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Originally Posted by Scotty Harryettie #4:



Last time I went to the hairdresser, I came out looking like a clone of the hairdesser who cut it..she was aboot 19.  What a disaster.


I cut my own hair now or get my sis to cut it. It looks much better.


My hair grows really fast..same with my nails.


Non stop trimming.   

When I had waist length hair I trimmed it myself. Now that I have short hair I go to the hairdresser.

Like you scotty my hair and nails grow pretty fast. I'm at the hairdresser every three months or so.I get it cut to ear level and three months later it's spilling over my shoulders.

Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing
Originally Posted by Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing:
Originally Posted by Scotty Harryettie #4:



Last time I went to the hairdresser, I came out looking like a clone of the hairdesser who cut it..she was aboot 19.  What a disaster.


I cut my own hair now or get my sis to cut it. It looks much better.


My hair grows really fast..same with my nails.


Non stop trimming.   

When I had waist length hair I trimmed it myself. Now that I have short hair I go to the hairdresser.

Like you scotty my hair and nails grow pretty fast. I'm at the hairdresser every three months or so.I get it cut to ear level and three months later it's spilling over my shoulders.

I don`t know for sure but seemingy it`s a healthy sign Fluffy.


Yes, once your hair is shortened you need a hairdresser to keep styling it.


Mine is shoulder length atm but it keeps weeds. 


I would love to have seen your waist length hair Fluffy. 

Originally Posted by Ells:

I had to cut mine this morning, not out of choice though   Woke up to find someone had somehow left chewed up gum in my bed, just below the pillows so the ends of my hair were stuck together with it.  I've no idea who would be eating gum in my bed though   maybe I had some in my mouth when I went to bed drunk on saturday

As Aaron would say, "Oh Dear".


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