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I dunno why i've called it a 'NEW' regime....I never had one in the first place

Anywho, I'm sick and tired of feeling sorry for myself and its about time I did my Mum proud. So here's the dilliyo (that word means 'deal' for all of you people who are slightly out of touch )

I'm going to go swimming on Tuesdays and Thursday evenings at my local pool. Seeing as my pool is about 2 miles away, I'm also going to walk there and back. Once I, hopefully, get a bit fitter and have more energy I will bike ride there and back....(makes me feel sick thinking about it )

On the other days I'm going to go for evening walks, which may or may not turn into jogs if I'm feeling dangerous.

Diet wise, I'm not really going to change much, as they don't really work. May just cut down on the sugary things and eat a bit more fruit and veg.

I'm not really overweight, but I would like some definition in the way my body looks, its all about losing the fat and gaining some muscle. If anyone has some good tips and pointers I will be happy to hear them.

I give myself till next tuesday before I give in

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My tip is this:

Each morning I prepare a breakfast omelette (2 egg). Includes one onion and topped off with a few flakes of smoked salmon. I also have with it about 200g of baked beans. One glass of breakfast juice.

Trust me, I eat this around 6am each day and I don't feel any hunger until around 11.30. I don't even snack through the day - where I used to snack a lot.

A good breakfast is the way to go. Ease down on the level of food throughout the day.

I almost never eat after 9.00pm. If I do it is a small bowl of cereal with milk.

Give it a go - what have you got to lose?
Enthusiastic Contrafibularities
My tip is: find summat you actually like to do that makes you fit as a by-product. 

I loathe exercising for exercisings sake.  I do it occasionally when I need to sharpen up but otherwise I'm fit because I ride bikes.  And I love riding bikes.  It isn't a chore it's a laugh and I am fit incidently.

Previously I've been fit from skateboarding all the time, or bmxing when I was younger.  Or skiing or whatever.

I do put in the lengths at the pool sometimes but Christ it's boring.  I hate it, lol 
I used to struggle with weight problems, but now that im playing Rugby League at a high intensity im alot different, I usually do 20 mins on the bike about 5-6 times a week... also on top of that got my rugby training and training with club physio.

I wouldnt over do it, I only do that routine because I can manage it... start slowly and gradually build your way up. If exercising is something you never really do, then you may notice that in first few weeks you lose alot of weight... then you won't be losing much weight after as your body has got used to it so you need to push yourself on further.

Thats just my view on it, I just push myself more and more... Im now at a point though where im fit enough for what im doing so I don't bother pushing myself further.

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