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I asked all my friends about this and none have ever experienced living around the south of England.

Its possible I may be moving further down south next year to help out a friend maintain a cricket ground, my worries are that il end up being skint... any words of wisdom out there? At this moment im earning enough for a living... moving down south I would be earning more but the lifestyle seems more expensive. I don't wanna end up in a situation in two years time where im having to ask my parents to get me out of there... especially my Dad as he will prob laugh at me about it.

Anyone here even live around the south of england?

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oh right.sorry meaty don't know much about surrey.but i'd imagine it would be as you say more expensive.i had an uncle who lived in godalming and it was very posh.i guess like in any area there's the nice bits....and the not so nice rent on a flat would be dependant on the area......

other things like beer and car parking in bournemouth are mega expensive...
ello Meaty...

I am from the North (Leeds)...   and moved down south when I was 16.    Tis fine...  swings n roundabouts n all that.

However... I am in Essex...   you say you are moving to Surrey!  hahahaha!

my daughter currently goes to school in Surrey...   its beautiful there...   LOTS of tall trees, (crap mobile phone signals)....    In terms of being more expensive....   household stuff... groceries etc...   its not so much that the prices are higher... its the shops they have (not so many Asda's...  lots of Waitroses)...  

and property...     property is scary prices in Surrey...  

whereabouts you thinking of moving to?
I moved from Newcastle to London a year ago, took a while to settle but enjoying it now

The main thing you'll get clobbered on is rent really, but if you share a house with your mate you should be ok... things like council tax, water, gas, leccy are all pretty much the same  Things like supermarkets and eating out aren't massively more expensive, booze in pubs is more but you can find local boozers that are cheaper oh oh and you get Krispy Kreme doughnuts down here
If you are wanting somewhere near Esher/Oxshott/Cobham...     then property prices... well put it this way...  when I was missing daughter I had a little look at flats....    I thought I was looking at the price to buy the flat...  and then I realised it was the monthly rent! 

Hubby has just said... in his usual eloquent manner...   "there are some shitholes in Surrey... you just gotta find a place in one of the shitholes!"

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