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When I met hubby he told me he was from Notting Hill...   so I was confused when in a later conversation he then said he was from West Hampstead....   and then confused once more when he took me back to his flat in Kilburn!  

Bleedin snob!      His childhood home was in Notting Hill ....  which I now know to be a des res.

The West Hampstead bit was him not wanting to say Kilburn...  

I was shitting it when he then told me this...   and we were on our way to Kilburn...  I had visions of some kind of inner city bronx...      But he was soooo wrong..   I bloody LOVE Kilburn!    It is people-watching-tastic!

Now he had moved in with me...  I live in a village surrounding a town in Essex...   but overheard him describing it to his friends as a village on the Essex-Suffolk border! 
Like everywhere else Surrey has it's 'posh' parts and it's not so 'posh'parts. i was born in Croydon which was deemed Surrey then (boundaries change) - when I was first married we lived in Sutton, Surrey isn't all 5 bed detatched and as you say - although the cost of living is a bit higher - the salaries do reflect that.

You can always find cheaper areas to live no matter where the location. Good Luck! I moved from the South 23 yeaRS AGO ..........i THINK i WAS HOMESICK FOR three or four years I know - I would never, ever go back! Maybe good for young single people but I'm really glad i didn't bring my kids up there TBH.
Soozy Woo
NO-ONE understood what I was saying when I moved down here (aged 16)...    first time I went out (the girl who lived opposite came & knocked for me and invited me out with her & her friends)....  we were at a club and this bloke asked me to dance.... 

and I gave him the normal northern response "eff off I'm waiting for me mate".... only he didn't understand what I was saying....  three times I repeated it... before finally just doing a runner!
He says you'll defo earn more but cost of living is higher.

Before I moved I thought my new salary was going to be brilliant, and it looks ace on paper... in reality I haven't noticed any difference Mind you, I could stop being such and anti social fecker and house share if I want more disposable income
Somethings are priceless Saz
Reference: Monobrow
excellent... anywhere near the time of Pride?
I've no idea when that is 

Last time I went down for the weekend with a friend (two 50 yr old ish women).

We sat on the beach for ages, then realised that we were surrounded by young people, not a family, or anyone our age in sight.

Then we realised that everyone was pissed, and were carrying around vast quantities of alcohol. 

Finally, someone told us it was Fat Boy Slim's free gig that day
I've no idea when that is Last time I went down for the weekend with a friend (two 50 yr old ish women). We sat on the beach for ages, then realised that we were surrounded by young people, not a family, or anyone our age in sight. Then we realised that everyone was pissed, and were carrying around vast quantities of alcohol. Finally, someone told us it was Fat Boy Slim's free gig that da
Its normally around the same time every year, and it has just gone (last weekend) AMAZING! Love all the gayness and clubs...PROPER ACE!! Whenever you go, I hope you have a great time!
Monobrow (Sam is a legend)
Reference: Spongey
rexi xx........i'm between b'mth and poole
Don't mention Poole to me ... last Wednesday we got a bus from Southbourne to Bournemouth, then got the little seafront train to the end of the line, which my mum said was about a mile away from Poole.

It's about three miles - in the teaming, pouring down, lashing rain. With all the beachhutters laughing as we walked past.

We got to Poole, and there was a sign saying Town Centre 3 1/4 miles

There was a bus with a sign saying Bournemouth - we hopped on it.  It was an open top sightseeing bus, every time we went round a corner a load of water sloshed down the stairs.

I'm going back the week after the bank holiday ... can you order me some serious sun for then please Spongey?
If you are wanting somewhere near Esher/Oxshott/Cobham... then property prices... well put it this way... when I was missing daughter I had a little look at flats.... I thought I was looking at the price to buy the flat... and then I realised it was the monthly rent!
I'm in Reigate don't you know!

I have friends in mansions in Cobham and Oxshott!

I was brought up in Cheam village.

My brother went to Dulwich College and sounds like Steven Fry when he speaks lol

You'd think I'd be a right posh bird but I'm not I just love Surrey though. I could never move away from Surrey but my parents did down to Devon and now they want to move back ha ha!

My brother is a right old snob and yet he moved away to Essex but the 'posh rural part' of Essex - his words not mine

Meaty - where abouts in Surrey would you be moving to?
I once drove all the way from Wigan to Leeds just to get some fish and chips from harry ramsdens chip shop (as I heard it was far better then the others) and it was so effing worth it... it was like entering a brothel.
yeah.... the original harry ramsdens is good (the spin off ones around the country are a bit dodgy though)... 

we recently went up to Leeds for a 4 day break...   and I lived on chips with scraps from Bryans chippie in Headingley!    sooooooooo good!
I have friends in mansions in Cobham and Oxshott!
haha...   I have to drive through Oxshott into Cobham ferrying daughter to & from school...   I like to drool at the many gated communities...   and seriously lovely houses!  
My brother is a right old snob and yet he moved away to Essex but the 'posh rural part' of Essex - his words not mine
to be fair...  its an important distinction 

there's Essix... and there's Essex...  

there's a joke about it...  What do you call an Essex girl with a GCSE?   A Chelmsford girl!

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