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Hi Deman,not been in here for a while,i have never sworn on a forum,like you i am gutted,i don't think there is any other manager out there to replace him,this is one of the biggest blows Villa fans have ever had,the club will get what it deserves in the next few seasons and that is a big fat NOTHING.Not going to say any more cos i could go on for ever because i am so angry.

Maggie xx
It seems like Lerner told him he couldn't have all the cash from Milner's sale to spend on new players - so he was effectively being asked to settle for a Milner-Ireland swap. Plus the rumours about Spurs tapping up Ashley Young, some other bugger after Brad Friedel...
Randy Lerner has cost Villa the best manager we have had in decades, and without doubt the best one we'll ever get.
Only last week I heard some ugly rumours about other behind-the-scenes stuff, involving a board member's son using a Villa message board to slag MON off. If MON got to hear of that, no wonder he had enough.
Randy Lerner (sp) has always been touted as a great example of a good foreign owner so this is really strange.
It is a worry when a manager goes especially if he is a hands on type like MON or AW. AW is in the last year of his contract and he is making noises that he may not renew - worries the hell out of me.
You should have no trouble attracting a decent manager though - your academy/reserves are excellent. Some really good players coming through
Toid and Maggie I really feel for you, even though I support your most local rivals as the crow flies, I have a lot of friends who support Villa and are gutted.  I mist admit I am surprised by the announcement so near to the start of the season, and the reasons being given.. the lack of transfer funds, always thought that Randy Learner was a chairman who would allow his manager to go for who he wanted without financial restraints, totally unlike Deadly Doug who would not open the cheque book for anything!

I just hope that it is not personal reasons with M'oN's wife being ill again and him taking time out to be with her ~ and BTW you are NOT having Roberto Di Matteo, he is OURS!!!!!  And I truly hope you don't get Megson!
β™₯PinkBabe1966β™₯The Angel under the tree!

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