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Originally posted by angelicarwen:
Oh God , well I will be useless at this. Disappointed

My best flirting tip is to drop something or struggle to lift something in front of said man/boy. A well mannered one will usually stop and help and chat Nod

Oh and when you are standing up from said dropped object you can give a little flash of alluring boobage Ninja
My experience Charli is that blokes like girls who are relaxed, happy and confident in themselves.

The best way to be like this is to completely forget about flirting and just be yourself. We are all of us attracted to people who like themselves enough to just smile and be happy.

Before you know it, you're making eye contact with someone more than others, laughing at their jokes and finding excuses to talk to them.

Then you realise you've actually been flirting for ages without realising it!

Oh I wish I was young again. *sighs*

Big Grin
Originally posted by Charli:
Yes I have someone in mindBlushNinja

And he's not Blackadder eitherEeker

Like Sink the Pink said, be yourself. Forget the whole 'flirting' thing. You'll end up trying too hard which will have the opposite effect imo. Just be natural, have conversation, have a laugh and try not to come accross as desperate - men hate that! And if you get his number - don't call him the next day!
Well. This may be a long lesson, so let me proceed without hesitation.

1. Try not to pretend your shy when asking for dating tips on a public forum.

2. Vim. Clean nostrils are a MUST. Typically you inhale it before knowing you want to go on a date, to avoid metres of overgrown nasal hair from unfurling onto your lip immediately prior to that first kiss.

3. A man. This basic component is often overlooked, and has lead to many broken hearts, as a consequence of being stood up by the man you never met. It's a rookie mistake.

4. If ex directory in terms of gender preference, refer to 3.

5. An empty purse. It's a pre-requisite that you take no weighty banknotes on a first date. Firstly, your anatomy dictates - as it shall for the rest of your life - that you stand looking confused when anyone requiring financial reimbursement approaches. This illicts a genetically imprinted reaction from the clumsy looking goof beside you who was clearly dressed by Mum whilst practicing her juggling skills..whereby he fumbles forever in his badly ironed pants for his pocket money.

Secondly, it could save your life. Weighty notes could impede your manical clip-clopping high-heeled attempts to escape in a pinch should you discover he wishes to prematurely explore your person with segments of his own.

6. Never change your name by deed poll to Nora Chance. The amount of shipwrecked would-be relationships this has caused..well, is beyond belief. Literally.

7. Avoid telling him how much he reminds you of your brother. In a recent survey just invented by me, it's been shown this freaks the bejesus outta would be suitors.

8. Tell your hapless halfwit/victim you want to know everything about him. Immediately follow this by whipping out your porta-makeup-woman-thingymajig and staring intently into the mirror counting the new spots on your nose, whilst he fumbles forward emmitting noise from his mouth with no knowledge of what he's saying; but a primitive instinct lurking underneath to burn down cosmetic shops.

9. Tell all your friends about him first. The jewel is to befriend his sister, and to spend as much time scheming how best you can utterly humiliate this hopless sack who had the misfortune to live in the same eco-system as you, never mind insanely agree to go on a date with you.


10. Learn by doing..same as the rest of us poor basta*ds had too Big Grin

Good Luck Girlie Hug
Originally posted by skive:
My experience Charli is that blokes like girls who are relaxed, happy and confident in themselves.

The best way to be like this is to completely forget about flirting and just be yourself. We are all of us attracted to people who like themselves enough to just smile and be happy.

Before you know it, you're making eye contact with someone more than others, laughing at their jokes and finding excuses to talk to them.

Then you realise you've actually been flirting for ages without realising it!

Oh I wish I was young again. *sighs*

Big Grin

That there's the bestest advice Nod

Failing that, a steaming hot love dance usually moves things along nicely.
Originally posted by lucifer:
Originally posted by Karma_:
Lucifer!!!!! Eeker Hello my lovely!! Valentine

Hello Karma....fancy seeing you here..!! Big Grin Hug

Sorry I was putting the world to right for this lovely young lady, and then amending a litany of typos when you arrived.. Skull

Trust life is being as good to you as you deserve..?? Wink Smiler

Life is ok my dear - could be worse Cool How the devil are you? x
Originally posted by ~Cosmopolitan~:
Originally posted by skive:
My experience Charli is that blokes like girls who are relaxed, happy and confident in themselves.

The best way to be like this is to completely forget about flirting and just be yourself. We are all of us attracted to people who like themselves enough to just smile and be happy.

Before you know it, you're making eye contact with someone more than others, laughing at their jokes and finding excuses to talk to them.

Then you realise you've actually been flirting for ages without realising it!

Oh I wish I was young again. *sighs*

Big Grin

That there's the bestest advice Nod

Failing that, a steaming hot love dance usually moves things along nicely.

Took me many years to realise that trying too hard makes blokes think you're desperate and run a mile - they're simple creatures! Big Grin

Of course the red hot love dance is also a proven technique as is my legendary getting bladdered and throwing myself on top of them but I thought best not to tell a sweet impressionable young lass about that one! Ninja

Originally posted by Karma_:
Originally posted by lucifer:
Originally posted by Karma_:
Lucifer!!!!! Eeker Hello my lovely!! Valentine

Hello Karma....fancy seeing you here..!! Big Grin Hug

Sorry I was putting the world to right for this lovely young lady, and then amending a litany of typos when you arrived.. Skull

Trust life is being as good to you as you deserve..?? Wink Smiler

Life is ok my dear - could be worse Cool How the devil are you? x

Oh you know..still as mad as a pack of pork free rashers. Nothing changes..but all good here Thumbs Up
If you want to pull a bloke...

a) wear your mankiest period knickers

b) have at least a fortnight's hairgrowth under your armpits and/or your legs/lip

c) eat a clove of garlic

d) if you want to really go for it, cultivate a cold sore.

It's Sod's law in action...with all these things in place, you are guaranteed to catch the eye of the man of your dreams Thumbs Up

well that's been my experience anyway Ninja
Originally posted by skive:
Originally posted by ~Cosmopolitan~:
That there's the bestest advice Nod

Failing that, a steaming hot love dance usually moves things along nicely.

Took me many years to realise that trying too hard makes blokes think you're desperate and run a mile - they're simple creatures! Big Grin

Of course the red hot love dance is also a proven technique as is my legendary getting bladdered and throwing myself on top of them but I thought best not to tell a sweet impressionable young lass about that one! Ninja


I was discounting the bladdered & bendy scenario. I'm thinking more (Plan A) Fred & Ginger than (Plan B) Snoop Dogg and his booty shaking wimmin' stylee. Laugh

I won't say Plan B works better if you don't. Glance Wink

Originally posted by lucifer:
Originally posted by Karma_:
Originally posted by lucifer:
Originally posted by Karma_:
Lucifer!!!!! Eeker Hello my lovely!! Valentine

Hello Karma....fancy seeing you here..!! Big Grin Hug

Sorry I was putting the world to right for this lovely young lady, and then amending a litany of typos when you arrived.. Skull

Trust life is being as good to you as you deserve..?? Wink Smiler

Life is ok my dear - could be worse Cool How the devil are you? x

Oh you know..still as mad as a pack of pork free rashers. Nothing changes..but all good here Thumbs Up

Well it's bloody good to see you my friend Thumbs Up Don't be disappearing again now! x
Originally posted by Charli:
Bloody hell LuciferEeker Thanks for all thatSmiler

Oh yeah, I spent pre-calc thinking, "Could this be any easier?!"

Big Grin

awwwww. Thanks for that..a little fankies for silliness now and again always makes me smile. Glad you was a good sport hon..and if I knew the answers, I'd happily sell them to you at a bargain price (JOKE..!!) Devil
Originally posted by DanceSettee:
If you want to pull a bloke...

a) wear your mankiest period knickers

b) have at least a fortnight's hairgrowth under your armpits and/or your legs/lip

c) eat a clove of garlic

d) if you want to really go for it, cultivate a cold sore.

It's Sod's law in action...with all these things in place, you are guaranteed to catch the eye of the man of your dreams Thumbs Up

well that's been my experience anyway Ninja

ABSOLUTELY! It never fails to deliver... nasty knickers & leg hair especially!!!!!

A guaranteed pull!
Originally posted by Tiddly~Wink:
Originally posted by lucifer:
Well it's bloody good to see you my friend Don't be disappearing again now!

Fangsx. Will endeavour to spread my love and wisdom far & wide on more regular a basis.

Oh I'm gonna be popular..I just feel it Glance

Flirt-tastic! Laugh

Oh hell..I've been 'Spoterated'. I'm not really here. Twirl beautifully for 3 minutes in any direction you choose, and I'll be gone.


The premise worked for Beetlejuice, and he was only marginally more ridiculous than me Devil
Originally posted by *Yogi Bear*:
if you've finished helping charli here's another one for you

Completely inappropriate crush (ex's mate) only time i will ever see him is when he is out with ex Laugh

Don't want a deep and meaningful but want to get it out my system Laugh

but again i am quite shy Blush

and i KNOW 31 is faaar to old to be having inappropriate crushes but to be fair it did start 8 years ago Laugh (which i kinda suppose doomed me a ex's realtionship from the start when i was lustin after his mate for 7 years Laugh... that makes 9 gazillion reasons now it never would have worked)
*yogi Bear*

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