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In my yoof Bank Holidays meant day trips away. In my teens and early 20's it meant partying from Friday to Monday and strobe lights. In my mid-late 20's it meant decorating and Homebase. In my 30's it's usually meant getting pulled for speeding and thinking of alibi's. Today it means spending the day running after the dog who keeps knocking the feckin plants over
I can't remember much about Bank Holidays when I was young - it was probably because it was just another lovely day to play outside with my friends -certainly we would have not gone anywhere cos of all the crowds of like minded people.

Having said that, if there were a fete or something on, we would always go to that.
certainly we would have not gone anywhere cos of all the crowds of like minded people
Wish my dad was like that - he relished the challenge of motorway traffic and seeing how long he could get away with driving down the inside lane for without getting caught  He'd shove the Elvis cassette in, turn it up full blast and away we'd go, with me screaming 'are we there yet'

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