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These baby rabbits i got (Pandora and Delilah  or Pandeilah as they like to be called in Jedward type fashion)

I dont know what im doing with them, and i keep reading different conflicting advice for anything i read on the net. Has anyone here had experience of keeping rabbits? If so do you know the answerers to any of the following:

Can i feed bits of raw veg to them, i imagine they must be about 3 to 3 and a half months old. (guessing). Some sites saying yes, some sites saying no. and broccoli terrifies me, some sites saying it can kill them

They live in the hutch outside in a brick shed so its all warm but ive been letting them out during the day to have free roam of the garden, thinking that was good for them. But then on the net it says that grass can cause bloating and diarrhoea so not too, in particular wet grass. So much conflicting advice, so should i keep them off wet grass? they are pretty buggered in this country if that is the case, its always wet  

thank you

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I have house rabbits,they are never outdoors at all.Total carpet slobs they are out  of their cages all day,as my  damaged wallpaper, sofa,chairs and various cables over the years will testify.I'd go easy on their veg until they are older.A little now and then is fine.Brocolli will NOT kill them ,mine love it.One id 6 and 1/2 the othetr 3 and 1/2. Girl bunnies should get neutered (all rabbits should) if not they can be prone to uterine cancers etc in later life.

This is a good site.
Girl bunnies hump too,it's a dominance thing.  We had our neutered boy ,he was three years old when my niece bought a baby girl bunny. He 's a  laid back bunny so he accepted her no problem,they are now husbun and wife.
When cleo was getting sexually mature she would spray pee over the boy bun and me!
She also literally threw herself at him,rolled over on her back and would nip his nether regions,trying to get him interested in her.The slattern!
He of course being neutered just looked bemused at her behaviour.She calmed down after she was spayed.

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