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Blimey  I thought no-one was around, I only wandered off to the LF for 2 mins! Hello nice people!
velvet donkey - you need an early night hun
baz - hi!
ducky - doing very good, hope you are too.
suzyb - blimey, the years fly by don't tho, bet you were dead proud tho!
karma - right back atcha
ditty - lol, I'm ignoring the 's' word as best I can at the mo and my god I haven't seen wonderweb for years!!!!!!
blackpudlian - oooo I love all that, I wrote one out by hand (with the help of my mum's memory) years ago but would love to do it proper like!
saz - glad you're good, I am too. *snogs back*
Spongeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeey!!!!!!!!!! I'm doing great ta, my little brother and his husband came for a visit last weekend with their 2 dogs and so you can imagine how my cats loved that lol!

Year 13! Bloody hell, now that makes me feel old. Can it really be that many years ago I took the pic on the beach when they were little things?

Hope they're both doing good. xxxxxxxx
Hey stonks Aw all these proud yet sad mums. And there's me as usual whining about the start of another school year, I forget that behind all those excited nerves and hormones are parents who remember the time they were in nappies as if it was yesterday.
I still see mine as babies..but I look back on the videos when they were little and wonder where the years went....
'this is OUR house dog so play by OUR RULES'!!
Lol you should have seen Skivey boy, he swiped one of the dogs within seconds and made the poor thing run off howling then he sat on my lap and hissed if they moved an inch. If they got petted he'd lie full stretched out on the floor as if to say 'I own this place ok, in fact I'm so relaxed here I'm not going to bother even looking at you'. Poor doggies were terrified!
Lol you should have seen Skivey boy, he swiped one of the dogs within seconds and made the poor thing run off howling then he sat on my lap and hissed if they moved an inch. If they got petted he'd lie full stretched out on the floor as if to say 'I own this place ok, in fact I'm so relaxed here I'm not going to bother even looking at you'. Poor doggies were terrified!

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