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My beautiful chinchilla persian cat who is 13 years old has started being sick lately (only saliva) but today she passed bright red blood when she had a wee in her box. She is a house cat, never ever goes out so I know that the only thing she eats is her dried food. I realise I will have to get her to the vet but she is so timid I am frightened that the upheaval of taking her will make her worse.

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Sounds similar to what one of my cats had. Crystals in the bladder. He wasn't an old cat....9 years old. He was passing blood, became lethargic and was yelping when he jumped up on the sofa and things. We took him to the vet and he was cathaterised(sp) 3 times before they told us they couldn't do it again. Antibitotics cleared it for a while each time but it kept coming back and sadly he died.

Please go get your cat checked incase it is this. Caught early enough it is treatable Hug
Originally posted by BBaddict:
My beautiful chinchilla persian cat who is 13 years old has started being sick lately (only saliva) but today she passed bright red blood when she had a wee in her box. She is a house cat, never ever goes out so I know that the only thing she eats is her dried food. I realise I will have to get her to the vet but she is so timid I am frightened that the upheaval of taking her will make her worse.

She needs to see a vet....ASAP
my dog loved the vet but hated his surgery and got so stressed the vet did hosue visits for us for the last 3 years of chloes life. He was very good and wrote it as "consultation" for claiming back from insurance. If it is going to distress you cat too much to go to the vet why not ask him if he can visit the house. He can assess her in her own comfortable environment and not stress her out more than she needs to be,

she may have to go into the surgery to get sorted but then at least you will only have one stressful visit for her instead of possibly two
*yogi Bear*
Originally posted by lorraineshere:
urm i wouldnt wait till tomorrow , i know it can be expensive but i advise calling the emergency number , cats go into shock VERY quickly... better be safe than sorry x

I would love to do that but finances are very poor at the moment. My husband has been out of work since Feb, he doesn't pick up his pension till Oct so we are living off my miserly one until then also I've just been slammed with a ÂĢ200 bill for a new lens in my specs today. I only pray that tomorrow is not too late but I have to say that she seems ok just now so I am keeping my fingers crossed. If she deteriorates between now and then I will of course call the vet out.

Should anything bad happen because I haven't taken her today I will never forgive myself. Thanks to you all for your concern and I will let you know what happens.

PS I'm not whingeing about the lack of finances, I only mention it because we really cannot afford large bills just now. We are very lucky that we aren't a young couple with a mortgage and kids to support.
Originally posted by BBaddict:
Originally posted by lorraineshere:
urm i wouldnt wait till tomorrow , i know it can be expensive but i advise calling the emergency number , cats go into shock VERY quickly... better be safe than sorry x

I would love to do that but finances are very poor at the moment. My husband has been out of work since Feb, he doesn't pick up his pension till Oct so we are living off my miserly one until then also I've just been slammed with a ÂĢ200 bill for a new lens in my specs today. I only pray that tomorrow is not too late but I have to say that she seems ok just now so I am keeping my fingers crossed. If she deteriorates between now and then I will of course call the vet out.

Should anything bad happen because I haven't taken her today I will never forgive myself. Thanks to you all for your concern and I will let you know what happens.

PS I'm not whingeing about the lack of finances, I only mention it because we really cannot afford large bills just now. We are very lucky that we aren't a young couple with a mortgage and kids to support.

awww hun i feel for you Frowner
if you have a good relationship with your vet , he may due to the current climate allow you to pay in installments .... im lucky to have a great vet who has helped us out a few times when money has been short, if he is a good vet the cats health will be more important than the bill xxxx
Originally posted by lorraineshere:
Originally posted by BBaddict:
Originally posted by lorraineshere:
urm i wouldnt wait till tomorrow , i know it can be expensive but i advise calling the emergency number , cats go into shock VERY quickly... better be safe than sorry x

I would love to do that but finances are very poor at the moment. My husband has been out of work since Feb, he doesn't pick up his pension till Oct so we are living off my miserly one until then also I've just been slammed with a ÂĢ200 bill for a new lens in my specs today. I only pray that tomorrow is not too late but I have to say that she seems ok just now so I am keeping my fingers crossed. If she deteriorates between now and then I will of course call the vet out.

Should anything bad happen because I haven't taken her today I will never forgive myself. Thanks to you all for your concern and I will let you know what happens.

PS I'm not whingeing about the lack of finances, I only mention it because we really cannot afford large bills just now. We are very lucky that we aren't a young couple with a mortgage and kids to support.

awww hun i feel for you Frowner
if you have a good relationship with your vet , he may due to the current climate allow you to pay in installments .... im lucky to have a great vet who has helped us out a few times when money has been short, if he is a good vet the cats health will be more important than the bill xxxx

Ah Lorraine, don't feel sorry for me, we are ok really, just need this little one sorting out Hug

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