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Originally Posted by Senora Reyes:
Originally Posted by ~Cosmopolitan~:

She looks distraught, poor woman.


Also, how humiliating to have it splashed across the papers.

Then again, he's been caught bang to rights.  Bastard.

Totally agree, hope her family come to her aid..Absolute Bastard!

Hopefully it'll do them both good to see the photographic evidence: for her to  realise that she needs to get out and for him to see evidence of his behaviour. Christ, if he does that in public with paps about God knows what happens in the privacy of their own home

Originally Posted by Supes:
Originally Posted by Senora Reyes:
Originally Posted by ~Cosmopolitan~:

She looks distraught, poor woman.


Also, how humiliating to have it splashed across the papers.

Then again, he's been caught bang to rights.  Bastard.

Totally agree, hope her family come to her aid..Absolute Bastard!

Hopefully it'll do them both good to see the photographic evidence: for her to  realise that she needs to get out and for him to see evidence of his behaviour. Christ, if he does that in public with paps about God knows what happens in the privacy of their own home

Behind closed doors worries me, Supes.  He'll have controlled himself in public despite what the photos might suggest.

I couldn't give a stuff whether he faces up to his bullying ways - at least the public have seen him for what he is.  Just hope Nigella finds the strength to hot foot it out of there permanently.


Jeeze, they're pretty incriminating right enough.  What a low life.    As you say, God knows what goes on in private.   Poor woman.


I read her first husband's book GJ - he seemed like a really great bloke, I seem to remember he was keen for her to find someone else quickly after he'd gone too - shame she chose that bastard.


I can't remember the exact details, Cosi, but I think you're right.   I know he gave her his blessing to move on and not mourn for long - and I think they announced they were together very quickly afterwards.  I remember thinking at the time he knew exactly how it was going to play out.   (Not this episode though, obviously)


Her eyes are transfixed as she struggles to prise away the powerful hand squeezing around her throat
Glamorous TV cook Nigella Lawsonlooks stunned to be ­attacked by her art collector husband Charles Saatchi during a vicious row at their ­favourite London restaurant.

Fellow diners and passers-by at Scott’s in Mayfair were shocked to see the ­advertising ­multimillionaire reduce his celebrity wife to tears.

Saatchi launched a tirade of angry words., the Sunday People can reveal.

Four times he grasped her around the neck with Nigella, 53, looking powerless and petrified.

At first he used only his left hand, then both. At one stage he tweaked her nose then pushed both hands in her face. Twice Nigella jerked her head backwards as if in fear.

Several times she nodded ­intently while the conversation became more and more heated.

By the end of the meal she was clearly distraught and in tears.

Now there are fears of severe problems in their 10-year marriage – his third and her second.

Nigella has been abroad ­frequently promoting her latest book and TV series while Saatchi, 70, has become ­ever more reclusive and tetchy.

The bust-up came after the ­couple had just finished eating at the ­specialist seafood restaurant, a ­popular haunt for ­celebrities ­including Pippa Middleton, Jeremy Clarkson and Simon Cowell.

Nigella and Saatchi always ask for the same table, which is outside ­because he likes to smoke.

It is partly sheltered by olive trees and box bushes. But the attack could be clearly seen and heard by other customers and those passing by the restaurant in the busy street.

Nobody intervened although the incident looked brutal.

A couple on the adjacent table, who briefly chatted with Nigella earlier, turned round and gasped in alarm as they saw her in distress.

She dabbed her eyes on a linen napkin as Saatchi tapped his ­cigarettes impatiently on the table.

Nigella then downed her glass of red wine in one gulp and began to talk, her voice trembling.

She seemed to be trying to pacify her husband, placing a hand on his left wrist as it lay on the table.

At that moment she leaned over and kissed his right cheek.

“It was utterly shocking to watch,” said one onlooker. “I have no doubt she was scared. It was horrific, ­really. She was very tearful and was ­constantly dabbing her eyes.

“Nigella was very, very upset. She had a real look of fear on her face. No man should do that to a woman. She raised her voice and got angry but at the same time was trying to calm him down, almost like you would try to calm down a child.

"The kiss was a strange thing. He was being ­intimidating, ­threatening.

“And yet she kissed him. She ­appeared to be a woman who loves him but was clearly unable to stop him being abusive, ­frightening and ­disrespectful to her.”

Saatchi, 6ft and 17 stone, marched off, leaving his wife sobbing at the table and ­grasping her mobile phone as he got into a car the couple had waiting.

The onlooker said: “He looked guilty. It was clear he knew he’d done something wrong. He was menacing, there’s no ­question. She had been abused and ­humiliated in public.”

As Nigella walked to the car she put a hand to her mouth and bit her lip while wiping away tears.

The ­pair returned to the ­ÂĢ12million converted warehouse in Chelsea, central London, where they live with his daughter Phoebe, 19, and her children Cosima, also 19, and Bruno, 17 – all from ­previous marriages.

Earlier Nigella ­tweeted a ­picture of her ­breakfast – scrambled egg and smoked salmon – without a hint of any trouble at home.

The couple, due to celebrate their 10th ­anniversary in September, went out for lunch last Sunday with Saatchi in his trademark black suit and crisp white shirt.

Nigella wore a black jacket with matching tight leggings and a top with red dots. Earlier this year her ­voluptuous look and sensuous style made her a hit in Hollywood – as a judge on foodie talent show Taste.

Saatchi, who describes himself as a control freak and at times “cringingly vain” has also said his wife’s cookery is wasted on him and he ­prefers ­nursery food such as eggs and beans on toast.

Nigella once said of him: “Charles doesn’t really like proper food. He prefers a bowl of cereal.”

One acquaintance who had a ­conversation with Nigella recently said: “For Saatchi, Nigella has eclipsed him and he’s grumpier.

“His ultimate act of rebellion has been to reject her food. I have a ­feeling that drinking and smoking come into this as well. Her first ­husband John Diamond died of throat cancer in 2001. Yet Saatchi smokes.

“She’d never say anything about it though. She wouldn’t like to do ­anything to upset him.

“Nigella is in awe of him and ­surprisingly lacking in confidence herself. She has been thrilled by the ­reaction she has been getting in America after appearing on TV.

“And with the popularity in Britain it’s boosted her self-esteem.”

A spokesman for Scott’s said last night: “We do not comment on the private matters of customers.”

Neither Nigella nor Saatchi ­responded to requests for a comment when ­asked by the Sunday People

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If that shit is prepared to abuse her in a public place then I dread to think what he would do behind closed doors. I'm not a violent man, but when I see that I just want to punch him square in the face, repeatedly.


I wish I could understand why women seem to stay with these abusers, it can't be love because people who love you don't do that kind of thing.


I have some experience of this, a friend has experienced some verbal and physical abuse, but is still with him. Just wish I could make her understand that abusive tendencies just do not disappear over time, the person involved needs help.


If Nigella's family don't step in now, shame on them.

Enthusiastic Contrafibularities
Originally Posted by KaffyBaffy:

I can't remember the exact details, Cosi, but I think you're right.   I know he gave her his blessing to move on and not mourn for long - and I think they announced they were together very quickly afterwards.  I remember thinking at the time he knew exactly how it was going to play out.   (Not this episode though, obviously)


theres more about this on this link


Originally Posted by Temps:

That's disgraceful that they printed them.  Whatever about passing them to Nigella and letting her use them any way she print pictures of someone in a situation like that is absolutely vile.

I'm sort of torn on that, Temps... it must be horrendous for Nigella to have them all over the papers, but how many abusers get away with it because the woman doesn't tell anyone and everyone thinks they're a great bloke.   I doubt she needs pictures to use if she chooses to do anything about it.


As to why do women stay with these men - it's very easy to say they should leave, but if you've not been in the situation (thankfully I haven't, but a close friend has), you just can't know how you'd react.   In the case i know, the man had so eroded his wife's self esteem she pretty much thought she deserved what she got.  She also told me, years later that  she knew deep down she should go and she knew one day she would.  For her, the catalyst was when he missed her and punched the baby she was holding,

Originally Posted by Jenstar:

Poor woman, as others have said i hope she gains strength from all of this and leaves him. But i think it will be worse for her at the moment as he will be angry and blame her for it being all over the papers..... I hope she's ok

That's exactly that sort of attitude I was referring to in my post above Jen.   He's the one doing the attacking, but he'll somehow turn it around to make it all her fault.   (not getting at you there - it sounded like it a wee bit  - just using that to illustrate a point)

Originally Posted by KaffyBaffy:
Originally Posted by Temps:

That's disgraceful that they printed them.  Whatever about passing them to Nigella and letting her use them any way she print pictures of someone in a situation like that is absolutely vile.

I'm sort of torn on that, Temps... it must be horrendous for Nigella to have them all over the papers, but how many abusers get away with it because the woman doesn't tell anyone and everyone thinks they're a great bloke.   I doubt she needs pictures to use if she chooses to do anything about it.


As to why do women stay with these men - it's very easy to say they should leave, but if you've not been in the situation (thankfully I haven't, but a close friend has), you just can't know how you'd react.   In the case i know, the man had so eroded his wife's self esteem she pretty much thought she deserved what she got.  She also told me, years later that  she knew deep down she should go and she knew one day she would.  For her, the catalyst was when he missed her and punched the baby she was holding,

BIB I agree Kaffy. I have an old schoolfriend who put up with years of physical and mental abuse because her hubby eroded her self confidence so much that she thought nobody would believe her. Everyone thought her hubby was such a nice, quiet guy when he was actually a nasty, violent bully.

Thankfully, she eventually found the strength to divorce him and is now married to a nice man.

Originally Posted by ~Cosmopolitan~:

 they live with his daughter Phoebe, 19, and her children Cosima, also 19, and Bruno, 17 – all from ­previous marriages.


19 & 17...     in my world that'd be old enough for them to have something to say about it! 


On the odd occaision MrD has got himself in the doghouse with us all (and for pretty minor offences..   nothing anywhere near the severity & unforgivable wrong doing of domestic violence)  he hasn't stood a chance against all three of us.   Has been this way for years..   since the girl hit about 15 and the boy 11. 


The kids need to stand by Nigella & let the dickhead know he stands alone.. 


If he's twisted enough to find a way of blaming her for his actions then it should be further proof to her that she needs time away from him to think things through. He may never have acted like that before but by being caught on camera and named and shamed hopefully he's learnt a lesson, and at least her family and friends will be looking out for her to make sure she's ok.

Yellow Rose
Originally Posted by Temps:

That's disgraceful that they printed them.  Whatever about passing them to Nigella and letting her use them any way she print pictures of someone in a situation like that is absolutely vile.

Keeping abuse hidden may be the root of the problem.

Perhaps by exposing it so publically, it may just make her realise she needs to break free?


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