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I'm on Katie's side. I think Pete is a prat who tries to make everyone feel sorry for him. He always has done.
He needs to stop the "poor widdle me" act and start being a man.

Crikey, if my hubby divorced me for having a bit too much to drink.....I'd have been divoreced years ago.

Peter Andre is a control freak and because Katie has a mind of her own.....he spat his dummy out.

Kate is better of without him.

She has enough money to last her and her kids for the rest of their lives, she earned her money.

Peter Andre was a has been till he got with Kate.

And another thing, Kate kept saying that he was seeing someone else and after seeing how close he is getting with Chantelle Houghton, I think Kate was right.

I know this has turned into a full blown rant and I'm sorry for that, I just get so sick of people blaming Kate all the time. It takes 2 to make a marriage work but it only takes 1 to say "I want a divorce"

Pete is a wimp in my book, instead of staying to fight for his marriage, he left, crying like a spoilt kid.
Originally posted by Roxi:
Originally posted by Ennis Del Beadle:


Roll Eyes whatever.

She obviously wasent putting enough effort into the marriage. I hope the kids dont suffer cos of the divorce as i know from my experience parents divorcing is an upsetting time Frowner

How do you know it was all her fault?
Originally posted by Roxi:

She went out drinking when Peter didnt like it.

Heaven forbid!!!!!!! She's not really my cup of tea but I admired her honesty (or that's how I saw it) throughout the interview. I dont think she's a bad person - nor Peter - it was lust that bought them together IMO. not really a match made in heaven but ...six of one and half a dozen of the other IMO.
Soozy Woo
Originally posted by Roxi:
Originally posted by Karma_:

How do you know it was all her fault?

She went out drinking when Peter didnt like it. And she also didnt make much effort in the marriage. She was always nasty, cold, and also caused arguments

From what I saw she went out drinking 15 times in 5 years. Hardly a crime?

How you know she didn't make an effort? You only saw the show, and that was edited. Might be worth remembering that the mastermind of the show and all their PR was their then Manager, who was Pete's Manager initially and dropped Kate 2 days after the announcement of the split. Funny how Kate's been trashed but Pete has been portrayed as a Saint. Oh the power of good PR Roll Eyes
Who the heck knows the private dynamics in a marriage but having seen all the TV series, the info in the interview smacked of authenticity. They weren't that well matched to work together so often (and to have to continually portray themselves in a way that reinforced their relative weaknesses)

I can't say I particularly like her career choice but that's a wider issue. In terms of her as a person, she seems hard-working (a pleasant change from the 'sit on your arse and make life good for me' mentality), radically honest and genuinely devoted to her kids. There are worse things to be.

He appears a fairly gentle soul, who loved her and was a great Dad but was flawed with a need to keep her unhealthily close. Again, worse things to be.

Neither has to be the devil incarnate for a divorce to happen? Such happens every day. Simple incompatibility conflicting with the drive to continue love after lust has subsided.

(Note "seems" and "appears" Ninja )
subatomic partygirl
The one thing I have always liked about her is she is honest about herself ,I think under all that bravado she is hurting ,I do like Pete as well but thought it was a bit off he left her so soon after she lost her baby ,thought she done herself no favours in her interview but she never does ,I think Pete is being a little sneaky in all of this as he is coming accross as the good guy.
Just watched it.

My opinion of her hasn't changed at all. She is self-centred, selfish, nasty, hard-faced, hyprocritical and thoroughly unpleasant. Once a slapper, always a slapper. Peter is well rid of her and should never have married her.

She has done herself no favours doing this interview at all. Peter has remained dignified throughout this and shown what a decent good bloke he is.
Originally posted by Liverpoollass:
Just watched it.

My opinion of her hasn't changed at all. She is self-centred, selfish, nasty, hard-faced, hyprocritical and thoroughly unpleasant. Once a slapper, always a slapper. Peter is well rid of her and should never have married her.

She has done herself no favours doing this interview at all. Peter has remained dignified throughout this and shown what a decent good bloke he is.

Slapper? Whys that cos shes getting more than you?! I always laugh when woman use that term against other women...sorry!
One thing I don't quite understand. She keeps saying she doesn't care what the public think, so why give an interview to justify herself? Surely she doesn't need the money.

Jordan is a very damaged person. She contradicts herself a lot of the time. She says how "Pete was her world" while belittling him and treating him like dirt.
I like Katie Price, and I like Peter Andre. Katie is a very good mother to her children, she provides for them by working harder than most people. It can't be easy for her having to deal with her eldest child but she gets on with it and loves him and cares for him in the only way she knows. Katie is also a very clever business woman, who is extremely rich through her own hard work. I admire her tenacity and her willingness to make as much money as she can because, if nothing else, Katie Price understands biology! Her shelf life is limited, so she is making hay while the sun shines.

Peter Andre is a decent and kind man. But he is not the man for Katie. He is far too soft. She needs a strong masculine man who she can look up to and who will tell her straight when she gets above herself. In short, someone who can bring out the femininity in her. They were never suited as a couple, she being too harsh and he being too soft. I never thought it was love at the time, and I was right. It always smacked of a commercial transaction to me.

I hope Peter meets someone who suits his lovely gentle and kind nature. I hope Katie meets someone who can make her feel feminine, probably for the first time, and who she can treat as her equal in the earning stakes.
Twee Surgeon
Originally posted by Twee Surgeon:
I like Katie Price, and I like Peter Andre. Katie is a very good mother to her children, she provides for them by working harder than most people. It can't be easy for her having to deal with her eldest child but she gets on with it and loves him and cares for him in the only way she knows. Katie is also a very clever business woman, who is extremely rich through her own hard work. I admire her tenacity and her willingness to make as much money as she can because, if nothing else, Katie Price understands biology! Her shelf life is limited, so she is making hay while the sun shines.

Peter Andre is a decent and kind man. But he is not the man for Katie. He is far too soft. She needs a strong masculine man who she can look up to and who will tell her straight when she gets above herself. In short, someone who can bring out the femininity in her. They were never suited as a couple, she being too harsh and he being too soft. I never thought it was love at the time, and I was right. It always smacked of a commercial transaction to me.

I hope Peter meets someone who suits his lovely gentle and kind nature. I hope Katie meets someone who can make her feel feminine, probably for the first time, and who she can treat as her equal in the earning stakes.
Good post Hug
Originally posted by Enthusiastic Contrafibularities:
First up, I did not watch the programme (I watched Big Brother).

But what makes me have absolutely no sympathy for her is when the split happened, she asked the press for privacy, now she wants to spill her guts.

Soon there will be a book and another reality show chronicling the aftermath.

Hypocrite, media whore.

She claims that this interview is the only one she's giving. She's turned down loads of other offers .the tacky mags have been offering silly sums but she say's she wont do them.

I think she likes/trusts Piers Morgan and has just done this one interview to set the record straight. As I say she's not my cup of tea but she is honest and truthful. i have no reason to disbelieve her account on things. It was actually all rather sad IMO.
Soozy Woo
Originally posted by Twee Surgeon:

Peter Andre is a decent and kind man. But he is not the man for Katie. He is far too soft. She needs a strong masculine man who she can look up to and who will tell her straight when she gets above herself. In short, someone who can bring out the femininity in her. They were never suited as a couple, she being too harsh and he being too soft. I never thought it was love at the time, and I was right. It always smacked of a commercial transaction to me.

I agree with you there. I don't think Katie will ever be happy with any man. She always seems to me to be on a self destruct path all the time. As soon as she meets a decent bloke, she blows it.

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