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'Kay, um, I'm going into Yr 13 or Upper 6th in a few days, and Have just finished filling in my UCAS forms... The only thing I have left to do is my personal statement.. and it's proving a problem...

I am not a writey person, hence why I do mathematical subjects, so I would REALLY appreciate any help or tips...

Errrrrrm, I guess I should tell you what's good about me... and stuff so you can help... 

- I have 10 GCSE's: 5 A*'s, 3 A's and 2 B's 
- 6 AS Levels, all A's
- Next year I'm continuing with 5 subjects, Maths, Further Maths, Chemistry, Physics and DT
- Planning on doing Chemical Engineering MEng, preferably at Imperial
- Currently at boarding school on a full Physics and Maths Scholarship from Toshiba and the Ogden Trust
- Have done Motorsport, Entrepreneurial Engineering and Nanotechnology courses with Smallpeice Trust
- Come from a less well off background than many people applying for uni..

Errrrr.... I can't think of much else without making myself cringe, at horrid phrases like "self-starter"

Basically I need help starting it, how to order it, what to say, what not to say... and maybe some good vocab and good wordings of stuff... I've never really been good at wording things unless they include vampires or wizards

Sooooo, thank you very much just for reading this waffle, and thank you een more if you can be of any held

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Ickle - good luck - I am helping my younger son do his at the moment, bu he has far less to sell about himself than you, Wow - with all that you have done, they should welcome you with open arms!!
Keep it concise - ie don't waffle, but sell yourself, concentrating on all the things that you have done already re engineering. Think about things (however minor) in your life that have helped shape you as a person - maybe about how you settled down in boarding school, clubs/ organisations that you belong/have belonged to that may have helped you acquire certain skills.

That should be enough to be going on with - don't try and do it all in one go, as you'll think of other things you can add later on.
My older son didn't get the grades he wanted for his choice last year, but the uni still accepted him, so I like to think that the personal statement he did (and I helped him with) helped clinch him his place!!
If you want any more advice, let me know.
Gawd, its been ages since I had to do mine *coff* All the academic stuff is already covered, so the personal statement is kinda 'everything else' where you can show a bit of personality... the motorsport and engineering courses you mentioned would be fab to include cos they're different....  Has the school given you any advice on what sort of things to include/what the uni admissions peeps will be looking out for?

I've always been better with 'wordy' things - though thats not saying much cos I'm shit at maths/physics etc

I don't know nuffink about the Personal Statements but would instinctively think they would initially be most interested in why you want to study the subject... you know, what inspired to choose it, what you'd hope to do with your qualification in the job world after etc. Then bring in the stuff about what a team player you are etc etc.

I'm a wordy person by trade, so if I can help pull it together for you once you've worked out the content just let me know. 
Wow - with all that you have done, they should welcome you with open arms!!
I totally agree with this!

Ickle your personal statement will almost write itself.

Concentrate on your opening paragraph for now..... as long as you start and end well (and with what you have to fill in the middle bit)... you should have no problem!

Your first paragraph needs to be about the subject you are choosing to study and why. Then you can go on to talk about your achievements in and out of school, (include any employment or voluntary work) then hobbies etc. Try and end with a sentence or two about how all your achievements/endeavours make you the ideal candidate.

Don't worry if you cringe....we all cringe when blowing our trumpets (well the sane amongst us do ).,..but it has to be done. Try and emphasise those qualities that you think would be important for the course you have chosen.....and if you feel you have to mention wizards, as long as it's mildly relevant and makes you stand out....go for it.

If you're still struggling, just write ANYTHING.... it's only a first draft and can be rearranged and re-jigged later!
Like when you're applying for a new job
God yeah! And it's even worse when applying for promotions! There is nothing worse than blowing your own trumpet to people who know your trumpet all too well

I can sympathise with students who feel uncomfortable getting their own teachers to check their personal statements. I'm sure that's why half of them put it off and put it off.

Well done to Ickle for getting started on it now I say.
Aren't you getting help from the sixth form staff at school with your statement?  My daughter is at the same stage as you, and had to start work on her personal statement as soon as the AS exams had finished.  Everyone has now had several sessions with their subject tutors, careers adviser, and the senior sixth form staff to go through their personal statements.  The staff at your school are the ones who are used to getting students into top universities, and know exactly what you should and shouldn't say.  Good luck!
Your first paragraph needs to be about the subject you are choosing to study and why. Then you can go on to talk about your achievements in and out of school, (include any employment or voluntary work) then hobbies etc. Try and end with a sentence or two about how all your achievements/endeavours make you the ideal candidate.
SEE!!   this is why I wish you were HER Head of Sixth! 

and if you feel you have to mention wizards, as long as it's mildly relevant and makes you stand out....go for it.
and then you go and say this!!!!!!  
TBH no...   we haven't really had much help from the school...   I think, cos its a boy's school, which is built upon is reputation for sports... they are used to helping kids with statements that include... Captain of the Rugby Team...     Went on the sixth form trip to Calabash (Ickle didn't go on Calabash...  as they needed ÂĢ2k from us for it... and gave us a fortnights notice for it, just before Xmas)...   she had too much work to do to do Duke of Edinburgh, hates hockey...  

but you lot have helped us put it back into perspective!    

Her grades, her short courses, her scholarship do more or less speak for themselves...    she has a (bizarre) obsession with Korean & Japanese culture...    so I think she might be able to get that in there somewhere.
Can't really add much more than what others have said Ickle, apart from try and sell yourself in the opening paragraph, when I was working and had to look at CV's and letters of application, 'twas always the opening paragraph that grabbed me... and don't be afraid to blow your own trumpet, you have some amazing qualifications and courses to put on your statement.  Just want to add my congratulations on your exam results and good luck on your uni applications, I am certain you will get the place you are looking for.
â™ĨPinkBabe1966â™ĨThe Angel under the tree!
We were told when I did mine (admittedly nearly 5 years ago now...i'm getting old) to always start with why you want to do that course, so try and find out something interesting that you can put about it. For example, I started mine with the quote "Biochemistry;the chemistry of life" (and then I put who said it but I can't remember that now) and basically explained why that had pulled me in. Then in the middle I sold myself, so just try and expand on "I'm blimmin brilliant and you would be lucky to have me", and then at the end I was told to put why the degree I had chosen would suit me, my personality and my career which point I wrote something completely cringeful and a load BS.
With everything you have Ickle the selling yourself bit will be easy, obviously make sure that it is all spelt correctly and such. As for why you chose the course, just try and make yourself seem really passionate because that's what they are looking for. And try to make yourself stand out, the people reading these will read so many that you need to jump out and make them remember you. Also getting it in quickly and early will mean that they are more likely to say yes.
We have an opening line..   "In the film The Matrix, Neo see's the world in numbers, I find myself walking around seeing the world in chemical formulae."

My daughter studied classics at uni and did the same sort of geekish sentence - she was accepted by 4 red bricks - no question.
Ditty - what a lovely daughter you have BTW
She's feeling proper poorly again this evening (her tonsils are huge... with big blisters on them!)...  but she has asked me to thank you all, and says she will return to this thread tomorrow when she's not feeling so bad. Thank you from me too...    you've all really really helped!
Hot honey and lemon with a couple of aspirin dissolved in it is helpful. If she is not allergic to aspirin get her to gargle with it as well .
If she is not allergic to aspirin get her to gargle with it as well .
they've put her on effervescent co-codamol (paracetamol & codeine)... which she is supposed to gargle with....   but won't/can't/freaks out when I try to get her to do it.

She's also on her 2nd course of penicillin...  and ibuprofen.  

We thought the first course of antibiotics had worked... but 24 hours after she finished the course it was back with a vengeance.   She's supposed to be going back to school on Monday...  but I don't think she'll be able to (the school won't accept her there in this state, on meds...  and I certainly don't want her going til she's better)...    

she is stressing about someone nicking her bagsied bedroom...   or class seating arrangements not being to her liking! 

I am going to have to track down her bessie mate on Facebook and get her to sort these things out for her.

I know its wrong...   but I am glad I get to keep for an extra couple of days

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