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Russell owned Bozo!  Russell told it how it is and told it how the Tory Party is. 


As for Melanie Philips, the woman's a hateful warmongering bigot.  And let's face it, if this country does go to war with Iran and British servicemen and women come back in body-bags, Iranian civilians get maimed and killed and it costs our 'broke' ( ÂĐThe Tories ) nation ÂĢ30billion+ we don't have, it's not her who's going to feel it! 


She'll still be able to sit at her laptop, getting paid through the nose by the Daily Mail for composing her particularly bitter brand of self-centred, self-justifying and self-serving right wing bile she calls journalism.

Last edited by Carnelian
Originally Posted by Jenstar:

I really didnt like that woman Carnelian.... I loved how she was heckled


Theres been a 'list' of countries knocking about for a good few years that would be over powered (conspiracy stuff) and I think Iran a Syria are in the last few

Philips is part of that army of well-paid professional right wing hacks the Mail has on its books. 


The Mail has so many of its hacks on Question Time, a Martian would be forgiven for thinking the Daily Mail was a political party in its own right, polling at least 15% with its own MPs.  But the Mail isn't a political party.  It doesn't field candidates and never has to justify the consequences of its decisions to voters.


People like Philips are just glorified golf-club bores who know slightly more about some of the topics they comment on than the average person of a similar political persuasion.


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