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ok here it is.

ive recently become so paranoid Frowner i worry over the slightlest things. Im convinced all my friends bitch and talk about me when im not with them.I feel bad for thinking this but i cant help it.

i worry about my work. i work at a supermarket and worry about every little thing i do in case i get in trouble. also i ID people all the time and when i have to refuse beacuse they dont have i worry about what will happen and whether the people will want some kind of revenge.

how do i over come thus? i hate living like this Frowner

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Originally posted by kattymieoww:
Seek some professional help,go to doc and ask to be referred to cognative behaviour therapy.

I was going to say that Mad Big Grin

And to you too fookat Mad Big Grin

Yer smarty pants pair Hug

My Negative Automatic Thoughts told me I would be too late Wink

Seriously chicken they are both right, it is the best way to go and I would see your doc now as I had to wait nearly 8 months to get an opening for 6 sessions where I live.

It is a really useful way of dealing with the tyoe of symptoms you are describing
Originally posted by Chicken Chow Mein:
im scared to tupps Frowner

Nothing to be scared about chick.. Hug don't worry.
Before you go, write down the things you feel and when they might get triggered... so that you don't forget anything and can tell your Doc everything. Don't just let them fob you off with pills.. ask if there is any therapy available to help. Might be better if you take your Mum or Dad with you.. or someone you trust.. who has your back and can help you put across what you need to say.
Originally posted by Chicken Chow Mein:
ok here it is.

ive recently become so paranoid Frowner i worry over the slightlest things. Im convinced all my friends bitch and talk about me when im not with them.I feel bad for thinking this but i cant help it.

i worry about my work. i work at a supermarket and worry about every little thing i do in case i get in trouble. also i ID people all the time and when i have to refuse beacuse they dont have i worry about what will happen and whether the people will want some kind of revenge.

how do i over come thus? i hate living like this Frowner

aPART FROM GETTING THERAPY ALL YOU NEED TO DO IS TO RECOGNISE THAT PEOPLE AREN'T PAYING YOU ANY ATTENTION AT ALL AND IT IS ALL IN YOUR OWN HEAD sorry caps I am not shouting but I have had this stuff years ago. Paranoia is just that, paranoia. Nobody is doing anything and people will pick up on it and you will only make it worse for yourself. Look at yourself from space, from the universe, a gnat on the bum of the planet let alone the universe. Just let it go and breath deeply.
Rev. Dim Dale
oh poor Chicken Hug that's a horrible thing to have to deal with Frowner

Everyone is giving you the right advice, get to see your doctor and ask to be referred for cognitive behaviour therapy, it really is the best thing for sorting out such negative thought patterns.

What scares you about doing this? Some people are scared to see therapists/psychologists because they think that only "mad" people need their services....If this is the case with you, believe me, this is so not true as 1 in 4 of us will do so at some point, and your anxiety problem is very common, and can be treated quite successfully.

The therapy is not scary either...i've had's just having a chat with someone with a cup of tea basically and talking about your please take a deep breath and see your doctor, as it's true the waiting lists are quite long, so sooner you get on it the better and its better to be on the list and change your mind later in case this persists.

in the meantime a useful thing might be to write down a list of your negative thoughts, e.g. so and so hates me....and in another column write the reasons why you think this is the case, and in another write some reasons why you might be mistaken and what might be an alternative explanation for the behaviour you think you are seeing.

Concentrating on the alternative reasons helps to gain a more balanced perspective on your thoughts and stops you getting bogged down in negative patterns.......and this basically is what CBT trains you to do

anyway, I hope things ease for you...and please seek're not alone in doing so, so don't be scared Hug
Originally posted by Chicken Chow Mein:
ok here it is.

ive recently become so paranoid Frowner i worry over the slightlest things. Im convinced all my friends bitch and talk about me when im not with them.I feel bad for thinking this but i cant help it.

i worry about my work. i work at a supermarket and worry about every little thing i do in case i get in trouble. also i ID people all the time and when i have to refuse beacuse they dont have i worry about what will happen and whether the people will want some kind of revenge.

how do i over come thus? i hate living like this Frowner

Maybe you could get counselling thru your employer if they have an occupational health service or thru your GP cos it seems to me that you need some cognitive therapy to help you build some coping strategies for how you perceive things. Having said all that, I do not think that a BB forum is the best place to turn to if you need medical advice as there are some right nutters on here Nod
Jet Blue
Originally posted by Chicken Chow Mein:
Originally posted by Soozy woo:
Chicken ........are you menopausal (or pre menopausal)? ................I have really lost my confidence of late but am pretty sure it's down to menopause. Not that it makes it any better but it helps if you can rationalise where it's coming from.

lol im a 19 year old bloke Wink

Laugh Laugh
Originally posted by Chicken Chow Mein:
im scared to tupps Frowner

Please don't be afraid,if you fell and thought your arm was broken you would go to the doc or hospital casualty etc,same for "mind" problems.Statistics show one in three of us need help with mental health problems in our lives at some point.

Been there myself with depression etc years ago,do go and sek help.(Not off the internet!though contact numbers etc can help)
Originally posted by Chicken Chow Mein:
Originally posted by Soozy woo:
Chicken ........are you menopausal (or pre menopausal)? ................I have really lost my confidence of late but am pretty sure it's down to menopause. Not that it makes it any better but it helps if you can rationalise where it's coming from.

lol im a 19 year old bloke Wink

Whooooooooooooooooooooooooooops ..........I was only trying to give some constructive help. Thumbs Up

Laugh Laugh Laugh Laugh Laugh Laugh Laugh Laugh Laugh
Soozy Woo
Originally posted by Chicken Chow Mein:
Originally posted by Soozy woo:
Chicken ........are you menopausal (or pre menopausal)? ................I have really lost my confidence of late but am pretty sure it's down to menopause. Not that it makes it any better but it helps if you can rationalise where it's coming from.

lol im a 19 year old bloke Wink

LOL! Big Grin Sausage TBH CCM I would go to the docs, but personally speaking unless you REALLY NEED medication don't get any, there are herbal remedies out there that will probably be better for you. I know people say Camomile tea is good and it is but LINDEN blossom is better (also called Tilia) Be assured that most of the time what you think is happening isn't.
Rev. Dim Dale

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