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Feeling a bit upset. Crying Just been allowed to pop home to pick up a bag as I am being admitted to hospital at Halifax today where they are going to keep me in for monitoring. I've been told I could possibly be there for a couple of weeks. Frowner They have discovered today that baby is in a transverse position lying right accross my middle and the head is right up by my chest and not engaged as they thought. I'm probably going to have to have a C section next week because they don't think they can turn it due to my high blood pressure. I've been telling them that I thought the baby's head was the wrong way round and I was just told it was the baby's bum. Roll Eyes Anyway, I haven't got long before I have to go so I just wanted to let you know why I won't be around for a bit, possibly not until the baby is here. I'll keep you posted if I get the chance though. wavey Hug

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Queenie - just want you to know that is exactly what happened to me - I was just allowed home to pack a bag and then I had to go in until baby (now nearly 19 - yes he was causing me problems even then Wink) was born because he was a footling breech (not transverse but similar complications), had a C section a few days later and the rest they say is history.

Don't be concerned, just excited - you'll soon have that bouncing baba in your arms!!

Valentine Hug

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