my niece came to visit me tonight and was very upset, as she collected her wee girl from nursery she was called in for a meeting and was told chloe was a bully and pushed another child and was questioned as to the child herslf was being bullied ! my niece and the baby live by themselves and she is at the nursery as my niece works full time, i feel they were very heavy handed with her am i being predijuiced or is 17mnth old enough to be classed as a bully ?
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OMG its the PC brigade gone mad again......why did'nt they just tell her it was wrong instead of making a song and dance out of it....
thats just to over the top, shes 17 months old, what a shame, was it a child of someone that helps there i wonder.
thanks thats what i thought but my niece is now googling for another nursery its a shame
oh justy maybe
Former Member
*Agrees with Stonks* Kids will be kids - or at least they were before this PC stuff
A 17 month old described as a bully.Gawd preserve us!
hya 12 lol i bet she wont be first or last to push omg its a shame my niece is feeling trash i told her not to worry
Former Member
Hiya Lexi. Hope you told her it's not her fault and things are being taken to extremes nowadays It's a shame, I know. Bloody government advisors they haven't got a clue!!
That word Bully is overused imo. Every child does it. I see kids pushing each other all the time where I work. It's not nice to see it happen but it's one of the ways they learn to stand up for themselves and learn to deal with it if they are on the receiving end of it.
Unless it has got out of hand the nursery should be able to handle it themselves. That's what they are trained to do isn't it? If they can't handle a simple situation like this your grand niece is better off out of it.
Hope it works out for them.
Unless it has got out of hand the nursery should be able to handle it themselves. That's what they are trained to do isn't it? If they can't handle a simple situation like this your grand niece is better off out of it.
Hope it works out for them.
i did assure her they are gon by the book ........ its a shame she's taking it personally
Oh for gawds sake, how ridiculous, branding kids before they're even out of nappies. Your niece is better off out of it if that's how they deal with things.
hya Q i know , its nic i feel sorry for she feels guilty enough leaving her then comes home to this , and for you xx
Former Member
Yeah, *agrees with Tayto and Queenie....................that nurserie's got things all wrong* good job she's tryna change it Lexie
hope things work out ok , she's a lovely wee girl
Former Member
I can see this country rising up shortly I know I, for one have had enough
thank you all for confirming its PC gon mad , my niece is in bits thinking she's a bad mum when in fact she is great i feel like pushing the **** that pulled her up
Former Member
Lexi, all you can do is re-assure her, but I do feel for you
thanks 12 i'm calming down a bit now
Former Member
Aww the poor little mite - it's getting to the stage where we're criminalising them from the moment they are born and it's just ridiculous
I think the nursery has been heavy handed. She's too young to understand her actions however, the nursery could have raised it in an informal manner. PC madness.
I think the nursery has been heavy handed. She's too young to understand her actions however, the nursery could have raised it in an informal manner. PC madness.
So OTT where are these people coming from. 17 months for gods sake.
Whole World's going mental. A 17 month old is still a baby. My youngest was premi and couldn't sit up on his own until he was 16 months old. I'm glad your niece is looking for a new nursery.
thanks essie wee update , she got another nursery but only 2 n half days instead of 3 but her x is prepared to take her xtra , i feel coz it was a private nursery a wee bit snobbery was involved she pays same as rest of them but coz shes single fgs she is a manager in a bank not a snotty schoolkid i feel sorry that she had to ask X ..... she really didnt want to . hope its ok
Former Member
That's out of order madamski.. glad she's got somewhere else but it's a shame she had to. A nursery labelling a wee one a bully is way out of line. Fair dos letting nic know she'd shoved another kid.. but sounds like someone's just been on a training course recently and is going over the top! x
ano ............. btw i think its blew way over the top , but if the truth be told if they cry , i cry i;m a big softee
Former Member
Are you sure it wasn't Health and Safety Gone Mad instead?
That's out of order madamski.. glad she's got somewhere else but it's a shame she had to. A nursery labelling a wee one a bully is way out of line. Fair dos letting nic know she'd shoved another kid.. but sounds like someone's just been on a training course recently and is going over the top! x
Totally agree with this. A 17 month old being labelled a bully is ridiculous. At that age they don't have the language skills to be able to express themselves so they have to find other ways of doing it. It's completely normal for a child of that age to use their physical powers to express themselves. Plus they don't have the cognitive maturity to understand that what they are doing is wrong. Hope the little one gets a better and more aware group of carers at her next nursery.
Former Member
I saw a story in the Daily Mail the other day about 17 month old kids operating boiler room scams from Lagos. You have to watch them these days, you now. Kids are much more savvy than we oldsters realise.
Having worked in many, many nurseries, first of all, if the manager actually said that Chloe was a bully she should be sacked. However, I can defend them having to speak to your niece about it. Sadly, private nurseries are businesses and managers have to bend over backwards to keep their "clients" happy. Often, many parents may complain if their child comes home with bite marks and bruises, and they all talk and sometimes discover between it is one child doing all the biting. If 10 parents threaten to take their children out of the nursery because of one child then the manager has to "take action", and that usually starts with bringing in the child's parents for a chat.
I'm not suggesting, little Chloe is doing this, just putting the other side across. That said, the fact that your niece was so upset shows that the nursery have handled the entire thing badly, so I'm glad she's found another nursery that she is happier with. Hope it all works out for them both.
I'm not suggesting, little Chloe is doing this, just putting the other side across. That said, the fact that your niece was so upset shows that the nursery have handled the entire thing badly, so I'm glad she's found another nursery that she is happier with. Hope it all works out for them both.
That's what I wondered Triggers, cos if they did, that is so out of order and really should be complained about to whoever is above the person who said it.
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