Originally posted by The Devil In Diamante:
Lol Teddy Bleads...
Speaking of climate change and carbon footprints, we only have a few days left to stock up on 100 watt lightbulbs peeps...can you believe they are being banned!!!
When are they banned ?
I hate those new eco-friendly mercury laced light bulbs.
Everyone aware of the procedure if one breaks ?
The Government advice is:
âĒ Vacate the room and ventilate it for at least 15 minutes.
âĒ Do not use a vacuum cleaner.
âĒ Clean up using rubber gloves and aim to avoid breathing in any dust.
âĒ Sweep up all glass fragments and place in a plastic bag.
âĒ Wipe the area with a damp cloth, add that to the bag and seal it.
âĒ Don't put the bag in the bin. Take it a council amenity site or recycling centre where it can be handled as hazardous waste.
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