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How do I know when labour has started? I don't want to call the hospital midwives and I don't have a community one. I didn't go to any ante natal classes so I'm pretty clueless about what I should actually expect. I know that labour has three stages and the first one can take ages. I've been having period like pains now since the early hours of this morning. It's nothing unbearable, it just feels like when you're having period cramps but I'm struggling to lie down. Is this just normal late pregnancy stuff or is something happening down there?

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Originally posted by Queen of the High Teas:
How do I know when labour has started? I don't want to call the hospital midwives and I don't have a community one. I didn't go to any ante natal classes so I'm pretty clueless about what I should actually expect. I know that labour has three stages and the first one can take ages. I've been having period like pains now since the early hours of this morning. It's nothing unbearable, it just feels like when you're having period cramps but I'm struggling to lie down. Is this just normal late pregnancy stuff or is something happening down there?
If it's just Braxton Hicks the contractions start from the front of your bump and move round to your back - if its proper contractions they start from the back and move to the front and get more intense - and you will know when it happens lol.

I thought you had kids already or am I getting you mixed up with someone else?
What croc said!!

Your waters may break.You may have a show(where the plug of mucus comes away),you may be sick or you may start with the contractions.You will know when you are having contractions!!!But keep as active as you can for as long as possible as it really does speed things up.
Once the contraction get to about ten minutes apart/and or last longer than a minute,it's probably time to head to the hospital.Keep as relaxed as possible as tension makes the pain much worse.Good luck!
Originally posted by Queen of the High Teas:
It doesn't feel like I expected labour to feel. This is a constant pain, tummy cramps and aching in my thighs but I'm starting to feel unwell with it.

I'd phone someone, I thought my labour was just Braxton Hicks but I do have a high pain threshhold, I did'nt think labour was that bad and with my second I was in slow labour for 4 days....
Sounds like early stages to me ...........the pain will gradually get more intense (sometimes in the back or front) mine were all bacl labours. It's when they become regular and more intense that you need to go in or call the midwife.

Good Luck Hug why not just give the hospital a ring anyway ...they know your history and are probably better equipped to advise than any of us.
Soozy Woo
hard to tell without feeling them myself, but personally me ( Ninja) they did start like period cramps...sort of in the back more than the front though...and they faded...then came back.
i only really experienced it the second time i was pregnant as i was induced the first time (though i had period cramps more in the front constantly for over a week before i was induced...apparently very slow labour).

tbh hun it all depends on your personal pain threshold and what your periods normally feel like lol! which non of us can know. if it feels like something 'new' though keep an eye on it and see Smiler ring the hospital midwives for advice...they ask loads of questions to get a better idea. though personally i'd just wait for now Smiler try and relax though Smiler

sounds like baby tea if on the way though Wink
there will be a little plug of mucus that dislodges from the opening of your cervix, that will be your first warning sign that labour is due to start. you will after a time feel little tighteneing sensations of your lower abdomen but nothing major.but believe me you will know when the time is right. any time that you feel different no matter how insignificant you may think it is, call the midwife at the hospital, you are getting near your time now queen so take no chances by just shrugging it off as being nothing.
Queenie, I think what you are experiencing is braxton hicks contraction, and this is your body getting ready but they can happen in the last month, so don't panic... and they come and go..irregularly

Real labour pains are a bit stronger, and when they start to come regularly get a watch or a clock with second hands on... and time the space between them and how long each contraction lasts for... when you are getting them for a while and they start to get closer in time, it's time to go to the hospital... my experience most of the time was when they were about 10 mins apart, lasting about 40 seconds each, then it was time to go!! but as this is your first I would suggest you phone the hospital as soon as you feel they are regular... labour pains can vary, at the beginning they can be uncomfortable but bearable,and you get a fair amount of time between contractions.... they are however a lot stronger then Braxton hicks...

Good luck sweetie, keep us posted...

By the way it can be so different for so many people, some women get bad back ache and they don't realise they are in labour... trust your instinct as well.. if in doubt, phone the hospital!
Originally posted by mozart:
there will be a little plug of mucus that dislodges from the opening of your cervix, that will be your first warning sign that labour is due to start. you will after a time feel little tighteneing sensations of your lower abdomen but nothing major.but believe me you will know when the time is right. any time that you feel different no matter how significant you may think it is, call the midwife at the hospital, you are getting near your time now queen so take no chances by just shrugging it off as being nothing.

it doesn't always happen though ....i never had a show with any of mine.
Soozy Woo
Originally posted by mozart:
there will be a little plug of mucus that dislodges from the opening of your cervix, that will be your first warning sign that labour is due to start. you will after a time feel little tighteneing sensations of your lower abdomen but nothing major.but believe me you will know when the time is right. any time that you feel different no matter how significant you may think it is, call the midwife at the hospital, you are getting near your time now queen so take no chances by just shrugging it off as being nothing.

would you believe in all of my 4 pregnancies I never saw my show?!! (the plug of mucus) eeww

My waters broke on one baby.. the rest was just contractions...
Originally posted by Queen of the High Teas:
It doesn't feel like I expected labour to feel. This is a constant pain, tummy cramps and aching in my thighs but I'm starting to feel unwell with it.

Just saw this after writing as long post... Queenie... PHONE the hospital! they will need to check your blood pressure and make sure you are starting labour... do as I tell you missy!
Originally posted by Soozy woo:
Originally posted by mozart:
there will be a little plug of mucus that dislodges from the opening of your cervix, that will be your first warning sign that labour is due to start. you will after a time feel little tighteneing sensations of your lower abdomen but nothing major.but believe me you will know when the time is right. any time that you feel different no matter how significant you may think it is, call the midwife at the hospital, you are getting near your time now queen so take no chances by just shrugging it off as being nothing.

it doesn't always happen though ....i never had a show with any of mine.

no i didnt, i should have written may see a plug of mucus.
Thanks everyone. I know I must sound daft but I don't really know that many people with kids and my best mate just keeps reading more into things and convincing herself I'm in labour. Roll Eyes Big Grin I do have quite a high pain threshold due to the arthritis pain so I'll just keep an eye on it. I haven't felt too well for a couple of weeks due to my blood pressure so it might just be something to do with that, I am starting to feel a bit dizzy. I'll leave the midwife for a bit and ring if it gets any worse.
Queen of the High Teas
Originally posted by Mazzystar:
Originally posted by Darthhoob:
i never had a show (thankfully lol) and my waters never broke Frowner blooming midwives had to do that both times....i wanted free nappies!!!!!!

This day 12 years ago I reached up to get a cake down off the kitchen shelf and my waters broke.The contractions started shortly afterwards and my baby was born! Big Grin

cake gets the blame for everything Big Grin

happy birthday to your boy? Present (was boy wasn't it today Ninja)
Originally posted by Queen of the High Teas:
Thanks everyone. I know I must sound daft but I don't really know that many people with kids and my best mate just keeps reading more into things and convincing herself I'm in labour. Roll Eyes Big Grin I do have quite a high pain threshold due to the arthritis pain so I'll just keep an eye on it. I haven't felt too well for a couple of weeks due to my blood pressure so it might just be something to do with that, I am starting to feel a bit dizzy. I'll leave the midwife for a bit and ring if it gets any worse.

If you've got high blood pressure and you're feeling dizzy you should contact your midwife and get checked out,Queenie Smiler
Originally posted by Darthhoob:
Originally posted by Mazzystar:
Originally posted by Darthhoob:
i never had a show (thankfully lol) and my waters never broke Frowner blooming midwives had to do that both times....i wanted free nappies!!!!!!

This day 12 years ago I reached up to get a cake down off the kitchen shelf and my waters broke.The contractions started shortly afterwards and my baby was born! Big Grin

cake gets the blame for everything Big Grin

happy birthday to your boy? Present (was boy wasn't it today Ninja)

Yeah it's today.It was the hottest day of the year as well.I just got in the pool at hospital and stayed there til he emerged!
Originally posted by Queen of the High Teas:
Thanks everyone. I know I must sound daft but I don't really know that many people with kids and my best mate just keeps reading more into things and convincing herself I'm in labour. Roll Eyes Big Grin I do have quite a high pain threshold due to the arthritis pain so I'll just keep an eye on it. I haven't felt too well for a couple of weeks due to my blood pressure so it might just be something to do with that, I am starting to feel a bit dizzy. I'll leave the midwife for a bit and ring if it gets any worse.
right you get to the hospital. You know what you you were told early on about preclamsia (sp?). Please even if you're not in labour (which it sounds like to me you are) because of blood pressure etc you should get it checked just in case.
Koala Brother
Originally posted by Mazzystar:
Originally posted by Queen of the High Teas:
Thanks everyone. I know I must sound daft but I don't really know that many people with kids and my best mate just keeps reading more into things and convincing herself I'm in labour. Roll Eyes Big Grin I do have quite a high pain threshold due to the arthritis pain so I'll just keep an eye on it. I haven't felt too well for a couple of weeks due to my blood pressure so it might just be something to do with that, I am starting to feel a bit dizzy. I'll leave the midwife for a bit and ring if it gets any worse.

If you've got high blood pressure and you're feeling dizzy you should contact your midwife and get checked out,Queenie Smiler

I'm due to go again in the morning to get checked out anyway. Problem is because I have to go to the hospital I can't get there unless my hubby takes me. He's at work and it'll take him an hour to get home and then another 30-40mins to get me to hospital. By the time I can get there the day unit will be closed so I'll have to go to Halifax hospital instead and wait around in triage for a couple of hours. I'm keeping an eye on how much I'm swelling up and headaches etc, if I don't feel too bad I'll just wait until tomorrow morning. If hubby thinks I don't look right when he gets home he'll insist in taking me in anyway.
Queen of the High Teas
Originally posted by Queen of the High Teas:
Thanks everyone. I know I must sound daft but I don't really know that many people with kids and my best mate just keeps reading more into things and convincing herself I'm in labour. Roll Eyes Big Grin I do have quite a high pain threshold due to the arthritis pain so I'll just keep an eye on it. I haven't felt too well for a couple of weeks due to my blood pressure so it might just be something to do with that, I am starting to feel a bit dizzy. I'll leave the midwife for a bit and ring if it gets any worse.

Well, I've never had kids, but if you're feeling dizzy and you know you've had high BP, I reckon you should phone them now, Queenie. Just to be on the safe side. (and we're aiming for tomorrow, remember) Seriously - what's a phone call?
Originally posted by ~~KaffyBaffy~~:
Originally posted by Queen of the High Teas:
Thanks everyone. I know I must sound daft but I don't really know that many people with kids and my best mate just keeps reading more into things and convincing herself I'm in labour. Roll Eyes Big Grin I do have quite a high pain threshold due to the arthritis pain so I'll just keep an eye on it. I haven't felt too well for a couple of weeks due to my blood pressure so it might just be something to do with that, I am starting to feel a bit dizzy. I'll leave the midwife for a bit and ring if it gets any worse.

Well, I've never had kids, but if you're feeling dizzy and you know you've had high BP, I reckon you should phone them now, Queenie. Just to be on the safe side. (and we're aiming for tomorrow, remember) Seriously - what's a phone call?

I know what you mean and if I had a community midwife I would probably call her. But I reckon waiting around to go to hospital for a couple of hours will probably be more detrimental than just trying to chill out a bit. It looks like the pains are easing off a bit now too.
Queen of the High Teas
Originally posted by Moonbeams:
No idea never had a sprog but I was wondering why you didn't go to ante natal classes?

i never did either...tbh they are crap (least NHS ones are). classes themselves may be good (never been so dont know lol) but not many of them. in my area there was only one class every first thursday of the month. Roll Eyes plus they were on late at night, and i didn't have a babysitter for eldest.

tell a lie i did go to one class, but that was specifically a physiotherapy one...was only way i could get to see a physiotherapist to talk about my suspected SPD Roll Eyes
Originally posted by Queen of the High Teas:

I know what you mean and if I had a community midwife I would probably call her. But I reckon waiting around to go to hospital for a couple of hours will probably be more detrimental than just trying to chill out a bit. It looks like the pains are easing off a bit now too.

Hmmmmm (that's a disapproving 'you ARE stubborn' noise btw Wink) Promise you'll phone if it gets worse before hubby gets home and don't go AWOL from here or we'll all panic!

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