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i also read this...which is so really sad

Boy Dies Wrapped in Weighted Blanket

June 20, 2008 by Kristina Chew, PhD
Filed under Safety


9-year-old Gabriel Poirier died on April 18th after being wrapped by teachers in a weighted blanket
. The June 19th reports that a coroner has ruled that Gabriel died of suffocationโ€”-news which his parents were shocked by, as the school (in St.-Jean-sur-Richelieu, south of Montreal) reported that he had died โ€œโ€˜naturally and calmly.โ€™โ€

In the early afternoon of April 17, Gabriel Poirier began to disturb his classmates with loud noises. His teachers gave him two warnings to calm down. When he continued misbehaving, one of the teachers took him to the corner of the classroom and rolled him into a weighted blanket, which is sometimes used to calm autistic children.

With his arms by his side, the heavy blanket was tightly wrapped around Gabrielโ€™s small body at least four times, the coronerโ€™s report said. With only the โ€œtip of his toesโ€ peaking out, he was left on his stomach, his head covered, for more than 20 minutes.

Gabriel eventually stopped making noise. The teacher went to check on him, turning him onto his back. Gabriel appeared โ€œlistless and blue in the face,โ€ the coronerโ€™s report said.

The teacher called 911 and the school nurse performed CPR. The boy was already in a deep coma, however, and died the next day in hospital.

Gilles Poirier noted that Gabriel was small, weighing 53 pounds (24 kilograms); the blanket weighed 40 pounds. At a news conference, he said this of his son: โ€œโ€˜He was a very gentle boyโ€ฆโ€ฆ.Sometimes he was loud, but he was never aggressive or violent. I just donโ€™t understand how this happened.โ€™โ€

I donโ€™t eitherโ€”-my son is much bigger than Gabriel and has certainly had more than a few moments of being loud. What helps Charlie is to recognize that he is trying to communicateโ€”-that the noise-making is a sign of something and not just a โ€œbehaviorโ€ that needs to be stoppedโ€”and to focus on teaching him other ways to express himself. And what can one make of the school district saying that Gabriel died โ€œโ€˜naturally and calmlyโ€™โ€?
Originally posted by shar69:
My son started secondary school last september. We had to sign an agreement that we, as parents, would work with the school and ensure that punishments that were dealt out by the school were supported by us.
Trouble is any document that someone is forced to sign isnt worth the paper its written on.

Parents and teachers have to be in agreement though otherwise the schools hands are tied.
Originally posted by longcat:
Originally posted by cologne1:
If the teacher felt he wasn't up to the job due to recent illness, he should have sought help. If he felt he couldn't, then the system is failing both, teachers and pupils.
But people with possible mental conditions don't always know they have them. If he as had a mental breakdown he would not be responsible for his actions.

a well know side effect of strokes is that they can change your personality depending on which hemisphere the stroke has occurred and whether his limbic system has been affected (deals with emotions). I suspect he came back to school far too soon, and managed to fool his GP and Occupational Therapist into believing he was fine to return to work.
Originally posted by CaptVimes:
Originally posted by shar69:
My son started secondary school last september. We had to sign an agreement that we, as parents, would work with the school and ensure that punishments that were dealt out by the school were supported by us.
Trouble is any document that someone is forced to sign isnt worth the paper its written on.

Parents and teachers have to be in agreement though otherwise the schools hands are tied.

Very true. Oh and thanks for the link you posted earlier, I knew the law was complex but didn't think it was that complex.
Originally posted by shar69:
Originally posted by CaptVimes:
Originally posted by shar69:
My son started secondary school last september. We had to sign an agreement that we, as parents, would work with the school and ensure that punishments that were dealt out by the school were supported by us.
Trouble is any document that someone is forced to sign isnt worth the paper its written on.

Parents and teachers have to be in agreement though otherwise the schools hands are tied.

Very true. Oh and thanks for the link you posted earlier, I knew the law was complex but didn't think it was that complex.
Neither did I, was for my own interest as well really.
Originally posted by FGG Aka Crocodile Rock:
I'm surprised it doesn't happen more often TBH....

I'm sure the parents of the kids involved are up in arms, maybe had they taught their kids some bloody manners and respect in the first place the situation would not have occured.


all i can say is that both my parents are stroke victims-i mean really bad, to the point of not walking, talking etc..
one of them has died now
but ive seen kids gawp at them, and ive told them off, the parents have looked at me like im stupid-and adults aint so much better
either Mad
this lad didnt deserve to have his head caved in-but if he'd have had the good manners not to take the piss out of the bloke, theres a good chance this thread wouldnt even be here, cos it wouldnt have happened
Originally posted by longcat:
Originally posted by cologne1:
If the teacher felt he wasn't up to the job due to recent illness, he should have sought help. If he felt he couldn't, then the system is failing both, teachers and pupils.
But people with possible mental conditions don't always know they have them. If he as had a mental breakdown he would not be responsible for his actions.

I wasn't taking about mental health issues. He had a stroke and possibly went back to work earlier than he should have, but didn't feel that he had any support. He seems to have a lot of people speaking up for him. I do think that both teachers and pupils get a raw deal.
cologne 1
Originally posted by cologne1:
Originally posted by Daniel J*:
Originally posted by The Secretary:
Originally posted by Daniel J*:
Is this time for a smacking thread on the forum? I used to like those on other forums. Always good for polarising everyone. Big Grin

Oh goody! I love those... Clapping

I bound home from work everyday just to physically educate my kids Ninja

A light tap, never in anger, and purely to reinforce a point during a dangerous situation like every smacking parent on every forum? Ninja

I disagree. Children should never be smacked by either parents or teachers.

You don't cologne, the Sec was being ironic
Originally posted by Supercalifragilistic:
Originally posted by cologne1:
Originally posted by Daniel J*:
Originally posted by The Secretary:
Originally posted by Daniel J*:
Is this time for a smacking thread on the forum? I used to like those on other forums. Always good for polarising everyone. Big Grin

Oh goody! I love those... Clapping

I bound home from work everyday just to physically educate my kids Ninja

A light tap, never in anger, and purely to reinforce a point during a dangerous situation like every smacking parent on every forum? Ninja

I disagree. Children should never be smacked by either parents or teachers.

You don't cologne, the Sec was being ironic

I thought I was quoting daniel, but I see your point. Smiler
cologne 1
Originally posted by china:
Originally posted by FGG Aka Crocodile Rock:
I'm surprised it doesn't happen more often TBH....

I'm sure the parents of the kids involved are up in arms, maybe had they taught their kids some bloody manners and respect in the first place the situation would not have occured.


all i can say is that both my parents are stroke victims-i mean really bad, to the point of not walking, talking etc..
one of them has died now
but ive seen kids gawp at them, and ive told them off, the parents have looked at me like im stupid-and adults aint so much better
either Mad
this lad didnt deserve to have his head caved in-but if he'd have had the good manners not to take the piss out of the bloke, theres a good chance this thread wouldnt even be here, cos it wouldnt have happened

kids will be kids, some are little plops even with great parents. some of the worst 'personalities' i knew from school were the children of teachers...probably cos they thought they could get away with it, or that they didn't need to be nice (im talking more about their attitude to other kids here rather than attitude to teachers...they were teachers pets usually)...i was bullied by most of them Mad

kids tend to show off, and that is where most bullying, of kids and of teachers, comes from. even the 'best brought up kids' showed fact in MY experience they were the worst
kids should get a smack if theyve done wrong, not a beating or a violent outburst with a belt

but how are they gonna learn?
i used to get a proper slap if i did wrong, and ive been a shit in the past, locked up etc..
but i tell you one thing, my manners are good and i would do anything for anyone and i would never take the piss out of a disabled person because thats how i was raised
and i have my parents to thank for that

you might think im a heartless, nasty git-but im not-just honest
Originally posted by Darthhoob:
Originally posted by china:
Originally posted by FGG Aka Crocodile Rock:
I'm surprised it doesn't happen more often TBH....

I'm sure the parents of the kids involved are up in arms, maybe had they taught their kids some bloody manners and respect in the first place the situation would not have occured.


all i can say is that both my parents are stroke victims-i mean really bad, to the point of not walking, talking etc..
one of them has died now
but ive seen kids gawp at them, and ive told them off, the parents have looked at me like im stupid-and adults aint so much better
either Mad
this lad didnt deserve to have his head caved in-but if he'd have had the good manners not to take the piss out of the bloke, theres a good chance this thread wouldnt even be here, cos it wouldnt have happened

kids will be kids, some are little plops even with great parents. some of the worst 'personalities' i knew from school were the children of teachers...probably cos they thought they could get away with it, or that they didn't need to be nice (im talking more about their attitude to other kids here rather than attitude to teachers...they were teachers pets usually)...i was bullied by most of them Mad

kids tend to show off, and that is where most bullying, of kids and of teachers, comes from. even the 'best brought up kids' showed fact in MY experience they were the worst

i got bullied aswell, cos i was 'dark' Roll Eyes
and youre right, bullying has got no class system
still, i bet youve come out as better person for it and they probably havent
God, i cannot stand bullies
Sorry I had to dash earlier.

OBVIOUSLY nobody is saying it's ok for a kid to go to school and wind up in hospital- obviously the teacher shouldve shown more restraint. But what I was saying is this sort of thing was bound to happen.

To whoever asked how the ratio was the same... You have your child for 6 weeks 24 hours- you have one child. We have 30 for 6 hours a day for 39 weeks- kind of works the same. Also we dont let them go and sit in their room for hours playing on their xbox etc, we dont get much time away.

I think it should be made compulsary for all parents to go into a school for a week to shadow a teacher. Many would soon change their views.
Originally posted by sweet_tooth:
Sorry I had to dash earlier.

OBVIOUSLY nobody is saying it's ok for a kid to go to school and wind up in hospital- obviously the teacher shouldve shown more restraint. But what I was saying is this sort of thing was bound to happen.

To whoever asked how the ratio was the same... You have your child for 6 weeks 24 hours- you have one child. We have 30 for 6 hours a day for 39 weeks- kind of works the same. Also we dont let them go and sit in their room for hours playing on their xbox etc, we dont get much time away.

I think it should be made compulsary for all parents to go into a school for a week to shadow a teacher. Many would soon change their views.

I wouldn't be a teacher for all the tea in China, but if that's your choice of profession, then you have to deal it the same as the rest of us.

I like my job, but the nature of it is that I'm constantly wound up and stressed.

I wouldn't dream of hurting a child anymore than an angry 15 stone man trapping off at me because his wife is ill and hasn't been treated in a nano-second.

If this kinda thing is BOUND to happen, then I fear for any of ya sitting in a hospital waiting room.
The Secretary
Originally posted by china:
Originally posted by Darthhoob:
Originally posted by china:
Originally posted by FGG Aka Crocodile Rock:
I'm surprised it doesn't happen more often TBH....

I'm sure the parents of the kids involved are up in arms, maybe had they taught their kids some bloody manners and respect in the first place the situation would not have occured.


all i can say is that both my parents are stroke victims-i mean really bad, to the point of not walking, talking etc..
one of them has died now
but ive seen kids gawp at them, and ive told them off, the parents have looked at me like im stupid-and adults aint so much better
either Mad
this lad didnt deserve to have his head caved in-but if he'd have had the good manners not to take the piss out of the bloke, theres a good chance this thread wouldnt even be here, cos it wouldnt have happened

kids will be kids, some are little plops even with great parents. some of the worst 'personalities' i knew from school were the children of teachers...probably cos they thought they could get away with it, or that they didn't need to be nice (im talking more about their attitude to other kids here rather than attitude to teachers...they were teachers pets usually)...i was bullied by most of them Mad

kids tend to show off, and that is where most bullying, of kids and of teachers, comes from. even the 'best brought up kids' showed fact in MY experience they were the worst

i got bullied aswell, cos i was 'dark' Roll Eyes
and youre right, bullying has got no class system
still, i bet youve come out as better person for it and they probably havent
God, i cannot stand bullies

i dunno, they all seem to have good jobs n stuffs

xcept one who works in maccy dees (aged 27) Laugh
Originally posted by sweet_tooth:
Sorry I had to dash earlier.

OBVIOUSLY nobody is saying it's ok for a kid to go to school and wind up in hospital- obviously the teacher shouldve shown more restraint. But what I was saying is this sort of thing was bound to happen.

To whoever asked how the ratio was the same... You have your child for 6 weeks 24 hours- you have one child. We have 30 for 6 hours a day for 39 weeks- kind of works the same. Also we dont let them go and sit in their room for hours playing on their xbox etc, we dont get much time away.

I think it should be made compulsary for all parents to go into a school for a week to shadow a teacher. Many would soon change their views.

bloody good idea sweety Nod
I think it's absolutely tragic that kids behaviour lead to this. That man must have been at the end of his tether to react like that. In my younger childrens school they have a center that accommodate disruptive, gobby lil shites, which I think is quite common now in Secondary schools. I'm sure this a good thing for the pupils, but it also takes time and resources to let these kids 'have a bad day'. I really think that kids are making a mockery out of our society, they have all the rights and the Teacher's have none. Don't get me wrong, I am saddened to hear of the child who has been beaten like this, but not surprised.

My OH used to teach in a Comprehensive school in London and the stories he told me were horrendous. Teachers shouldn't be under this much stress to often be expected to teach and control a class, usually with disruptive and arrogant children as well, the teachers are human beings too.

Btw my OH only had his braces pinged once.
Originally posted by The Secretary:

I think I'd better walk away - the logic of blaming the kid for this is beyond my comprehension Crazy

The kid has to accept a degree of responsibility for provoking the teacher to the extent the teacher reacted as he did. The newspaper reports state he was being gobby so I don't see him as the victim of an unprovoked attack.

I would hate to be a teacher and although I am sorry for all involved, I am not surprised that it has happened.
Originally posted by San:
Originally posted by The Secretary:

I think I'd better walk away - the logic of blaming the kid for this is beyond my comprehension Crazy

The kid has to accept a degree of responsibility for provoking the teacher to the extent the teacher reacted as he did. The newspaper reports state he was being gobby so I don't see him as the victim of an unprovoked attack.

I would hate to be a teacher and although I am sorry for all involved, I am not surprised that it has happened.

I don't care if the kid had an affair with his wife or ate his kitten. He didn't ask to get his head stoved in.
The Secretary
I think teachers need some way of disciplining unruly kids though I'm not sure what, maybe the cane or belt ?

The thing is many kids get discipline in no area of their lives because parents of chavs don't care what their kids do since they are usually chavs themselves.

The poor guy snapped and probably instantly regretted it but I feel it was only a matter of time before something like this happened.
Kris Is Bliss
Originally posted by San:
Originally posted by The Secretary:

I don't care if the kid had an affair with his wife or ate his kitten. He didn't ask to get his head stoved in.

And the teacher went to do his days work, he didn't ask to have the piss ripped out of him by a gobby teen.

from what i read the teacher was having an altercation with a girl outside the classroom and he went to kick her bag but kicked her instead. the kid tried to intervene and the teacher attacked him.
Originally posted by San:
Originally posted by The Secretary:

Gotcha! So taking the piss justifies breaking someone's head.

My days are numbered Ninja

I havent said the teacher was 'justified', I have said the boy provoked the extreme reaction and had to accept some of the responsibility.

PLEASE think about what you're saying Disappointed

It's as obscene as suggesting that a raped woman was 'asking for it'
The Secretary
Taken from The Sun online..

โ€œItโ€™s believed to have started with a girl carrying some kind of property bag outside his classroom. He asked to check it and when she refused he is said to have aimed a kick at it but hit the girl. She ran to reception.

โ€œWord got back to his class and when he started the lesson they all started singing.

"He told the kids to shut up but they carried on. One of the lads was snapping a ruler on his desk as well.

I dont read it as he intervened with the girl incident from this article but, tbf, I have read no other report.

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