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Maz through adoption agencey or social services could you speak to someone there,who could act as go between and speak to both you and your brother seperately

They could offer you professional help in dealing with whatever the outcome,and as it whether he would like to meet ut.

Maz your story is heartbreaking,take great comfort that she knew of you and wanted to know you.

Good luck Maz i hope you get a happy ending

you deserve it.


Originally posted by Mummy Maz:
It's a natural familial response

thanks you guys, it does put some stuff into perspective doesn't it?

Pengy i have a brother aswell ... am scared to contact him though..then again i was too scared to look for my sister and she died before i found her... maybe i should just do it?!

Aww Maz.. Hug..Go for it, if your sister was thinking about you she most probably talked to your brother about you, if he's above 16 there's nothing your birth mother can do about it, lifes too short Maz.... Hug

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