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On my return from tea I expected to see lots of posts threatening violence on the woman who allowed her dogs to attack the little girl cyclist.  Did anyone see it on the news? No doubt someone from Scunthorpe will pop up and say what lovely dogs Rotweilers are. Maybe so, but not running lose on an estate. Why don't these idiots get a couple of Jack Russells or something appropriate?

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A couple of doors away the neighbours Rott got out and attacked a man walking his Jack Russell. The owner of the rott had to get on the phone to get her son to come and help while the man was curled up in a ball trying to protect his Jack Russell. If you can't control a dog you shouldn't have it.
 This story made me really angry,
 But who will police this mans 3 year ban?
What were 2 Rotties doing running around without being with their owner on a lead? I could understand if they had somehow managed to get out of the house and the owner was doing everything possible to get them back,  but it doesn't look like it. Nothing wrong with having any breed of dog as long as you are aware of what your responsibilities are.

"So, it's knowing your dog, controlling it, even in your own home where people might be coming because unfortunately many of these incidents have taken place in somebody's home."

Controlling it for people you actually want in your home. Anyone who decides to ignore the beware of the dog warning at my house and still wants to break in and get mullered that's their choice. I hope these new laws that are being proposed for Scotland will include a set of circumstances for burglars and people who have gone in to your property without your permission. I also thought it was law that 'dangerous dogs' are on a lead at all times? I never take mine out without a halti on. One morning my Alsatian ran into the park and tried to shag a poodle. Said poodle's elderly owners were not impressed.
oh and rottweilers can be lovely dogs, in the right hands, same as any other dog (just bigger and more powerful so need experienced owners really)'s the stupid bloody owners that let them down.

people moan about staffs, but i have a staff cross who is lovely and soppy...he nearly got ripped apart by 3 staffs who were loose a few weeks ago! OH had to carry him home on his shoulders with these dogs following and jumping up snapping...and the owners??? they were somewhere in the distance but you could see them laughing....
lol i have a scr on my bum from a parrot she was always loose in the petshop and if you bent over to clean the guinea pigs out.................... no wonder it took 6 years for anyone to buy her...
 I can see you jumping through the ginea pig hut heheheee

The one in our local pet shop was their for years, called Morris. he wouldnt let go of my finger, until i banged on his cage and screamed..
Ev (Peachy)

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