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god he makes me sick......whinging how he can't form a relationship with a hard it is to lie to his friends who he really is......well don't murder an innocent 2 year old boy then you evil little shit

and this latest sentence is a joke......2 years?.........those kids he got 'pleasure' from watching being abused are going to have a life sentence....he murders a 2 year old.....he watches an 8 year old being raped.......and still he's going to be let out...with his new identity protecting him.........he's a danger to children simple as.....and he's revoked his licence and should be locked up for the rest of his shitty life...........bastard......

The judge ordered that he should not be able to use the internet for five years.

How on earth will they manage to Police that?

"Venables' barrister said Venables recognised that what he did was deeply wrong. He had expressed his shame and remorse and talked of the strain of his past catching up with him and finally taking its toll.

Boo hoo, my heart bleeds for him....all I can think of is the strain put on the family of the child her murdered....

"He talked about having to live under his new identity, having to lie to his friends.

I wonder if he'll be given another new identity upon his release????




The Devil In Diamante
god he makes me sick......whinging how he can't form a relationship with a hard it is to lie to his friends who he really is......well don't murder an innocent 2 year old boy then you evil little shit

and this latest sentence is a joke......2 years?.........those kids he got 'pleasure' from watching being abused are going to have a life sentence....he murders a 2 year old.....he watches an 8 year old being raped.......and still he's going to be let out...with his new identity protecting him.........he's a danger to children simple as.....and he's revoked his licence and should be locked up for the rest of his shitty life...........bastard......
I hope he's not expecting sympathy for the 'hard life' he's had????

He probably can't form a relationship with a girl because he's more interested in children!!!!

It always astounds me how Lawyers will sell their souls for money and represent the likes of Venables & Thompson....
The Devil In Diamante
why oh why are we still paying for this monster to be alive. the only worthy punishment with this bloke now would be to lift this ban on his identity and let him out. Stop protecting him, no new identity and no nice house and lifestyle paid for by us.

On the assumption that some sort of lynching occurs then - a not unfair assumption, I think - what do we do with the perpetrators?
bateman online 635 Forum Posts Today at 12:46 PM Last Edited: Reference: why oh why are we still paying for this monster to be alive. the only worthy punishment with this bloke now would be to lift this ban on his identity and let him out. Stop protecting him, no new identity and no nice house and lifestyle paid for by us. On the assumption that some sort of lynching occurs then - a not unfair assumption, I think - what do we do with the perpetrators?
Unfortunately, we don't have capital punishment in this country anymore - so leave him in prison to rot.
bateman online 637 Forum Posts Today at 12:57 PM Last Edited: Reference: Unfortunately, we don't have capital punishment in this country anymore - so leave him in prison to rot. Interesting. Would you have executed him at the time of the murder conviction then? Genuine question.
Difficult one because of their ages.  What I would have done is to have transferred them to an adult prison when they reached 18 and then thrown away the key.  But..... a prison where they have to do hard labour that is the least these two deserve.
Reference:ding dong
The problem with that is that people who are up for a good old lynching are usually up for other random acts of violence.
Yeah yeah yeah. I consider myself quite a peaceful person, I've managed to resist the urge to mow down my local nazi LollyPop lady for the past 8 years, and I haven't even fantasized about dropping houses on people I've never met...but if that was my child he had slaughtered all those years ago I really don't know what would stop me from vaulting over the witness box and strangling him with my bare hands. Even if it was against the Rule of Law.
Yeah yeah yeah. I consider myself quite a peaceful person, I've managed to resist the urge to mow down my local nazi LollyPop lady for the past 8 years, and I haven't even fantasized about dropping houses on people I've never met...but if that was my child he had slaughtered all those years ago I really don't know what would stop me from vaulting over the witness box and strangling him with my bare hands. Even if it was against the Rule of Law.
I have actually never fantasised about dropping houses on people I have never met either. Anyway, Yes I understand if your child is murdered, But that has nothing to do with a mob lynching someone.
Reference: longcat
He's probably served most of his sentence on remand so he could be released very soon.
The judge has said that Venables will not be released automatically after having served the first year and it will be up to the parole board to decide when during the second year he will be released.

Venables will also be put on the Sex Offenders list for 10 years after release.
El Loro
OMG it gets worse....

Jon Venables, one of James Bulger’s killers, posed online as a mother of an eight-year-old girl offering to sell her daughter for sex, the Old Bailey has heard.

The court heard how the 27-year-old contacted convicted paedophile Leslie Blanchard from Chelmsford posing as a 35-year-old mother called Dawn, who claimed to abuse her eight-year-old daughter.

He then tried to persuade Blanchard to send images of children being abused to him, even pretending to offer access to the child as bait.


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