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Maybe when Venables is released he can be taken to Bouvet Island and left there.

Bouvet Isla (Norwegian: BouvetÃļya) is an uninhabited Antarctic volcanic island in the South Atlantic Ocean, 2,525 km south-southwest of South Africa. It is a dependent territory (Norwegian: biland) of Norway and, lying north of 60°S latitude, is not subject to the Antarctic Treaty. The centre of the Island is an ice-filled crater of an inactive volcano, known as the Wilhelm II Plateau. According to some data there is a lake of molten lava within the caldera.

It is the most remote island in the world

If you've ever heard of the place it was used as the setting for the film Alien v Predator
El Loro
The judicial system in this country is a joke.
He is supposedly still on licence isn;t he? And yet, since he was released for the original crime, he has been involved with an assault on someone and has been caught with cocaine now this.
That's 3 separate offences. I don't much care about the coke one but paedophilia and violence are just too serious to ignore - even for someone without his history.
I'm on the wet/liberal/soft side of the law and order debate but enough is enough with this man. Despite the kind of money and resources being wasted on him that most criminals never even get a sniff off he is not rehabilitated.
That's because he can't be. I'd return him to prison and leave him there
Off course that goes without saying, but when they are apprehended make sure they and the risk they carry are removed for life.
Lee, the village my daughter and granddaughter live in has 20 paedophiles and they roam around the village green after nightfall. The police are not allowed to name them. How can that be fair when there are so many children/young adults floating around?
cologne 1
Lee, the village my daughter and granddaughter live in has 20 paedophiles and they roam around the village green after nightfall. The police are not allowed to name them. How can that be fair when there are so many children/young adults floating around?
OMG Cologne!...Why why why are these barstewards being protected?,this is so wrong protect the kids not those scum.
how did he know how to get in contact with a paedo?...
Apparently those "get whoever the feck off of face book" and that "light a candle" thing are used by them. They pretend to be outraged but are actually looking for other paedophiles. there is a case about it in the south Just after the little teds thing.

Tho I have no idea how he did :/
Apparently those "get whoever the feck off of face book" and that "light a candle" thing are used by them. They pretend to be outraged but are actually looking for other paedophiles. there is a case about it in the south Just after the little teds thing. Tho I have no idea how he did :/
OMG I'm shocked..I always wondered how they found each other....
Didnt  really want to post on this as it enrages me, But i have to say that in my local paper it was stated that over 200 peados were in one area in Edinburgh. The Police say this but the public arent told exactly where. Sarah,s law is coming into force on Sept 1st all over the UK, whereby, anyone who is in contact with your kids can be checked out. Thank God for sara Payne, she has worked very hard and had 3 strokes. As for Venables , well i hope they watch him, this a dangerous person, who should never, ever be released
Actually, further to my question, Cologne, how do you know you have 20 paedophiles in your village?
The police tell, but don't say who it is or where they live. I't's a nighmare scenario because if the people in the village had a mind, they'd convey on what they think is one of their places. Thankfully it hasn't happened.
cologne 1
The police come to members of the public and say, "You've got 20 paedophiles living in your village but we're not telling you who or where". Is that really what happens? I never knew that.
they do in any community, and you always know, if you have kids, there will be a Police car near the school. or round and about. Leaving this thread now
Why would they do that?  I'm struggling to see what benefit it is to anybody other than sowing fear and discord.  Fear and discord that cannot be accurately acted upon since you do not know the identities of the offenders.  Seems bloody pointless to me.

And 7 paedophiles per street in your manor?  I hope each one of your streets is on a par with Park Avenue.
According to the figures in that report we have 93 registered offenders in my borough (Barnet)but it doesn't provide a breakdown as to how many of them are paedophiles, how many rapists etc.My borough is one of the wealthiest in the country with pockets of serious poverty like the estate I live on. I'd be willing to bet that the vast majority of the people on the register live on estates like mine rather than in the leafy avenues of Totteridge and Mill Hill.

That aside, I used to run a playgroup and although we had workshops on how to deal with/spot child abuse of all kinds we were never given any numbers etc.

I'm not sure how helpful it is to know, personally the best thing is to teach your kids how to be safe and hope to Gawd that if someone does attack them that they tell you straight away and you can get it dealt with
I have kids and no one has told me anything about paedophiles and my community .
Hi, didnt want get into this thread...but if your local press doesnt say, go to your local Police and ask, they have to tell you, as i have said they wont give specific addresses, but it does make you aware. which i hope every parent is. If there is a paedo, living near a school, you will usually see a Police car...well in Edinburgh anyway, and hopefully when Sarah,s Law is in force, information will become more accessable x
Hi, didnt want get into this thread...but if your local press doesnt say, go to your local Police and ask, they have to tell you, as i have said they wont give specific addresses, but it does make you aware. which i hope every parent is. If there is a paedo, living near a school, you will usually see a Police car...well in Edinburgh anyway, and hopefully when Sarah,s Law is in force, information will become more accessable x
I don't need to ask the police. I accept that they are there. I think this just spreads fear and paranoia. But thank you for taking the time to respond. X
Leaving aside the bit about the press - can you give me a reference relating to the police having to inform you of the presence and numbers of paedophiles in your area? I've looked and I can't find one.
i am in Scotland, i am not sure if the same laws and rights are the same in England, but under the recent Freedom Of Information act, The Police have to inform the public , hence the press in my area, publish the facts that have been given. Check out your local Police Station, they wont mind you asking

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