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Not really. We were talking about it in the staff room today- although you HAVE to keep cool, it must be hard to go to work and get taunted every single day... Nobody was shocked as such, just felt really sorry for the teacher. too much pressure on teachers. Parents moan that they have to look after their kids for the 6 weeks hols, we have them for 39! And on a ratio of 1:30!
Originally posted by sweet_tooth:
Not really. We were talking about it in the staff room today- although you HAVE to keep cool, it must be hard to go to work and get taunted every single day... Nobody was shocked as such, just felt really sorry for the teacher. too much pressure on teachers. Parents moan that they have to look after their kids for the 6 weeks hols, we have them for 39! And on a ratio of 1:30!

I can actually see why he would have flipped like that. Children have very little respect for their parents never mind staff at school.
Being taunted by some jumped up little scroats is enough to send any teacher over the edge.
Not really. We were talking about it in the staff room today- although you HAVE to keep cool, it must be hard to go to work and get taunted every single day... Nobody was shocked as such, just felt really sorry for the teacher. too much pressure on teachers. Parents moan that they have to look after their kids for the 6 weeks hols, we have them for 39! And on a ratio of 1:30!

A short journey on the bus when it is full of school children is enough for me to go running home for a chamomile tea.
Originally posted by sweet_tooth:
Not really. We were talking about it in the staff room today- although you HAVE to keep cool, it must be hard to go to work and get taunted every single day... Nobody was shocked as such, just felt really sorry for the teacher. too much pressure on teachers. Parents moan that they have to look after their kids for the 6 weeks hols, we have them for 39! And on a ratio of 1:30!

Most schools I know of are only open 6 hours a day - how does that ratio work? Confused

And you felt sorry for the teacher? Crazy
The Secretary
Originally posted by sweet_tooth:
Not really. We were talking about it in the staff room today- although you HAVE to keep cool, it must be hard to go to work and get taunted every single day... Nobody was shocked as such, just felt really sorry for the teacher. too much pressure on teachers. Parents moan that they have to look after their kids for the 6 weeks hols, we have them for 39! And on a ratio of 1:30!

I`m actually amazed that this hasn`t happened before now. I feel sorry for the teachers - its an impossible job these days and it must take the patience of a saint not to lash out.
Jeggo (Ben`s Buddy/Member of JJ`s LS]
Originally posted by sweet_tooth:
Not really. We were talking about it in the staff room today- although you HAVE to keep cool, it must be hard to go to work and get taunted every single day... Nobody was shocked as such, just felt really sorry for the teacher. too much pressure on teachers. Parents moan that they have to look after their kids for the 6 weeks hols, we have them for 39! And on a ratio of 1:30!

Same convos we were having in our staff room today, and it may sound shocking to some, but not to many of us in the teaching profession.
Senora Reyes
Originally posted by wandawitch:
This is what we don't know yet, DanielJ He has been charged with attempted murder and the boy suffered serious head injuries so who the hell knows but I 've never know this to happen ever before.

If he's been charged with attempted murder then the police must believe he actually tried to kill the kid rather than lashed out with unfortunate consequences. That's rage. Like road rage, only with a classroom setting.
Originally posted by Daniel J*:
Originally posted by wandawitch:
This is what we don't know yet, DanielJ He has been charged with attempted murder and the boy suffered serious head injuries so who the hell knows but I 've never know this to happen ever before.

If he's been charged with attempted murder then the police must believe he actually tried to kill the kid rather than lashed out with unfortunate consequences. That's rage. Like road rage, only with a classroom setting.

I am really shocked at this. What on earth happened. If the situation got that out of control the teacher should have just walked away.
Originally posted by Marguerita:
I know teachers have a lot to put up with but he is in the wrong the boy is very poorly he should be sacked .
I don't think he set out that morning with the intention of hurting a pupil. I think for an otherwise normal teacher to suddenly flip out like that suggests he had mental problems which may have been brought on by a recent stroke.
Originally posted by Supercalifragilistic:
Just saw this on the news and am deeply shocked that a teacher has allegedly done this to a pupil -nearly as deeply shocked as some posters implying that the boy might have 'asked for it' and feeling sorry for the teacher.

I don't agree with that sentiment either but I can see where they are coming from. I worked sessionally in schools and I am disgusted by the behaviour of some pupils. They say things to the teachers I would never even dared say to a teacher and if I did I would have to face my parents when I got home.
Originally posted by sweet_tooth:
Not really. We were talking about it in the staff room today- although you HAVE to keep cool, it must be hard to go to work and get taunted every single day... Nobody was shocked as such, just felt really sorry for the teacher. too much pressure on teachers. Parents moan that they have to look after their kids for the 6 weeks hols, we have them for 39! And on a ratio of 1:30!

Sad state of affairs!The thing that surprises me is that a teacher has not'flipped' before now!Some kids are capable of making life hell for teachers just for the 'crack'Children are quite capable of playground bullying tactics towards teachers and it is about time this was recognised!Let us hope that something positive will arise from this! Frowner
Wouldn't be a teacher for all the money in the world. What can they use to deter pupils, absolutely nothing. If my son gets into trouble at school, then he is in trouble at home for it. I have brought him up to respect teachers, as it is thanks to them that his knowledge is growing. Even if he dislikes a teacher, he will not disrespect them.
Originally posted by Supercalifragilistic:
Originally posted by longcat:
I think for an otherwise normal teacher to suddenly flip out like that suggests he had mental problems which may have been brought on by a recent stroke.

In which case he shouldn't have been back at work
True. But how many mental issues go undiagnosed until its too late.
Originally posted by Supercalifragilistic:
Jeez, can't believe some of the comments on here- we're talking charges of attempted bloody murder by a teacher on a pupil, not someone who got wound up and got a bit cross!
None of us know the full circumstances. No child deserves to be beaten almost to death. But do you really think an otherwise normal teacher got up that morning and said "I think i will go kill a pupil"
Originally posted by longcat:
Originally posted by Supercalifragilistic:
Jeez, can't believe some of the comments on here- we're talking charges of attempted bloody murder by a teacher on a pupil, not someone who got wound up and got a bit cross!
None of us know the full circumstances. No child deserves to be beaten almost to death. But do you really an otherwise normal teacher got up that morning and said "I think i will go kill a pupil"

No, I didn't suggest for one single second that it was premeditated
Taken from The Sun online..."Pupils told how panic erupted after the science master lashed out clutching a 2kg weight used in experiments — almost killing Jack Waterhouse, 14, and injuring two friends.

And they described how popular Mr Harvey had turned into a “ticking timebomb” after suffering a stroke brought on by stress.

Victim, 14 ... Jack Waterhouse is said to have been in headlock

Victim, 14 ... Jack Waterhouse is said to have been in headlock

He returned from sick leave just a few weeks ago and was spotted talking to himself in corridors and shaking during lessons.

He allegedly snapped when kids in his Year Eight physics class began singing along to the Michael Jackson hit Man in The Mirror, changing the words to: “I’m staring at the psycho in the mirror.”

A sixth-former at the All Saints Roman Catholic School in Mansfield, Notts, said: “Mr Harvey was one of the best teachers, but he’s been tensed up since he came back. What he is said to have done is so out of character no one can take it in.

Weight ... like the one allegedly used by teacher

Weight ... like the one allegedly used by teacher

“It’s believed to have started with a girl carrying some kind of property bag outside his classroom. He asked to check it and when she refused he is said to have aimed a kick at it but hit the girl. She ran to reception.

“Word got back to his class and when he started the lesson they all started singing.

"He told the kids to shut up but they carried on. One of the lads was snapping a ruler on his desk as well.

“Apparently he ran up behind Jack and got him in a headlock. Another tried to help, but Mr Harvey dragged that kid off and supposedly threw a weight.

“He then went back to Jack and dragged him into a back storeroom — then is said to have hit him on the temple with the weight.

“He dragged him back out and was kicking him while he was on the floor. A girl who tried to help also got hit.

Support ... police at the school gate yesterday

Support ... police at the school gate yesterday


“There was blood everywhere. Mr Harvey had completely lost it and was saying people were going to die. There was panic as the kids ran from the classroom.

“When the police arrived they had to handcuff Mr Harvey before taking him away because he was still so agitated.”

Shocked pupils set up internet sites dedicated to Mr Harvey and Jack. Mr Harvey, a married 49-year-old with two daughters, was called an “amazing guy” and an “outstanding form tutor”.

One contributor wrote: “I don’t believe for one second he meant to hurt anyone. But he was a ticking timebomb and he just happened to break down at school.”


Another claimed: “He was a legendary teacher, but you could see in his lessons he wasn’t all there. He would talk to himself a lot and shake, but I never thought he would do this.”

One called Mr Harvey “a lovely man”. But they went on: “Not only has he attacked a 14-year-old, but 30-odd 13 and 14-year-olds had to sit and watch.

“Two had to pull a crazy teacher off of their mate who would have pretty much died there and then if they hadn’t — sit and see blood pouring from his head while their teacher shouts obscene things.”

On the site Mr Harvey had been given five out of five — now down to 3.7. One ex-pupil called him a “great inspiration” and another recalled how he was “absolutely hilarious and inspires confidence in even the least scientifically minded”.

Wednesday morning’s attack also stunned past pupils.

Shock ... scene yesterday at Catholic comprehensive where boy was attacked in class

Shock ... scene yesterday at Catholic comprehensive
where boy was attacked in class

Guzelian Ltd.

A 21-year-old, who did not want to be named, said: “Mr Harvey had been at the school for about 15 years, but suffered a stroke about six months ago. Medication or a breakdown must be behind this.”

Victim Jack was rushed to hospital with head injuries that at one stage threatened his life. Last night his condition was said to have “stabilised”. The boy and the girl who were hurt did not need hospital treatment.

Mr Harvey, who cycles to school each day, was being held on suspicion of attempted murder.

Maureen Cobbett, head of the respected 1,170-pupil comprehensive school, was working with police to offer counselling to children. Some of them were being questioned as witnesses."

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