Originally Posted by Yogi19:^^^^^ .
My 85 year old FiL gets very annoyed by the term "gay" being used for homosexuals - he rants that when he "were a lad", the word gay meant happy and carefree - as in, the lambs were gaily skipping in the fields (his example, not mine
Nowadays, the word gay seems to have changed again and it has become a derogatory term.
And now to get my backside firmly back on the fence, I do think there are some folks out there who go looking for things to be offended by.
I do agree with that bolded phrase..... And God, it really gets on my nerves TBH, being afraid to say ANYthing. The PC bandwagon has just gone too far.... of course, there had to be political correctness, as so many blacks and gay folk, and disabled and so on, had such a raw deal at one time, and i am fully supportive of everyone being treated with respect, no matter what colour or race they are, or what sexual orientation, but I get sick of being told what to say and told what to do. You can't say this, you can't say that, you can't fly your English flag, you can't put a Merry Christmas banner up, it has to say 'HAPPY HOLIDAYS,' and so on.......
And I agree that it's daft that the word gay is not being allowed to be used to refer to being happy now: it's absurd... when the flintstones were repeated in the 90s, (from the 70s,) they replaced the word gay in the signature tune with we'll have a GREAT old time, and also on GLEE: the song 'I'm so pretty' has the word gay replaced with BRIGHT! Ridiculous... can't it mean happy as well as non-heterosexual? Why is it offensive to non-hetros to use the word gay when referring to being happy?
On a message forum I used to be on, (back around 05/06,) I actually spoke about to a woman on loose women, who won a guest spot as a loose woman, and when someone asked what she was like (as they had missed her; ) I told them that she was pretty, funny, bubbly and intelligent and had nice eyes, and she was 'mixed race,' but I made the grave error of saying half-caste, and anyone would think I had said that I support nazisim and think black slavery should be brought back! Someone said 'I can't believe that in the 21st century, we still have VILE BIGOTS like you, using terms like 'half caste..'
I was stunned, because I grew up inte the 70s, and although I am not racist or bigoted, I do tend to use older phrases occasionally, and this was used to describe someone who had one black and one white parent.... and I certainly didn't mean any harm. I flew at the poster in question and said ' I ALSO said she was pretty, with lovely eyes, a great personality and that she was intelligent and bubbly... but you've not mentioned any of THAT have you? Get off your high horse!' Anyway, within minutes, five of her mates jumped on me, and I was beaten. So I told them all to go boil their heads...
I never went to that forum again, as frankly I no longer wished to stay there with such people. I know that mixed race is the term that you HAVE to use these days, but this was about 7 years ago, and I am old-school and didn't think anything of it, especially as one of my neighbours at the time, had one white parent and one black and called HERself half-caste. I get sick to death of people being branded racist, bigoted, homophobic and all sorts because they don't use the correct 'lefty lingo..'
I think that the 90s and the first half of the noughties were the worst time for people having a right go at you... I got screamed at in work one time (in 1999,) for calling coffe with no milk 'black coffee...' But I think things are turning around now, because folk are getting pissed off with being TOLD what they can and can't say...
As for Eamonn; I can't STAND him anyway; I recall some guy messaging the show and saying that Ruth is hot and looks dead young for her age, and he said, they 'must need glasses,' and 'get an eye test man!' FFS, if someone said that about me, my hubby would be as pleased as punch! It's almost like he was jealous and threatened... I am SURE she can do better than him.. Let's face it, he is punching WAY above his weight!
I must admit though, I don't like the word retard being used to describe people with certain disabilites, but it is a bit much how people get jumped on for anything...it is a bit of an offensive word, but I do agree that it's stupid how you're jumped on for saying ANYthing these days, that's deemed as offensive by the rather irritating and pious far-left!