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I have started to do more driving for my job and it takes me all over the place. I do not have a sat nav and yet I am coping marvellously.
I just google map the route, look at it on my atlas and away we go.

Google maps are ( IMO) much better than  AA route finder - clearer and easier to follow.

Am I alone here or are there others like me who like their road atlas?

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We have Sat Nav built in and at first my OH was a convert. I loved it - it saved so many arguments and fraught journeys especially when travelling in France used to be so relaxed.

However recently my OH has started to second guess the Sat Nav or try alternatives's like he's in competition with it - it drives me mad TBH. I think he see's her (we call the Sat Nav Eloise) as a threat to his masculinity.
Soozy Woo
I think he see's her (we call the Sat Nav Eloise) as a threat to his masculinity.
hahahahaha. Our one doesn't have a name, but we might have a naming competition later. My toddlers will probably end up calling her (hubby prefers her!) Peppa or Makka Pakka.
We sometimes try to beat the sat nav too, but nothing beats the trick my dad taught us all those years ago....if you're stuck in traffic in London, follow the first black cab you see doing a sudden U Turn or left/right and sure enough all the rat runs will lead you near to a main route and escape from the grid lock 
Reference: Isadora
Google maps are ( IMO) much better than AA route finder - clearer and easier to follow.
I too don't have a sat nav and use Google maps. I go all over the place and I find the Google map ability to zoom in to street level so that I can actually see the house or whatever I am going to. This is particularly useful where the house I am going to in in a small village where there are no road names and the houses don't have numbers, just names.
El Loro
Sat nav are a fantastic invention.  The amount of times I've got lost when it could have been avoided.  Just takes the stress out of driving.  Google maps and streetview are another tool to get a general overview of the journey and visualise landmarks but as my memory's a bit dodgy and my sense of direction even worse, it's nice to use a sat nav for the extra piece of mind.
I've had a tom tom 500 since it first came out about 5 years ago - I lurrrvvvee it. My only complaint is the woman in it is dead patronising and on a few occasions I've wanted to lamp one right on her nose, plus if you're in a traffic jam on the M25 and you turn off to get to where you're going through town she INSISTS you need to get back on the M25 again (cos she's a bit slow) - this goes on for about 15 minutes until she realises you are going a different way and then she redirects you. I've been known to be in the car alone and have full blown shouty arguments with the little box stuck to my windscreen

It's true that you become totally dependent on it though, I've lost count of the amount of times I've been to Birmingham and back and yet all I know is you need the M40 and M42 to get there - after that I'd be lost
So if a sat nav told me to turn R in a 100 yards, I would be clueless!
I'm the same, but I just look at the map on the sat nav to tell me (the orange line is me). It's funny if I miss my turning cos she gets right narky and keeps telling me to turn around I'm waiting for the day where she just loses it and shouts 'OI YOU STUPID COW, I SAID TURN AROUND- ARE YOU BLEEDIN DEAF?'
I've had a tom tom 500 since it first came out about 5 years ago - I lurrrvvvee it. My only complaint is the woman in it is dead patronising and on a few occasions I've wanted to lamp one right on her nose, plus if you're in a traffic jam on the M25 and you turn off to get to where you're going through town she INSISTS you need to get back on the M25 again (cos she's a bit slow) - this goes on for about 15 minutes until she realises you are going a different way and then she redirects you. I've been known to be in the car alone and have full blown shouty arguments with the little box stuck to my windscreen It's true that you become totally dependent on it though, I've lost count of the amount of times I've been to Birmingham and back and yet all I know is you need the M40 and M42 to get there - after that I'd be lost
*looks smug*

I drove to Birmingham a couple of weeks ago using my directions on a piece of paper and a road map. I did not get lost and I could do the journey again without anything next time cos I remembered the land marks

Sorry Karma..
We spent a good half an hour, recently, completely ignoring its advice, and ending up in the same place several times. I had to shout at him to do what it bliddy well tells him to do!
Join the club ...............why do men do that? If you've got guidance on hand .........................why do they (men) think they know better? I sometimes wonder if we switched it to a male voice that he'd actually listen.
Soozy Woo
Reference:  Isadora
using my directions on a piece of paper and a road map.
I do that too, and even then it's just for the final details of the (unknown) destination.
I seem to have my own inbuilt Sat Nav as I very rarely get lost.
What I will NOT ever do is type in the address and suffer the infernal witterings of Female Sat Nav Voice.  It's like having a back seat driver giving you earache.  So much so, that we now call it The Sat NAG.

Ooh, one question.  How the hell do people stupidly turn on to railway lines etc...?
Don't they engage their brains and SEE that it's not THAT turning?
I seem to have my own inbuilt Sat Nav as I very rarely get lost.
OMG ...........that's amazing. I am the complete opposite. We have been together for 36 years ........we've been lost in the car endless times. When it comes to a decision should we go left or right ..................Im always convinced that I know and I'm always 100% wrong. It's got to the point where my husband asks me and then does the complete opposite. I think my brain works back to front.
Soozy Woo
Last year I went to Appleby Gypsy fair, on the way out the police had blocked the road so the gypsies could race the horses. my sat nav brought me back to Appleby about six times, eventually I drove about eight miles in some direction I didn't know until my sat nav picked me up , got home eventually about three hours later than I should have.
Mary Seacole
I seem to have a photographic memory when it comes to getting around on the roads. Dunno why or how - I just do.  I wouldn't care if I got lost or took a wrong turning....I guess I just like driving in general.
Now you see ........I don't drive. I've taken two driving tests and failed miserably. I'm not a stupid person but ...................I'm a bit iffy with my left and right (on driving lessons used to felt tip an L and R on the relevant hands) not much cop on spatial awareness either. As for sense of direction ..................I'm completely hopeless. It's quite shameful really. I know that I'd be a disaster on the roads is inconvenient not driving but I think skills lie elsewhere.
Soozy Woo
I'm like Cosmo and once I've been somewhere will remember the way and where I am going even though I don't drive. For years it was me telling my husband where to go cos he was useless before he did the knowledge. He's good though he does have a sat nav...he hardly uses it only for jobs that take him out a long way or to check for traffic or where petrol garages are
I've just got back from Milton Keynes...   Pamela (our satnav) saved our lives.... poor thing had to say  "enter roundabout and take second exit" about a hundred times...  

we ignore her a lot though...   she seems to have a fascination for going to explore Maldon..  and the "recalculating" she says when we drive past the A12 exit is said with venom!

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