can't believe that some people are suggesting that he 'asked for it' and that so much of the thread has been about 'disciplining' children, kind of misses the point imo given the gravity of the matter Confused
Not all kids are Devils and not all adults are Angels. Many people have v stressful jobs and deal with v unpleasant and aggressive members of the public, they are expected to stay calm and do, and, if struggling with that stay off sick or change jobs because they are not safe to do that job
We don't know many of the details yet but what I've heard suggests the man had some sort of breakdown or possibly was mentally damaged by a previous stroke. I'm not reading "I rationally decided the kid needs disciplining so I hit him repeatedly with a 2kg metal weight" in the story so far. I think there's a difference between defending the man in this situation together with trying to understand what might have gone on, and defending the man's actions and behaviour towards the kid. Isn't it obvious that those two things are completely different? Treating the man as some sort of victim does not make the kid a perpertrator; both of them sound like victims to me.
Originally posted by Daniel J*:
We don't know many of the details yet but what I've heard suggests the man had some sort of breakdown or possibly was mentally damaged by a previous stroke. I'm not reading "I rationally decided the kid needs disciplining so I hit him repeatedly with a 2kg metal weight" in the story so far. I think there's a difference between defending the man in this situation together with trying to understand what might have gone on, and defending the man's actions and behaviour towards the kid. Isn't it obvious that those two things are completely different? Treating the man as some sort of victim does not make the kid a perpertrator; both of them sound like victims to me.
That is how i saw it. He is by all accounts a very good teacher. Pupils love him. Some of the posts on this thread have gone too far. All they are seeing is a gobby kid who deserved to get his head beat in. Or a bad teacher who decided to teach the kid a lesson.
Originally posted by Daniel J*:
We don't know many of the details yet but what I've heard suggests the man had some sort of breakdown or possibly was mentally damaged by a previous stroke. I'm not reading "I rationally decided the kid needs disciplining so I hit him repeatedly with a 2kg metal weight" in the story so far. I think there's a difference between defending the man in this situation together with trying to understand what might have gone on, and defending the man's actions and behaviour towards the kid. Isn't it obvious that those two things are completely different? Treating the man as some sort of victim does not make the kid a perpertrator; both of them sound like victims to me.

Queen of the High Teas
teaching is in the top 5 most stressful jobs, but i do think it can also be one of the most rewarding.

Oh I imagine it most defintely is. I would never do anything else- when a kid gets what you have been teaching them, and also understands enough to reuse it, that feeling is just great! Also, kids are so different to adults on so many levels- they are often so proud of little things and don't have the moany side about life yet. Most kids can find something positive to talk about and their happiness is so uplifting.

To whoever said theyre glad theyre child doesnt go to my school- trust me if you saw the behaviour in some schools you would be dying for your kid to come to a school like mine. I did not say the kid deserved it- just that its more shocking something hasnt happened like this earlier.

Someone mentioned PRU's earlier. It is so hard to exclude a pupil permanently and to get them into a PRU. The very fact that there are Pupil Referral Units for KS3 is sad enough.

Very sad state of affairs- but I think something like this was just waiting to happen.
Originally posted by longcat:
Originally posted by sweet_tooth:
All they are seeing is a gobby kid who deserved to get his head beat in.

I dont think anyone has even gone that far as to suggest that though?? Or maybe I missed that.
Not on this forum. But on some they think the child got what he deserved and that the teacher should get a medal.

Extreme!!! Eeker Surely it was a joke?? Or sarcasm? Surely!
Originally posted by sweet_tooth:
Not really. We were talking about it in the staff room today- although you HAVE to keep cool, it must be hard to go to work and get taunted every single day... Nobody was shocked as such, just felt really sorry for the teacher. too much pressure on teachers. Parents moan that they have to look after their kids for the 6 weeks hols, we have them for 39! And on a ratio of 1:30!

Originally posted by sweet_tooth:
All they are seeing is a gobby kid who deserved to get his head beat in.

I dont think anyone has even gone that far as to suggest that though?? Or maybe I missed that.

no one has said that on here
its just some people cant believe we've got an opinion that doesnt match theirs and make us out to be scary wannabe child beaters Roll Eyes
I have got to re-iterate that I am truly shocked at some of the attitudes of some of the posters on here, who actually seem to be condoning this teacher's actions, of 'smashing a pupil's head in' because he was 'stressed,' and because teachers supposedly 'have one of the hardest jobs in the land.' Many many jobs have great stress; (as several people here have outlined,) and much more than a bloody teacher's job! But they don't have the great pay and the amazing amount of holidays!

Teachers are the biggest whingers I know. If the job is THAT bad, then LEAVE. But then they wouldn't get a job where they can spend half the day in the staff room and half the year on holiday would they?! Jeeeez, they don't know they're born; seriously! I can't BELIEVE people on here are defending this man THERE IS NO DEFENCE. Are you guys for real?!

Saying that because he was stressed and he 'flipped,' then it's OK, is insane, and I can only think that some people are trying to WIND PEOPLE UP on here, because I can't imagine ANY level-headed rational person thinking this way. So I can only summise that a few people on here are on a wind-up mission Roll Eyes

I really can't stay in this thread any longer because I am finding some of the posts very disturbing.. and I am wondering about the agenda behind the types of posts here which are really making light of what happened. (ie; I think a few people here are Wind-up merchants.) I am seriously wondering if people are taking the pee. That is probably why some people who have already been on this thread have not posted in it much.

And I also am glad that my child does not go to the same school as yours 'sweet tooth,' no matter how you insist that some would 'be grateful for their kids to go there.' From what you have posted so far, I would steer well clear. And how can you possibly say your child's school would be better, when you don't know anything about anyone else's child's school?

And no one is trying to make out that anyone on here is a scary child beater, but they way 'a few' on here are virtually condoning this man's actions is very worrying and disturbing.

Bye bye from me, I am not staying in this bizarre and worrying thread a minute longer Wave
I've read the entire thread again and can't see anybody saying that the kid deserved it or that he was asking for it, just a few people with poor reading comprehension as to what was actually said, or reading between the lines and finding things that aren't actually there.

That's the trouble though, some people see what they want to see and react to that, completely ignoring that marvelous thing known as context in the process.
Originally posted by ContessaQ:
Originally posted by tupps:
I need to read this thread again.. I'm not sure I saw this condoning part..

no one has condoned it, it's just some people that recon if you don't call the bloke a malicious attempted murderer then you must think it's the childs fault.
it's quite obvious that the teacher wasn't well.

ahhh well.. far be it from me to question the Kangaroo court.. Ninja
Originally posted by ContessaQ:
some people that reckon if you don't call the bloke a malicious attempted murderer then you must think it's the childs fault.
it's quite obvious that the teacher wasn't well.

No-one's said that Confused

Here are a few examples of posts people have taken exception to:

If the above account by The Sun is correct, then no wonder the poor bloke snapped.


in hindsight, if the kid had kept his gob shut it wouldnt have happened


I think we may have to bring back the whip...


Being taunted by some jumped up little scroats is enough to send any teacher over the edge.


The kid has to accept a degree of responsibility for provoking the teacher to the extent the teacher reacted as he did.

I can't be bothered to find anymore of them because, frankly, it makes me feel ill.
The Secretary
Originally posted by The Secretary:
Originally posted by ContessaQ:
some people that reckon if you don't call the bloke a malicious attempted murderer then you must think it's the childs fault.
it's quite obvious that the teacher wasn't well.

No-one's said that Confused

Here are a few examples of posts people have taken exception to:

If the above account by The Sun is correct, then no wonder the poor bloke snapped.


in hindsight, if the kid had kept his gob shut it wouldnt have happened


I think we may have to bring back the whip...


Being taunted by some jumped up little scroats is enough to send any teacher over the edge.


The kid has to accept a degree of responsibility for provoking the teacher to the extent the teacher reacted as he did.

I can't be bothered to find anymore of them because, frankly, it makes me feel ill.

i agree with all those quotes
yet, im still to see anyone condoning his actions
all FMs are saying is that we can see WHY it happened
doesnt mean to say it was right

if it makes you feel ill - just dont look
its that easy Wink
Originally posted by Mazzystar:
I have never wanted to inflict physical pain on a kid(yet)..but I have had to walk away from a couple of parents.One thing that seriously gets my goat is parents failure/inability to take responsibility for their childs behaviour.Its is everybody elses fault(especially the school *rollseyes*) but never theirs. Mad

I agree Mazz. We see it time and time again, that parents make excuses for their children's awful behaviour. It is always everyone else's fault except theirs.
Originally posted by Mazzystar:
I have never wanted to inflict physical pain on a kid(yet)..but I have had to walk away from a couple of parents.One thing that seriously gets my goat is parents failure/inability to take responsibility for their childs behaviour.Its is everybody elses fault(especially the school *rollseyes*) but never theirs. Mad

you see, as i have to work close with the school, that angers me too. i see loads of parents just not bother. i've seen parents have a go at teachers, using all kind of language, about 'how they wanna sort ya class out' and all that.
[QUOTE]Originally posted by The Secretary:

Here are a few examples of posts people have taken exception to:

If the above account by The Sun is correct, then no wonder the poor bloke snapped.


in hindsight, if the kid had kept his gob shut it wouldnt have happened


I think we may have to bring back the whip...


Being taunted by some jumped up little scroats is enough to send any teacher over the edge.


The kid has to accept a degree of responsibility for provoking the teacher to the extent the teacher reacted as he did.


And a few more:
if i saw a kid take the piss out of a stroke victim-i'd wallop the kid

kids will just bang on about human rights

if he'd have had the good manners not to take the piss out of the bloke, theres a good chance this thread wouldnt even be here, cos it wouldnt have happened

I'm sure the parents of the kids involved are up in arms, maybe had they taught their kids some bloody manners and respect in the first place the situation would not have occured.

The newspaper reports state he was being gobby so I don't see him as the victim of an unprovoked attack

Nobody was shocked as such, just felt really sorry for the teacher.

And all that when we know absolutely nothing about this individual child- not that that should particularly matter of course.

Aww but Sec, suppose that means that we have poor reading comprehension and are unable to appreciate context...nothing like resorting to personal attacks about people's intelligence in these discussions Roll Eyes
Originally posted by disley21:
I've read the entire thread again and can't see anybody saying that the kid deserved it or that he was asking for it, just a few people with poor reading comprehension as to what was actually said, or reading between the lines and finding things that aren't actually there.

That's the trouble though, some people see what they want to see and react to that, completely ignoring that marvelous thing known as context in the process.

Do you have a view on this disley, or have you just come in here to insult people?

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