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Didn't want say anything this morn' but I am rather confuddled! Confused FrownerI made a post asking about carpel tunnel wotsit the other day and my mind was made at ease with the postings recieved knowing this to be a straight forward small op thingy! However went to the quacks yesterday and he is referring me to a neuroligist which was not what I was expecting!The doc' mentioned muscle wasting! Now I am really scared, I couldn't sleep last night because I had no one to talk about it!I am trying to concentrate on BB thingy to take my mind off it! Reassurance anyone? Am I reading more into this than I should! Frowner

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Figtree just a quick hug Hug Please don't worry. I am pretty sure this was what my father in law had several years ago and that was fixed by a simple op. These things always look so much worse when we start to worry about them. I am sure loads of really knowledgeable people will flood in here soon and put your mind at rest. Sometimes doctors talk about worst case scenarios not realising that it can be very worrisome. Someone once told me that worries can be like things which you see coming towards you down a long road but most of them will have fallen into the ditch long before they reach you.

Wish I could say more, sweetie, you are such a lovely FM. Chin up now Valentine wavey
Please don't be jumping to conclusions and try not to worry. I had a op on my neck in Febuary and I have muscle wasting in th neck and shoulder. It's becuse they damaged a nerve, I'm having physio and I'm about 75% back to normal. It could be something simple like a trapped nerve, they can be buggers when they are knocked or trapped! I also fell years agon and had needles and pins and numbness in my right hand for months, that was also nerve damage, the simplest things can cause it. Your doctor is just being cautious and checking out every angle. Hug
I think it's quite normal to see a Neurologist, as the Syndrome is caused by the nerves in the hand and wrist. My uncle has had this, and once procedure has been undertaken, has recovered to full capacity. You poor thing worrying all night, you should have come on here, there were a few of us around. It's quite natural to worry, but l'm sure it will all work out fine. Hug
Originally posted by squiggle:
I found a link figree, which might be a help

But from reading it (a cursory glance through) it seems that some carpal tunnel syndrome cases can even clear up without any help at all. So certainly don't start to worry too much, it could all be something and nothing.

I will try that Squiggs! Valentinebut from what the doc was saying it doesnt appear to be carpel wotsit which didn't worry me because I know that to be simple.... dare I say he would have referred me to an orthapedicthingy I would have thought if it had been Confused
Right I will spit it out.. what concerns me is what if it is motor neuron disease.. there is no cure for that! Oh blimey cheer me up and make me laugh please!So sorry to be a gloomy bum!
i had radial palsy a couple of years back-its the same thing really
i woke up one morning and i had lost the use of my right hand-no reason for it-it just flopped and i couldnt hold anything at all, it just didnt function
i had a plastic mould made for my hand and had physio and after a few months i started getting the strength back in it
i had electronic (or whatever they were!) tests on my spine to find out what caused it, but there was no reason, so they reckon i had just slept funny on it
so dont worry, the use CAN come back without the need for surgery Wink
Originally posted by charmer:
i had radial palsy a couple of years back-its the same thing really
i woke up one morning and i had lost the use of my right hand-no reason for it-it just flopped and i couldnt hold anything at all, it just didnt function
i had a plastic mould made for my hand and had physio and after a few months i started getting the strength back in it
i had electronic (or whatever they were!) tests on my spine to find out what caused it, but there was no reason, so they reckon i had just slept funny on it
so dont worry, the use CAN come back without the need for surgery Wink

and if you do have to have a plastic mould, keep it on when your pissed up!
i took mine off one night, i was sitting on the floor, boozing, i forgot my hand didnt work,and leant on it to get up, it gave way, and i sat down hard on a bottle which broke and shredded my @rse to bits-i had a look on my face similar to that-> Eeker afterwards Laugh
Heya Figgy Smiler

I'm a multi-facetted madman; and will drive you to despair if you let me Razzer


I'm also a good egg if I say so myself..have a certificate in humility to prove it too..!! Anyways; whilst I don't know about this particular diagnosis, I can tell you a few bits that I hope will be of some comfort. I myself am under a neurologist because of a neurological disorder which was diagnosed years ago. For real you panic when your doc tells you that they need to send you to any kind of specialist - particularly a neurologist for obvious reasons.

However; for the vast VAST majority of people who are referred, it's because there is either

a. something which has to be investigated further which a GP isn't equipped to do..most cases all being well


b. something tangible is evident & needs further investigation.

Now don't be panicing about b. - it applies to me. Believe it or not, the vast majority of neuro patients have disorders like mine..yours possibly..which are routinely treated in very busy out-patient clinics. I've met people in waiting rooms at my hospital where I go for Botox injections every 3 months.

Being an outpatient (the bulk of neurology patients) means they know what - *IF* in fact anything - is wrong with you and how to treat it. If I can post some belligerence to ensure that you get a clean bill of health..well consider it posted now..*harumph* Smiler

IF that doesn't work; please believe me, a neurology clinic bears little difference to a GP clinic. People go there for a whole range of treatments, and TBH we are all usually bored rigid waiting, and in little danger of anything untoward bar 40 winks every time we visit.

..So. Keep your chin up & in no time at all I expect you back here telling us that it wasn't so bad after all. I'll alternatively settle for a private cash donation via PM..choice is yours..!!

Crazy Valentine
Originally posted by charmer:
Originally posted by charmer:
i had radial palsy a couple of years back-its the same thing really
i woke up one morning and i had lost the use of my right hand-no reason for it-it just flopped and i couldnt hold anything at all, it just didnt function
i had a plastic mould made for my hand and had physio and after a few months i started getting the strength back in it
i had electronic (or whatever they were!) tests on my spine to find out what caused it, but there was no reason, so they reckon i had just slept funny on it
so dont worry, the use CAN come back without the need for surgery Wink

and if you do have to have a plastic mould, keep it on when your pissed up!
i took mine off one night, i was sitting on the floor, boozing, i forgot my hand didnt work,and leant on it to get up, it gave way, and i sat down hard on a bottle which broke and shredded my @rse to bits-i had a look on my face similar to that-> Eeker afterwards Laugh

Now that cheered me up! Laugh Ta Muchly!
PresentSome much needed plasters! Big Grin
i had something similar a while back, started getting pins and needles in my left arm and numbness in my little finger, it got worse and eventualy my left hand kept cramping up and my little finger and thumb clamped together.

went to the docs, it turned out i had a habit of resting my left elbow on the computer chair for hours on end and had damaged a nerve. so stopped doing that and it cleared up in a few months.
Originally posted by charmer:
i had radial palsy a couple of years back-its the same thing really
i woke up one morning and i had lost the use of my right hand-no reason for it-it just flopped and i couldnt hold anything at all, it just didnt function
i had a plastic mould made for my hand and had physio and after a few months i started getting the strength back in it
i had electronic (or whatever they were!) tests on my spine to find out what caused it, but there was no reason, so they reckon i had just slept funny on it
so dont worry, the use CAN come back without the need for surgery Wink

Charmer, did you know radial palsy is often known as drunk mans syndrome. It often happens when people fall drunk on the bed face down with the arm hanging over the edge. The pressure from the mattress and the non movement of the arm causes the radial nerve to become damaged thus causing the palsy.
Originally posted by ContessaQ:
i had something similar a while back, started getting pins and needles in my left arm and numbness in my little finger, it got worse and eventualy my left hand kept cramping up and my little finger and thumb clamped together.

went to the docs, it turned out i had a habit of resting my left elbow on the computer chair for hours on end and had damaged a nerve. so stopped doing that and it cleared up in a few months.

That has brightend me up.. given me food for thought and Hope Cheers!
Originally posted by figtree:
Originally posted by squiggle:
I found a link figree, which might be a help

But from reading it (a cursory glance through) it seems that some carpal tunnel syndrome cases can even clear up without any help at all. So certainly don't start to worry too much, it could all be something and nothing.

I will try that Squiggs! Valentinebut from what the doc was saying it doesnt appear to be carpel wotsit which didn't worry me because I know that to be simple.... dare I say he would have referred me to an orthapedicthingy I would have thought if it had been Confused
Right I will spit it out.. what concerns me is what if it is motor neuron disease.. there is no cure for that! Oh blimey cheer me up and make me laugh please!So sorry to be a gloomy bum!

Oh figtree no wonder you've been worrying, poor love. It probably won't be that at all. Things always look so black when we're worrying. I always say it would be no good me reading a medical household help book because I would end up thinking I had everything from blackwater fever onwards Big Grin

I am looking forward to when you come back on here and tell us it was just something really simple. Do you remember the poster a few weeks back who had all these awful symptoms and it turned out to be some form of anaemia?

Hug wavey
Originally posted by squiggle:
Originally posted by figtree:
Originally posted by squiggle:
I found a link figree, which might be a help

But from reading it (a cursory glance through) it seems that some carpal tunnel syndrome cases can even clear up without any help at all. So certainly don't start to worry too much, it could all be something and nothing.

I will try that Squiggs! Valentinebut from what the doc was saying it doesnt appear to be carpel wotsit which didn't worry me because I know that to be simple.... dare I say he would have referred me to an orthapedicthingy I would have thought if it had been Confused
Right I will spit it out.. what concerns me is what if it is motor neuron disease.. there is no cure for that! Oh blimey cheer me up and make me laugh please!So sorry to be a gloomy bum!

Oh figtree no wonder you've been worrying, poor love. It probably won't be that at all. Things always look so black when we're worrying. I always say it would be no good me reading a medical household help book because I would end up thinking I had everything from blackwater fever onwards Big Grin

I am looking forward to when you come back on here and tell us it was just something really simple. Do you remember the poster a few weeks back who had all these awful symptoms and it turned out to be some form of anaemia?

Hug wavey

Ta you scrummy lot! Valentine Some of us may be sworn enemies when it comes to BB but when the going gets a bit rough you all band together! I really do lub you all ,you have given me the reassurance that I needed and feel tons better!
Best get on with some work now... I've been a right lazy hussy this morn' be back soon when the guilt has worn off! Valentine Valentine Valentine Valentine
Originally posted by lucifer:
Heya Figgy Smiler

I'm a multi-facetted madman; and will drive you to despair if you let me Razzer


I'm also a good egg if I say so myself..have a certificate in humility to prove it too..!! Anyways; whilst I don't know about this particular diagnosis, I can tell you a few bits that I hope will be of some comfort. I myself am under a neurologist because of a neurological disorder which was diagnosed years ago. For real you panic when your doc tells you that they need to send you to any kind of specialist - particularly a neurologist for obvious reasons.

However; for the vast VAST majority of people who are referred, it's because there is either

a. something which has to be investigated further which a GP isn't equipped to do..most cases all being well


b. something tangible is evident & needs further investigation.

Now don't be panicing about b. - it applies to me. Believe it or not, the vast majority of neuro patients have disorders like mine..yours possibly..which are routinely treated in very busy out-patient clinics. I've met people in waiting rooms at my hospital where I go for Botox injections every 3 months.

Being an outpatient (the bulk of neurology patients) means they know what - *IF* in fact anything - is wrong with you and how to treat it. If I can post some belligerence to ensure that you get a clean bill of health..well consider it posted now..*harumph* Smiler

IF that doesn't work; please believe me, a neurology clinic bears little difference to a GP clinic. People go there for a whole range of treatments, and TBH we are all usually bored rigid waiting, and in little danger of anything untoward bar 40 winks every time we visit.

..So. Keep your chin up & in no time at all I expect you back here telling us that it wasn't so bad after all. I'll alternatively settle for a private cash donation via PM..choice is yours..!!

Crazy Valentine

Bump fot Figtree.Smiler

Originally posted by lucifer:

Hello queenshaks Big Grin

Blimey. Long time no see..!! Hope you are good flower..well..good or very bad..both work as always Thumbs Up Valentine

I did say hello in your opening thread a while back...but you disappeared. Saw you again a few weeks back...disappeared again. I started to feel para. Glance

Yes all good thanks, back to school in a week's time, only had 6 weeks off. Big Grin

Hope you're well too sunshine Valentine
Originally posted by queenshaks:
Originally posted by lucifer:

Hello queenshaks Big Grin

Blimey. Long time no see..!! Hope you are good flower..well..good or very bad..both work as always Thumbs Up Valentine

I did say hello in your opening thread a while back...but you disappeared. Saw you again a few weeks back...disappeared again. I started to feel para. Glance

Yes all good thanks, back to school in a week's time, only had 6 weeks off. Big Grin

Hope you're well too sunshine Valentine

Awwwww...I remember those few visits and I was spinning six ways til Sunday trying..and multi-task Crying

No need to have felt Para...A jealous Marine might have intervened.. Big Grin Thanks as well for the little nudge reminder there. Not to worry. I spend time every 3 months in hospital with people in a similar pickle, so I've learned a few things the hard way; not least of which is that when people really are in trouble they stop being 'forumers' 'prudes' 'anti-social' etc..and will talk to anyone who can identify with their problem & is well intentioned.

Bit disappointed with the OP on one hand..but on the flipside, it does indicate melodrama designed to illicit camraderie from only the people he/she would 'prefer' to acknowledge. A fairly healthy prognosis on balance Wink

Good luck for this time next week flower...Be lucky Hug
Originally posted by Mentalist:
Originally posted by charmer:
i had radial palsy a couple of years back-its the same thing really
i woke up one morning and i had lost the use of my right hand-no reason for it-it just flopped and i couldnt hold anything at all, it just didnt function
i had a plastic mould made for my hand and had physio and after a few months i started getting the strength back in it
i had electronic (or whatever they were!) tests on my spine to find out what caused it, but there was no reason, so they reckon i had just slept funny on it
so dont worry, the use CAN come back without the need for surgery Wink

Charmer, did you know radial palsy is often known as drunk mans syndrome. It often happens when people fall drunk on the bed face down with the arm hanging over the edge. The pressure from the mattress and the non movement of the arm causes the radial nerve to become damaged thus causing the palsy.

that doesnt apply to me
i was so pissed the night before it happened, i fell to sleep on the floor-i was nowhere NEAR a mattress Big Grin
Originally posted by lucifer:

Awwwww...I remember those few visits and I was spinning six ways til Sunday trying..and multi-task Crying

No need to have felt Para...A jealous Marine might have intervened.. Big Grin Thanks as well for the little nudge reminder there. Not to worry. I spend time every 3 months in hospital with people in a similar pickle, so I've learned a few things the hard way; not least of which is that when people really are in trouble they stop being 'forumers' 'prudes' 'anti-social' etc..and will talk to anyone who can identify with their problem & is well intentioned.

Bit disappointed with the OP on one hand..but on the flipside, it does indicate melodrama designed to illicit camraderie from only the people he/she would 'prefer' to acknowledge. A fairly healthy prognosis on balance Wink

Good luck for this time next week flower...Be lucky Hug

Awwww never mind Luc, your old mates are always around for you, no matter what..Valentine

I love love reading your posts, stay true to yourself (like you need telling) and the world will be ok with you.Wink

This time next year *sighs* who knows where any of us might be. But thanks and you know...likewise sweets...Valentine
Originally posted by Aquarius 11:
Figtree please try not to worry ~ tho we all do. Smiler
You will probably feel relieved after you see
the neurologist as it's likely to be a nerve
damage thing. Something which can be treated
very easily.

Sending you big hugs and positive thoughts. Hug

Aw Ta Aquarius!Feeling loads more positive now after speaking to you all! Valentine
Originally posted by figtree:
Sunnydayz.. ValentineSquiggs. ValentineCharmer . Valentine.Dame Ann'. Valentine..Pink Babe. Valentine Renton. Valentine Mentalist. Valentine Lucifer Queen Shaks ValentineMoonin. ValentineHeartache. ValentinePokerface. Valentineveggieburger. Valentine Renton Valentine

Need I say more! Hug

I would like to be there to give you as many hugs back as you have given us all kisses. Hope you are feeling more positive now - geddit its the buzzword this year Big Grin
Originally posted by figtree:
Didn't want say anything this morn' but I am rather confuddled! Confused FrownerI made a post asking about carpel tunnel wotsit the other day and my mind was made at ease with the postings recieved knowing this to be a straight forward small op thingy! However went to the quacks yesterday and he is referring me to a neuroligist which was not what I was expecting!The doc' mentioned muscle wasting! Now I am really scared, I couldn't sleep last night because I had no one to talk about it!I am trying to concentrate on BB thingy to take my mind off it! Reassurance anyone? Am I reading more into this than I should! Frowner

I'm in the same boat, figgy, because of my creaky shoulder and numb hand.
I'm on the waiting list for the orthopaedic dept and my physio has recommended neurological investigation and a CT scan.
My arm also has a bit of muscle wastage (purely because I have less use of it).

It's nothing to worry about really Hug
"Neurological" is just concerned with nerve growth and function - it doesn't mean they're going to stick an electrode in your brain Big Grin

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