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I bought some cigs yesterday at the garage and they've charged me ÂĢ10.57 for them - i've paid on my card and didnt notice until i looked at my bank just now. The reciept is for paying with my card - there's no description on there of what i've bought.

I've been trying to call them (as i am at work) and there's no answer, i will be going back there this afternoon when i finish - but what rights do i have here? should i have noticed before i entered my PIN or left the shop? I know its only 4.80 but i only had 15 in the bank and was made up i had a tenner left in there before payday on friday!!!

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Originally posted by Mummy Maz:
I bought some cigs yesterday at the garage and they've charged me ÂĢ10.57 for them - i've paid on my card and didnt notice until i looked at my bank just now. The reciept is for paying with my card - there's no description on there of what i've bought.

I've been trying to call them (as i am at work) and there's no answer, i will be going back there this afternoon when i finish - but what rights do i have here? should i have noticed before i entered my PIN or left the shop? I know its only 4.80 but i only had 15 in the bank and was made up i had a tenner left in there before payday on friday!!!

mummy maz if I were you I would go into the shop with the receipt and tell them what has happened, that you were overcharged last night for one packet of cigarettes. They may come back with the answer that you bought two packets and hence the over-charge. Rather than start a row I would compromise with them. Ask them for another packet of cigarettes to even the score. If they refuse to do that, I would go to your Bank and tell them what has happened. But at the end of the day, you have no proof that you only bought one packet, unless you ask for a copy of their CCTV footage. It is your word against their's.

Good luck Thumbs Up
Twee Surgeon
Originally posted by Mummy Maz:
Originally posted by Karma_:
Go back and demand a refund, they can do it on your card. Damn cheeky of them innit Red Face

I know but ive a feeling they'll say its my own fault for not checking ... Frowner

They cant say that (well they can try), it's happened to me in the past and I had no hassle getting it back. If you take a couple of blokes in balaclavas and a gun you shouldn't have any trouble Thumbs Up
Originally posted by Mummy Maz:
Thanks Twee - the cigs we 5.70 so even if they'd charged me for 2 packs it would be ÂĢ11.40 by my reckoning so i dont honestly know what i was charged for

They may use the excuse of the two packets to cover their backs though, so if they do agree to another packet I would accept it and put the difference in money you have lost down to experience for the future. It also depends on how big the shop is too, if it's a corner shop or a chain. If it's a chain, do what Skive says and ask for the the name of the owner, their head office address and telephone number, and casually tell them you are going to write to him/her for redress. That usually puts the wind up them. If it's a corner shop, accept the fags.
Twee Surgeon
They may use the excuse of the two packets to cover their backs though, so if they do agree to another packet I would accept it and put the difference in money you have lost down to experience for the future. It also depends on how big the shop is too, if it's a corner shop or a chain. If it's a chain, do what Skive says and ask for the the name of the owner, their head office address and telephone number, and casually tell them you are going to write to him/her for redress. That usually puts the wind up them. If it's a corner shop, accept the fags.

its a BP garage run by (from what i can gather) an asian family ... someone on DS has just said its my own fault as i 'pinned' for it and its up to them to give a gesture of goodwill...
It certainly is worth a try going back and explaining to them.

Don't go in sheepish, but at the same time don't go in all guns blazing. Be reasonable, state the facts, and if necessary ask them to check their till balances and CCTV footage. A lot of petrol stations have CCTV showing the till area to deter their staff from thieving, so they probably have it on film somewhere.

It's certainly worth a try. ÂĢ4.80 in your pocket is better than your ÂĢ4.80 in theirs.
Good luck!
I overpaid at a Petrol Station not long back, I handed them a ÂĢ20 and my points card, they gave me the card back, but not my ÂĢ10 change, and I left (I was in a hurry).

Later on I realised what had happened, I went back and explained, they told me to wait until the end of the day when they cashed up....I had trouble explaing (again)as they didn't speak very good English and they kept changing shifts, but in the end the looked through the CCTV and saw that I was right....

Worth a try MM, I hate it when they don't itemise things, also, don't let them fob you off and say you got Petrol, as Petrol receipts usually have a desription and price per litre on the receipt! Good luck Valentine
The Devil In Diamante
Originally posted by Mummy Maz:
They may use the excuse of the two packets to cover their backs though, so if they do agree to another packet I would accept it and put the difference in money you have lost down to experience for the future. It also depends on how big the shop is too, if it's a corner shop or a chain. If it's a chain, do what Skive says and ask for the the name of the owner, their head office address and telephone number, and casually tell them you are going to write to him/her for redress. That usually puts the wind up them. If it's a corner shop, accept the fags.

its a BP garage run by (from what i can gather) an asian family ... someone on DS has just said its my own fault as i 'pinned' for it and its up to them to give a gesture of goodwill...

It is a bit MM, but we all make mistakes and we don't always keep our eye on the ball. These garages are well known for this kind of thing too, and CCTV footage is more prevalent and necessary in places like this. If they cut up rough with you, ask to speak to the person in charge of the franchise as there has to be a name on these things. Also, use your best posh Northern Ireland accent on them. It always works for me Laugh
Twee Surgeon
Originally posted by Mummy Maz:
Originally posted by Sink the Pink:
Thats the problem with Benson and Hedges that gold packet costs more that the fags Ninja

it wasnt even them posh ones.. was the l&b variety.. oh god now i am ashamed!!

L&B, thats the silver pack isnt it Laugh

Never buy fags that represent precious metal Thumbs Up

Whats a variety one, is it like them silly little Kelloggs packets
Originally posted by Sink the Pink:
Originally posted by Mummy Maz:
I turned my ways to roll-ups now, far cheaper

women with rollies tho?? Shake Head

Who gives a crap what others think about it, you like a fag, cheap option are rollies, plenty of women smoke rollies, its not a fashion agenda, its a nicotine habit.

Go for Amber Leaf or the lovely smelling Old Holborn Thumbs Up

As a roll-up queen, with a special wee gadget for hand rolling, I can second the Amber Leaf suggestion. It's what I do, and I have a lovely little faux-silver box for putting them in too when I put them in my bag Cool
Twee Surgeon
Originally posted by Twee Surgeon:
Originally posted by Sink the Pink:
Originally posted by Mummy Maz:
I turned my ways to roll-ups now, far cheaper

women with rollies tho?? Shake Head

Who gives a crap what others think about it, you like a fag, cheap option are rollies, plenty of women smoke rollies, its not a fashion agenda, its a nicotine habit.

Go for Amber Leaf or the lovely smelling Old Holborn Thumbs Up

As a roll-up queen, with a special wee gadget for hand rolling, I can second the Amber Leaf suggestion. It's what I do, and I have a lovely little faux-silver box for putting them in too when I put them in my bag Cool

Clapping Hug

Is it one of those rolling machines, cant you dont it by hand Ninja (thats not rude by the way) Laugh

Plus with Amber Leaf you can get them in a fag packet shaped box with free papers Thumbs Up
Originally posted by Mummy Maz:
As a roll-up queen, with a special wee gadget for hand rolling, I can second the Amber Leaf suggestion. It's what I do, and I have a lovely little faux-silver box for putting them in too when I put them in my bag

I've seen these little boxes... hmmm its either that or the pipe.. right now i like the pob pob pob pob Laugh

You going for the sea captain look ? Don't forget the stripey jumper and waterproofs Laugh
Originally posted by Mummy Maz:
As a roll-up queen, with a special wee gadget for hand rolling, I can second the Amber Leaf suggestion. It's what I do, and I have a lovely little faux-silver box for putting them in too when I put them in my bag

I've seen these little boxes... hmmm its either that or the pipe.. right now i like the pob pob pob pob Laugh

ummm I like the sound of that pipe too MM. I get a lot of looks when I go out and show my little silver box and I can see people looking at me and thinking 'I bet there are added ingredients in that fag'. I, of course, walk away with my head in the air and leave them with their vicious thoughts Laugh
Twee Surgeon
Originally posted by Twee Surgeon:
Originally posted by Sink the Pink:
Originally posted by Mummy Maz:
I turned my ways to roll-ups now, far cheaper

women with rollies tho?? Shake Head

Who gives a crap what others think about it, you like a fag, cheap option are rollies, plenty of women smoke rollies, its not a fashion agenda, its a nicotine habit.

Go for Amber Leaf or the lovely smelling Old Holborn Thumbs Up

As a roll-up queen, with a special wee gadget for hand rolling, I can second the Amber Leaf suggestion. It's what I do, and I have a lovely little faux-silver box for putting them in too when I put them in my bag Cool

Should we start an AMber Leaf Roll Up LIST! Ninja

Roll upsat work & home & proper cigs when i go out, to act abit posher!!! Nod
The Devil In Diamante

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