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Originally posted by spongebob squarepants:
didn't see it...has it got that knobcheese mark croft in it?....

i'd like to shove him in an iceland freezer and sit on the lid for as long as it took......

Oh yep he's in it. Knobcheese is too mild a word for him - complaining about her being lazy cos she's heavily pregnant and needs to lie down.

Why on earth would anyone marry him?
Originally posted by skive:
Originally posted by spongebob squarepants:
didn't see it...has it got that knobcheese mark croft in it?....

i'd like to shove him in an iceland freezer and sit on the lid for as long as it took......

Oh yep he's in it. Knobcheese is too mild a word for him - complaining about her being lazy cos she's heavily pregnant and needs to lie down.

Why on earth would anyone marry him?

gawd knows.....

he's a right money sucking leech...
Originally posted by BARMY BRUMMIE:
I watched SOMETHING with those lot in it a few months back - think it might have been a follow on series 'what now' or something. It was absolutely abhorrent really. The language, the relationship, the obvious drug/drink thing going on and those poor POOR children - NONE of them give a shit about the kids - its all about the next KERCHINNNNGGGGG

It's dysfunctional beyond belief brummie it really is. If she wasn't rolling in it from selling herself to tabloids and gossip mags then social services would be involved.
Originally posted by Real:
Originally posted by spongebob squarepants:
i read her autobiography...she's had a right shit life

I haven't read it but she had a chance to make a good life for her and her kids but screwed up.

oh yeah i know.but i think brian mcfadden leaving her set her off....

she's on a destructive path which is hard to get off
Originally posted by skive:
Originally posted by Joods:
Good God - I simply cannot stand the girl! Cocaine Katona and the cabbie... a couple of rancid, flagrantly obtuse spongers! Pretty similar to Katie Price and her neanderthal sidekick...


They're like a downmarket version of Price and Andre - never thought such a thing was possible!

I know, and between them, they have SEVEN children who, sadly, will suffer one way or another because of them. Frowner
Originally posted by Real:
She is a fool to herself at the mo. Some celebs can't handle the fame and fortune thing. They crave it then when they have it and it goes wrong- wish they had never got it.

It's the type of fame I guess. There's no real talent there and so they end up relying on the tabloid/gossip mag route 'famous for being famous' rather than achieving anything. But it's a fickle mistress - what builds them up also knocks them down.
Originally posted by spongebob squarepants:
Originally posted by Real:
Originally posted by spongebob squarepants:
i read her autobiography...she's had a right shit life

I haven't read it but she had a chance to make a good life for her and her kids but screwed up.

oh yeah i know.but i think brian mcfadden leaving her set her off....

she's on a destructive path which is hard to get off

Thumbs Up Like i said. Fame and fortune are OK if you can handle it. She needs to get her act together before we hear of another MJ incident. Only she can get herself out of this rut. She is too young to die.
Originally posted by miss lippy:
I have always been doubtful about her claim to be bi-polar and wondered whether it was a cover for her cocaine habit. I may be wrong, but a friend of mine is bi-polar and her symptoms are not at all like Kerry Katona's.

It's a difficult one to call miss lippy. I knew someone who was bi-polar and she ended up on lithium after being sectioned. It does seem a convenient label for someone who is actually just a bit (or a lot) messed up.
Originally posted by spongebob squarepants:
Originally posted by Real:
Originally posted by spongebob squarepants:
i read her autobiography...she's had a right shit life

I haven't read it but she had a chance to make a good life for her and her kids but screwed up.

oh yeah i know.but i think brian mcfadden leaving her set her off....

she's on a destructive path which is hard to get off

I tend to agree with you after Brian left her she has gone in a downspiral of self destruct and Mark is the wrong person to be around her , totally different girl when she was on IACGMOOH
Her problems stem from the mother, no excuse but a massive contributory factor to why she's like she is imo.

The show is absolutely disturbing to watch.

Dunno why Kerry doesn't quit the z list celeb craving and concentrate on her kids instead.

A long course of proper counseling is the way to go for her imo....not some short holiday in the fecking Priory every time she snorts too much coke.
Originally posted by Anmarie:
people really should read her book. The poor girl has gone through it. My heart goes out to her its a bloody shame. And has for the drugs most celebs take coke its just kerry got caught.

It may well be sad what she went through as a child, but she was given a chance in life and should have respected the lucky and life changing chance that was given to her, she has no talent but the opening was there to make her life successful until the end.

She fecked it up and chucked it down the toilet, i have nothing but detest for the "poor me" act.

I hope she loses her kids and that Brian bloke gets full custody, she is low life
Unfortunate mental illness aside, it really is about time she grew up and stopped blaming her bipolar for everything. She's had chance after chance and has blown the lot; plenty of people had difficult upbringings and managed to make a life for themselves and not inflict the same instability on their own kids.
She needs to take responsibility for herself, starting with getting professional help, and if she could do that quietly and in such a way that I wouldn't have to read about every day then so much the better.
Originally posted by skive:
I saw 2 episodes of this for the first time ever tonight.

OMG Eeker

I couldn't take my eyes of it. It's not real surely?

why this pathetic excuse for a 'human' is even given air time,is beyond most of us.She should never be talked about in the papers - and I hear she is pushing her 'agent' (surprised she still has on) to get back in to IACGMOOH yet AGAIN whats the money for ??

she's had her 9 lives - BIN HER. he is ??????
Originally posted by Sink the Pink:
Originally posted by Anmarie:
people really should read her book. The poor girl has gone through it. My heart goes out to her its a bloody shame. And has for the drugs most celebs take coke its just kerry got caught.

It may well be sad what she went through as a child, but she was given a chance in life and should have respected the lucky and life changing chance that was given to her, she has no talent but the opening was there to make her life successful until the end.

She fecked it up and chucked it down the toilet, i have nothing but detest for the "poor me" act.

I hope she loses her kids and that Brian bloke gets full custody, she is low life

Absolutely !! 100% agree with you.

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