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if i was you mate, id stop sticking up for the pervs,stop being a do-gooder, stop trying to say everything is cool-cos it aint mate you wanna double check yourself we want 'normal people' on our streets not people who stand up and make a statment for perverts

Luckily (for me) you're not me, 'mate'.  D'you want me to rip your absurd post apart, sentence by sentence, word by word, syllable by syllable or would you prefer me to look down my nose at just how retarded and moronic - and wide of the mark - it is?  

Have you had an education?
Flipping Hell Pirate that's a bit strong.
Not wanting mob rule and vigilantes (sp) on the street doesn't mean that someone supports perverts etc
No one wants paedophiles roaming around putting kids at risk but there are ways of dealing with it.
Unfortunately it's cases like the Venables one that shake the faith of the public in the system to deal with these things effectively - and that is the fault of the judicial system who do deserve our anger
if i was you mate, id stop sticking up for the pervs,stop being a do-gooder, stop trying to say everything is cool-cos it aint mate you wanna double check yourself we want 'normal people' on our streets not people who stand up and make a statment for perverts
i still stand by what i said

sorry if i offend people

but tough s**t

the bloke shoulda died/been hung a long time ago

he was given a chance to make a go
what did he do?
watched a vid of a little girl getting raped
and sent this vile video via his pc to other people

this person does not deserve my time,respect,thoughts, or opinion

YOU WON..perv
nope but ive read some of your stuff and answers your a knob/nob youre not liked mate, ive had a few or more than a few pms-tut.. no one likes you but fair play to you for turning up

Charmed I'm sure.  No one's felt fit to pm me about you so I'm unsure as to your popularity/irrelevance. 

Have you conducted a plebiscite - look it up?  I really can't take your comment seriously without one.

As to your original ire, I can only assume you are anti-intellect.  Props to you if that's your chosen course. 

You will of course not find a single word form me where I've "stuck up for perverts".  But then, you know that really.  If you can't distinguish honest inquiry from partial positioning then I'm afraid even an Open University education may be beyond you.

I love you. 
Have thought about a couple...possibly English Language, Psychology/Psychological Studies (have a mate doing psychology we can psyche eachother right out ) thinking about redoing my A's and then doing it...have to sort out about the funding and stuff first and how it works, and need to try and fit it all in around getting divorced and making my kids happy

A woman's work eh
You could mine plenty of material from the accelerated morphing of the lexicon brought about by the internet -
English language would be a good one (would do an Eng Lit degree, I think, if I was to do another).  You could mine plenty of material from the accelerated morphing of the lexicon brought about by the internet - lmao, pmsl et al    Interesting to look at how things are changing - well, I think so, lol.

My A Level is in English Lit...I'd love to know the texts they are studying today, I cant wait until my son brings his home

Accelerated morphing, but deceleration in terms of expanding our wordbase...if that makes any sense? (It does to me but it IS late and I have had wine :/ )  I think I mean changing but not necessarily growing..

Sorry Stonks, will shut up now
I  actually  agree with quite a lot of the points made there Stonks (Gawd help me agreeing with the Daily Mail - oh the shame) but the tone of it is a bit tabloid.
One thing I do absolutely disagree with though is this bit:
If Venables knew he was subject to public knowledge, then he would be far more likely to behave like a responsible citizen than a drug-abusing, child porn enthusiast

Because I don't think he is able to control his behaviour, I think his actions are the result of some aberrant (sp) compulsion rather than choice.
And it is that that makes him so dangerous imho
OU is great Iki. I've tutored before on some of the Social Science post-grad modules and it's such a joy to deal with eager and hungry for knowledge people. You can dip your toes in the water and try some foundation courses, and do as little or as much as you can to fit in with your day-to-day life.
If I hadn't done all I could have done academically before I'd had my kids, I would have loved doing an OU course.
If you go on their website, I'm sure you can find all the book lists for courses

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