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So Loony tunes Lucas has Denise and family ambushed in the house, Heather unexpectedly passes by, Lucas says to Patrick get rid of her. Patrick is at the front door can't really say anything so he styles it out by writing "Call the Police" in Heather's note book from work...Patrick closes the door and hopes for the best..FAT CHANCE!!
Heather not only does not look at what Patrick has written, she goes to the cafe to meet Dot and the Vicar...My question is if someone has written something down for your attention, handed it you, would'nt you at least look at the note pad?

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What a load of rubbish that all was I thought Lucas' comedown would have been a hell of a lot more eventful than that - I wanted to see Denise or Patrick turn into superheroes and kick his arse (or even Heather - but I know that's asking a bit much seeing as she has the attention span of a deceased goldfish)

And for the love of Gok when is Chelsea going? Please? Anyone?
What a load of rubbish that all was I thought Lucas' comedown would have been a hell of a lot more eventful than that - I wanted to see Denise or Patrick turn into superheroes and kick his arse (or even Heather - but I know that's asking a bit much seeing as she has the attention span of a deceased goldfish)
I wanted Patrick to gerim
Heather not only does not look at what Patrick has written, she goes to the cafe to meet Dot and the Vicar...My question is if someone has written something down for your attention, handed it you, would'nt at least look at the note pad
Exactly what i thought!! I was so annoyed Normally don't do EE anymore but caught Mondays and had to watch it today - makes me realise why I don't normally watch!! lol

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