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shizzle, even tho there are some pretty heart rending stories on that site, the majority of the gsd's find their forever home pretty quickly, it's a good site   

But still!  It makes me wanna cry everytime I go in there    these mutts need to be rehomed for various reasons...... one being Fen, his owner has become pregnant, and the mutt must go!   

Don't shout at me   but one of the posters is a little irate, and very upset that it's always the mutt that must go, over the baby!    
yeah shizzle, I think the trouble is sometimes, the dogs rule instead of the owners, I know it sounds daft to some, but you really have to be the alpha male or female in the house, and not the dog!  So the majority of the times it's down to the owners and not the way the dog behaves!  

Fen, is uncomfortable around small children, but re-trained and shown the right way, he wouldn't be!  But it does take the right person to show the dog, he is not ruler of the roost!  

What a lot of people don't understand is that they are pack animals and therefore follow the pack leader... it's as simple as that, and no cruelty or bashing of animals is required to gain this acceptance from a dog  
Says you, hugging an enormous gsd!  loveyum  

They are crying out for foster homes too, and I would love to, but the thing is with fostering them, they ALWAYS stay!!!!!  

we're looking after an elderly mongrel next week while the owner goes to germany for a week.... he's a bit doddery but as sweet as sweet can be  

The mongrel that is, not the owner!    

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