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I wouldn't disagree with you Evelyn, tbh I don't really know enough about the psychology of it to argue effectively. It's just my gut feeling that he can't help himself. If he does do these things because he wants to ie choice then that is far more disturbing
I do know a bit about the Psychology, but its complex. He chose to go and start out as fun, he could not control what he did, especially when it got too far, arguably due to a mental condition.
Ev (Peachy)
Cheers Suze, have been having a squizz

I would love to contribute to this thread on topic, but its one of those where I'll be up all night and getting aggravated, and then I'll have to read the links and find out more horrible stuff, so I am going to remain blissful in my ignorance right at this moment, but fair play to the rest of yers.
Ooooh hello! I might be calling on you (starting Social Sciences in October)
Coool  You'll love it! If you want to do some back-ground reading before you start, I highly recommend 'Doing a Literary Review (Releasing the Social Science Research Imagination)' by Chris Hart. He gives some good tips on bringing the many disciplines within Soc Science to life, and relevant x
Coool You'll love it! If you want to do some back-ground reading before you start, I highly recommend 'Doing a Literary Review (Releasing the Social Science Research Imagination)' by Chris Hart. He gives some good tips on bringing the many disciplines within Soc Science to life, and relevant x
Excellent Cheers for that Suzy x I'll look online tomorrow for a copy
I would love to contribute to this thread on topic
I've given up, my head and sensibilities are aware that we live in a relatively Civil Society, and our justice system and rehabilitation of criminals should reflect that. But my heart wants to see Venables suffer or at least live one day as Sara Payne or Denise Fergus and countless others.
I do know a bit about the Psychology, but its complex. He chose to go and start out as fun, he could not control what he did, especially when it got too far, arguably due to a mental condition.
Mmmmm, and you make that assessment on what's been written in the newspapers and having never interviewed him
Yw Karms, I still get a buzz from it (I was lecturing part time and helping with research projects at a London Uni until my son got seriously ill in February). I'm missing it a little now, it will be my pleasure to give you a few pointers
I'm really looking forward to it I wanted to do a music degree aswell but that would have been to comitting to 32 hours a week study (full time) and I cant do that cos I'm involved in a new launch soon so wont have the time, was really torn to be honest but I went with the Psychology cos it's better for my career (and CV, admittedly). But I do have a genuine interest in the subject and it will help for the future work-wise too. Thanks again and I'll definitely be keeping you on speed dial in mind
I'm not all that hot on Psych, but I can help in a general sense (I'm more Pol/Econ, and some Philosophy). It does all tie-in in a loose sense and the research methods are broadly similar. If they still run courses like 'Ethnography', do that. I find it one of the most hands on and gritty research methods, unless you want to do more quantitative stuff and crunch numbers all day 
I would love to contribute to this thread on topic, but its one of those where I'll be up all night and getting aggravated, and then I'll have to read the links and find out more horrible stuff, so I am going to remain blissful in my ignorance right at this moment, but fair play to the rest of yers.
Ditto. I got as far as saying what I feel would be the start of justifiable and adequate punishment for him but had to stop (and also cos my brain's fried after today  ) The Daily Mail really do talk out of their rectum though, how can their Sub-Editors proof read before going to press and think that their column inches (used to be 8 to a page, haven't looked at a paper copy of the Mail in years so dont know what it is now - just a bit of useless information I threw in for the hell of it) - are actually being utilised effectively?!  Just shows what some people will do to turn over a few quid.
Hahaha that school let loads down! You wont be able to completely avoid some maths though, you'll have to do some quantitative stuff at some point. Don't panic though, it will become clear and give your studies more bite and 'backbone'.
One of my students a few years ago was rubbish at maths and managed to get to grips with statistics and complete a Merit level dissertation with a ton of graphs and other data. You'll be fine
Oh I'd love to get somewhere with psychology....and further into mental illness and it's causes etc...then I would take every single twatter who ever took the piss out of having depression, or suffering mentally, or having a breakdown or anything like that, and I would kick their prejudiced arse all over the show (I realise I am not being extremely eloquent here but sometimes its just gotta be said)....I detest people who take the piss out of that stuff.

If you've ever taken the piss, you've never suffered, and you're very lucky.

If this doesnt flow with the conversation sorry but I am multi tasking and being crap at it
One of my students a few years ago was rubbish at maths and managed to get to grips with statistics and complete a Merit level dissertation with a ton of graphs and other data.
Maybe her mum helped her. I did so much of my daughters degree it's shameful .........however - she has so much more common sense than me and a far better work ethic and hence has a fantastic, satisfying and very well paid job which she does brilliantly.  Mums the word.
Soozy Woo
I just love to learn.
It's great isn't it. Another one of my students did a research project called 'Brown Britain' all about the political and social condition of mixed-race people in the UK. I'm mixed-race and there was so much I didn't know about the historical and cultural context in her research piece. I got so inspired just working with her, and in turn she got inspired by my enthusiasm. She got a distinction and is now working for me in my company while she gathers up info. for her PhD 
I'm mixed-race and there was so much I didn't know about the historical and cultural context in her research piece.
I've spent time tracing my family history .............I'm blonde and very fair skinned sister is the complete opposite. My mother is very fair - my father dark .....there was talk of an Indian in the family ................have traced back to the 1840's my great, geat, grandfather was from Madras - a Laskar on a ship. He married or lived with an English white woman. We're an interesting family ..............either very fair or very dark real in betweeners.
Soozy Woo
Suz my son is mixed race and is very interested in all the political stuff aswell, plus he's so keen to know about his heritage (so finally I have to start looking into a family tree - have only been wanting to do it for the last 5 years ) Can you recommend anything on black history or similar that would be suitable for a 16 year old? (He's only 12 but can handle heavier stuff - not quite at War and Peace level yet though ) x
oooh Karms, anything by Prof. Stuart Hall (he's a Cultural Theorist at the OU!!). He's written some amazing pieces on Black Cultural history. He's really accessible too, he appears to write for a wider audience, not just academics....but doesn't loose any gravitas or distinction either. It's great that your boy is so keen 
Any introduction to 'Identity' would also be good (you can study together coz 'Identity' is a staple of any Soc. Science course).
Something else to look for tomorrow then! Thanks xxx Yeah is keen, he's the sort of child that will question everything, he will never just accept what you tell him - he wants to know why, how, who, where....I suppose it's good he's like that but it's been exhausting for me especially in the last few years (thank God for Google and even bigger thanks for Wiki ) Thanks again for all your help tonight, you really have been fab xxx
Ooooh hello! I might be calling on you (starting Social Sciences in October)
There's no need to worry about knowing too much to begin with, Karma.
Plus, you'll have to focus (lots of reading involved!) specifically on the relevant text books for that term, in order to paraphrase (not excessively) when composing your essays - anything outside of your course material will be irrelevant at this point, albeit useful in the longer term.

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